
CHAPTER 109 Give Him an Inch

  Jason's POV

  With an almost silent click, the electronic doors and windows locked with only the smallest of warnings from my father; my eyes shot to Abigail, who seemed oblivious to what was happening around us or the potential threat being launched at her. 

  "Stay calm!" Archer snarled, watching her through my eyes. "Your father is watching and assessing you, and where your loyalties lie, don't give him an inch." He warned.  

  "No, the bastard will take a mile!" I agreed, keeping my composure calm even if I could feel Marcus gunning for an altercation between us, his earlier thawed ice well and truly restored. Nodding to Marcus, we watched Abbi walk through the living room, her fingers tracing the soft plush fabrics and expensive ornaments my mother had brought back from her travels.