
The Alpha Kings Beloved

Sevika Emery entered the world not knowing who she was or where she came from. Taken in by the Alpha family of the Rafina Pack, she is given the name of a slave and treated as such. She doesn't believe there is a chance to escape her fated life until the day she is forced to marry in place of her sister - to the cruel and murderous Alpha King. Now, Sevika believes her miserable life will end, and can only hope it ends painlessly. But to her surprise, Caspian Eros isn't the man he is rumoured to be, and Sevika now has a choice she never thought she would have before - to live for herself.

JadePeoni · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs


My blood turned to ice in my veins as I listened to his words.

"That isn't good, right?"

Caspian sighed. "No, it's not. She tried to convince me to break off the marriage."

"Wait, is that all?"

He looked shocked. "What do you mean?"

"I assumed she would want to have me killed off, but if all she is asking is to call off the marriage, isn't that better?" It certainly was to me. So, why did he look so disappointed?

"Is that really what you would want?" he asked.

I bit my lip. "Well, I'd rather not die. If that is my only other option, would you not do the same?"

He rushed to answer. "I would never want to put you in harm's way, but…" he paused. "I couldn't bring myself to agree. I told my mother I refused to call off the marriage. I-I'm sorry, Aurora."

"Why are you apologizing?"

He hung his head. "Because I acted on my selfish desires. I don't want to call off this marriage, and I certainly don't want to send you back to that family." He stopped and looked up at my clothing. "I noticed that your dress was sewed last night, what happened?"

"Is that really the focus right now?" I asked and avoided his gaze.

"The Emery family is staying for breakfast this morning because Alpha Magnus wants to know what happened when he suddenly woke up in the garden, with a slew of alcohol bottles around him."

I bit my lip to hide my smile.

"We can talk about that at another time. We have a more pressing matter at the moment. What are we going to do about your mother?"

"I'm not sure, she seemed to begrudgingly accept my refusal, but I'm experienced enough to know that isn't the end. Until then, you are not to eat or drink anything unless it comes from me or Carlak, understood?"

I sighed and nodded. I was used to being on high alert when I lived with the Emery's, but I had hoped to finally be able to learn how to relax.

"At the risk of offending you…do I really have to go to this breakfast?" I asked.

Caspian patted my head affectionately.

"I apologize, but it will be rude and possibly offensive to your family if you do not attend. I promise they will not step out of line in my presence, or they will witness the consequences firsthand."

I smiled up at him. This did make me feel a little better, but I was still reminded of what happened at the ball with Magnus and hoped that Carlak kept his word and made it look like an accident. If so, I had nothing to worry about with Caspian by my side.

I never thought I would be able to say that about anyone, or ever rely on someone like I had come to rely on Caspian. It was both refreshing and frightening, and I wasn't sure which emotion overpowered the other.

We entered the dining room, and everyone silenced themselves. I avoided direct contact with anyone but felt the look of envy from Alaira as Caspian pulled my chair out for me with a kind-hearted smile.

"I must say, we are so happy to see our little Sevika flourishing –"

"It is Aurora now, but it is pronounced 'her highness' to you," Caspian had briefly cut off my mother when she tried to bring up my old name. I stifled my laughter.

"Yes, Mother, I am doing quite well here. I was given a new name by the royal family, one better fitting of my new title." I felt Caspian side-eye me when he realized I used his own words.

Her smile tightened. "Well, it is very pretty."

The kitchen doors opened, and the food was served, saving the awkward conversation that was taking place. Caspian placed one plate between us like usual, but it caught the curiosity of the others. I pointed out what I wanted, and he filled the plate, then tried a bite out of everything before he pushed it toward me.

"What a…quaint little thing you do. You must love our daughter dearly," my mother commented.

"I am merely calming the severe fear she has from being poisoned. I believe it has something to do with her upbringing," he paused and turned to me. "Isn't that right, my dear?"

I once again had to hide my smile and nodded. He was playing them perfectly.

The air was sucked out of the room when they caught on to what he was hinting at.

He put his fork down and grinned. "Now, what was it you were here to speak about?"

"It was such a trivial matter, nothing worth discussing and ruining such a perfect meal," my father stepped in, a broad grin on his face. He loved that I was on such good terms with Caspian, I could already see the gears as they turned behind his eyes, plotting ways to exploit me for better gain.

Everyone has a price on their soul, and I wondered how much Caspian was willing to sell his.

Thankfully, the rest of breakfast went by rather fast, and I was able to excuse myself with Caspian for my morning lessons. But when we exited the dining hall, Caspian turned the wrong way down the hall and escorted me back to the bedroom.

"Why are we here? I have etiquette class right now."

He closed the doors and locked them, my heart jumped into my throat.

"I believe you have something to tell me, do you not?"

I fiddled with my fingers nervously. "I'm not sure what you mean."

He angrily grasped my face, but still managed to be gentle.

"What happened when you disappeared at the ball last night? Why did Carlak stash Alpha Magnus' body in the garden? Why did he make it look like he was wasted, and why are there bruises on your wrist?" he cried out at the end and lifted my hands that I tried hard to hide in my sleeves.

"Nothing happened, Carlak was there in time," I whispered.

He slammed his fist into the wall behind me. "Tell me, Aurora, or I'll start ripping heads off every male who looks at you!" he roared.

I flinched and reeled back but he didn't lighten up.

"First…you have to promise not to get mad," I said.

He let out a dry laugh. "I'm well beyond that point."

"I mean you can't get mad and do something irresponsible."

"Protecting my wife is being irresponsible?" he cried incredulously.

I sighed. "Protecting your status and image is more important."

"I could give a rats ass about any of that! My wife was attacked, and I didn't even know. Now, you refuse to tell me what happened. Are you protecting your attacker?"


"Then, tell me what the fuck happened, now!"

"It was Alpha Magnus…"