
The Alpha Kings Beloved

Sevika Emery entered the world not knowing who she was or where she came from. Taken in by the Alpha family of the Rafina Pack, she is given the name of a slave and treated as such. She doesn't believe there is a chance to escape her fated life until the day she is forced to marry in place of her sister - to the cruel and murderous Alpha King. Now, Sevika believes her miserable life will end, and can only hope it ends painlessly. But to her surprise, Caspian Eros isn't the man he is rumoured to be, and Sevika now has a choice she never thought she would have before - to live for herself.

JadePeoni · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs


Caspian was still missing come the next morning and since I was used to waking up much earlier than everyone else, I was up before a maid was able to wake me up and tell me where I should go. I had no idea where the dining room was or when breakfast was even served.

Thankfully a maid knocked on the door soon after.

"Excuse me, my lady, is it alright for the doctor to come in now?" she asked.

"What doctor? I never sent for one."

"No, but someone very concerned for you did," a man chuckled and in walked a pack doctor. "I was hauled here in the middle of the night, but I was told to wait until you were awake. The name is Marlyn and there is nothing to fear, my lady, I'm just here for a routine check-up."

"A check-up for what?" I asked. I had never been seen by a doctor, my family always claimed I was healthy for my age and never needed to, though many times I had doubted that who was I to say differently?

"Just to make sure everything is working as it should be. Just lay back and I'll run a few tests."

I did as I was instructed and Marlyn took out what looked like a small metal disc on the end of two rubber noodles that wrapped around his neck and placed the cold disc against my chest several times to check my breathing. He nodded and moved on to sticking a plastic stick under my armpit and took another stick to check for something inside my mouth.

These were the weirdest tests I ever had performed on myself, but it wasn't until he took out a needle did panic started to settle in. A scream left my lips, and I backed up against the headboard.

The bedroom door slammed open and Caspian stormed in.

"What is going on here?" he asked.

"I believe the lady is afraid of needles."

Caspian frowned and I instantly regretted my actions.

"I-I'm okay," I muttered and scooted back over.

Caspian blocked me with his arm and narrowed his eyes at the doctor.

"What is the needle for?" he asked.

"Well, it's just a simple blood test, I was going to take a bit of her blood –"

"No, move on to the next test."

Marlyn is startled by Caspian's demand but nods and puts the needle away.

"Well, that was the last test. My lady, you are severely malnourished and underweight, I believe you also have some fractured bones in your chest that never healed properly and are obstructing your breathing and blood flow. When was the last time you shifted?"

'Oh no, what am I supposed to say?' 

I looked at Caspian, but he merely gazed back at me with a blank expression. What was he going to do when he found out I had never shifted thanks to the slave mark?

"I, uh…I've never shifted."

The silence in the room was so heavy, a pin would be easy to find if dropped.

"I apologize, my lady, but do you mind elaborating on that?"

"That isn't what you're here for. Her scars, what can be done about them?" Caspian cut in. Was that why he called a doctor so early in the morning?

"They can't be removed with normal medicines or remedies. Scars like that can only be removed by either holy water or a strong healing substance. Both might be found in the Black Market if you want to risk dealing with those tricky Elves."

"The chances of finding holy water are slim to none. What other healing substances are there?"

Marlyn frowned and thought it over. "Your best bet would be getting your hands on a few vials of sirens blood, it's the most effective for healing but is known to be poisonous. I'm not sure in her current health, she would survive those effects."

"Then it's out of the question," Caspian said.

"Wait, no, I can do it."

He scoffed at me. "Don't be ridiculous, did you not just hear him? You're unhealthy and you won't survive, it's a death sentence."

I gave him a pleading look and hoped the doctor would get the hint.

"If there isn't anything else, I'll leave you to it. Contact me if there is anything else," Marlyn said and nodded his head before leaving.

"Sevika, what makes you so sure you will survive this?"

I've already admitted as much as I have, and instead of killing or banishing me, he called a doctor to try and heal my scars. I have started to believe Caspian isn't anything like the rumours that have floated around about him.

"Because I have ingested Siren's blood before, and many other poisons."

"What?" Caspian growled. "Did you do this willingly?"

"Not exactly, but in a way, yes. It was fed to me through my adopted siblings, through either my food or drink. The first few times I didn't know what was happening and thought I was just getting an upset stomach or sick from eating good food for a change, but it didn't take me long to realize my symptoms were from ingesting poisoned herbs, plants and whatever else they could get their hands on."

Caspian fell to his knees in front of me and hung his head.

"What are you doing? Please stand up!" I cried and tried to pick him up. He grabbed my hands instead and steadied me.

"Is that why you were sick at dinner last night?" he asked quietly.

"Yes, it was. It has become hard for me to eat food, just the thought makes me sick."

He squeezed my hands. "I'm sorry," he muttered.

"What? Why are you – "

He stood up suddenly and marched out the door. I was stunned and remained on the floor until he returned a few minutes later with a tray of what looked like soup and a glass of water. He put the tray down on the table by the couch and walked back over to me.

To my utter shock, he picked me up and carried me over to the couch where I was plopped down in front of the tray. He then sat down across from me and took the spoon off the tray and took a spoonful of the soup, then took a sip of the water.

"Is that enough to ensure you it is safe to eat?" he asked.

I felt tears prick the corners of my eyes. Was any of this real? No one had gone to this extent just to make me feel comfortable like this, let alone from a man who is supposed to be a cruel tyrant who killed all his other wives.

"Yes, thank you, Alpha," I whispered and took the spoon from him.

I dipped it into the bowl and managed to pick up a spoonful and smell the chicken aroma without feeling sick.

"Caspian," he spoke suddenly.


He cleared his throat and looked away. "Call me Caspian, we are married after all."

I bowed my head to hide the small smile that crept onto my face and took the spoonful of soup. The instant the soothing liquid touched my tongue, it burst with sweet flavours of chicken and rice, tastes I haven't had without experiencing crushing pain afterwards.

I could eat it freely without harm. This thought was enough to move me to tears, they streamed down my face as I continued eating. I could feel Caspian's eyes on me the entire time and I wondered what he was thinking as he watched this pathetic girl crying over food, a girl he just agreed to marry. I wanted to ask him if he had had any regrets so far, but something told me to stay silent and just enjoy the moment.

He had shown me an ounce of kindness. I would be a fool to ask for a pound more.