
The Envelope

That's it. I'm done, Liza has pushed it. I ran to "The Jungle" of course, it wasn't a real jungle, just a forest. I could see jaguars already roaming around it. I moved away from them, I did not want a fight nor to mate. I always came here when life reached limits. It made me feel peaceful. I ran as fast as my human form could take me, converting into a jaguar at the same time. I could feel my dirty blonde fur coming out, my hind legs tightened- and suddenly- I was a Jaguar. I ran, further then I ever had! I could smell that males looking for sex were coming, but I didn't care. I made it as obvious as I could I didn't want anything to do with them. Two jaguars appeared, I growled in anger, warning them. One walked away. The other came closer and smelt my hind leg, I got angrier and bit his neck, I bit it till I heard him squeal and knew if I bit harder, he would die, I let him go. He scurried away. Finally, a few moments later I was back to me... My dirty blonde hair, my blue eyes, and my freckles. I sat down behind a tree... but it was different... there was no calmness here, no, I felt eyes on me... I turned around to see Jac... he was the most handsome man I had ever seen, the soon to be king! Here? Around me? He was so close... his golden eyes staring at me. "Don't make eye contact!" I whispered to myself in my head. I definitely did not want to mate, nor did I want to be seen as a threat to him. He looked at my hand... what was it? Then I realized he wasn't staring me, it was my hand, I drew a tattoo of a wolf, it was my best art.

"That's not so bad."

"T-thank you, Alpha."

Suddenly he was gone? Why'd he come so near and just.. disappear like that? But... I had just been with the Alpha! THE alpha!

I blushed hard, but I suddenly went back home.

"Look who decided to visit!" Liza said. "I didn't mean to annoy you! It's just, it would be good to get a mate, wouldn't it?"

"Enough! Enough, Liza, please. I can't take your nonsense. You know I love you but I'm going to sleep."

Before I walked up the stairs my mum gasped, my dad yelled "Girls!"

Me and Liza went to them, in mum's hand was a envelope,

"We've been invited to have dinner with the Alpha."