
CHAPTER 102 Battle of Wills

  Damien's POV

  "Something on your mind, Red." I asked plainly as I checked her fridge for something to eat?

  "I didn't think demons ate." I heard Archer mumble, making me grunt; his wolf was strong, stronger than Ares, it seemed he had given into whatever spell my father had cast and was hiding it out. Yet Archer was desperately fighting its potency and trying to make himself known. I respected that.

  "THAT is your take on our conversation." I heard Jason laugh at his wolf; "You have never been this docile and un-opinionated before- ever." He chuckled, Archer as if proving Jay's point, yawned sleepily and drifted back to sleep. 

  With my back to the pair, I felt Red's anger ripple through the room; I knew it wasn't truly aimed at me. The spell and the new dynamics disconcerted her; she didn't know where she stood. 

  What she wanted or who.

  "You have nothing to say, Damien? Nothing to add to the conversation?" Red fumed, bringing me back to the here and now.