
CHAPTER 110 Family First

  Abigail's POV

  "Don't!" The adorable voice of Jasmine whispered; I could see the anxiety on her face, the uncertainty in her young eyes as she looked over at Jason and Maxwell in the doorway. 

  "It's OK, sweetheart. I am stronger than I look." I smiled soothingly, rubbing her cheek tenderly as I nodded to her friends. "Go play, sweet girl." I cooed; with a reluctant smile, she let go of my hand and scampered off to her friends, who were playing on the mat, oblivious to the drama unfolding around them. 

  Turning my back on them once satisfied they were safe, I marched to where the two men stood, squaring up to one another. I might not have been able to hear a lot, but I could sense the anger coming off Jason in waves; the disappointment from Maxwell was not exactly missable either. 

  "For goodness sake!" I huffed, pushing between them; I pressed my hands on both males' chests and pushed them apart.