
CHAPTER 104 Crazy Jealous

  Abigail's POV

  'She knows my mother and father wish to see you... and...' he couldn't just leave the sentence there. I wanted to know what else he had told her; was I walking into that pack house to have my eyes clawed out by a crazy, jealous female wolf? 

  "And..." I prompted,  "What else?" Looking at him with an exaggerated pout, I grinned, seeing it had got his attention, forcing a smile to twist upon his handsome face. The bastard was far too good-looking when he smiled like that, and he knew it.

  "Do you love D?" He questioned, raising a brow as we drove up the driveway to what looked like a giant castle built in the middle of a forest; it was giving off serious enchanted fairytale vibes! It looked nothing like what I envisioned a pack house filled with testosterone-filled males to look like. 

  As his words sunk in, I pulled my eyes from the 'pack house' to look at him hard in his beautiful green eyes, shaking my head with a smirk.