
CHAPTER 111 Bend or Break

  Damien's POV

  "Again." My father's shrill voice bounced off the derelict walls of the training room; Its high ceilings and neglected walls meant that awful sound carried, which of course, was the purpose I noted touching the fabric he had placed over my eyes to limit my vision and hide his advances. He wanted me to 'feel and sense' my way through training today. 

  "What is the use of having a wolf, son, if you do not rely on some of its powers occasionally." He grunted. Closing my eyes, I almost wish he was back on team 'suppress wolf' because he had had me training ever since I returned home today. 

  "We might as well have him stuffed and mounted on the wall, given how useless he is." My father taunted me for what felt like the millionth time. Ares was ignoring him, refusing to be baited. He knew my father just wanted to assess and use him in his twisted plots for power and control. 

  Plots that he wanted no part of! His focus today was solely on Red and her birthday!