
The Alpha God

WARNING: MATURE CONTENT A rebellious teenager caring very little about anything and everything finds herself in a situation of submission and helplessness where she remembers nothing about herself or her past. She meets a savior who turns out to be more than just a savior but also connected to her soul. How long will it take for her to realize this?

_Nanika_ · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
48 Chs

Different school

"Evie, are you okay?" Dave said with worry on his face when he saw his little sister space out mid-sentence. "Evie?" he tried calling out to her, this time shacking her shoulders.

"Huh? Yes. You were saying?" she replied snapping out of it.

"You were the one doing the talking. Are you sure you're okay? You know you can tell me anything right?" he said staring into her eyes.

"I- I saw w something. Like an image in my head. You know, like when you remember something or imagine it. But it's not something I've seen before. I saw myself sitting on the floor in a room and staring upwards at something that seemed to have surprised me. It looked wierd like something bad was going on but I didn't see what." she explained. Dave was the only one she could share information like this with and also her dad. She seemed to trust them to intervene the right way.

"Hmm... I see. I don't really have an explanation for that but I think it was just an image from a dream that flashed. You know, sometimes we dream of something and forget it and then a little something reminds us of it."

"Yeah, maybe. Just forget it. The topic alone gives of a wierd vibe. I can see you ended up not setting up your room yourself. Lazy brat."

"I'm not a lazy brat. I'm just not into tidying and arranging. Have mom and dad told you about the school you're attending over here. I heard them talk about it back at the hotel." Dave said as he stood up from the bed to stretch his body.

"Nope. Any school is fine, long as it's not a private school. I hate uniforms, unnecessary rules, and some other stupid attachments that the school may come up with."

"I know right. But remember that schools are resuming in a less than a week. Are you prepared?"

"What preparation is needed apart from registration into the school and picking up a few textbooks and stationeries. What about you? What preparations are you making or have you made?"She asked

He paused his movements as he sat back on the bed beside her "Huh.... about that.... uhm. I'm actually going to a different school. I was going to tell you earlier but I didn't find the right time to."

She looked for hints of a joke in his eyes but found none.

"Wait, you're joking right?" she scoffed.

"No I'm not. It's just a year left or even less. I figured that that school is a little more advantageous. It's just that only final year students attend the school,so..."

"Mom and dad already knew?"


'Bullshit.' she thought.

"You all fucking knew but decided to say nothing. The fuck is wrong with this family. Y'all just do whatever. How long did you guys intend to keep it from me? When did you plan to tell me? On Monday morning when we are ready to go to school?" she said in anger and frustration.

"Evie, look it's not what you think. I knew you'd not agree from the start so I decided to prolong it a little till it's too late to change it. But I swear I was still going to tell you. Look, I'm sorry, okay." he tried to make her reason with him.

"Fuck you all." she got up and stormed out of the room.

'sigh'. He had no idea what to do at that point. Once she's angry, convincing her was like pouring water in a basket. He had to wait for her to calm down.

However in Evie's room...

"I can't believe this. I'm not even too upset about him going to a different school... or maybe I am. But prolonging it only made me more upset about it. Aarrggghh... this family is just something else entirely. At least telling me earlier would make me prepare my mind. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck." she banged the side of the bed.

The bond Evie had formed with her brother was not too easy to snap. They usually drive to and from school together in Dave's car. At home too, they were best of friends. People who didn't know them would think they were in the cutest and most romantic relationship due to their lack of resemblance. The only one she could open up to in her dad's absence. Now, some stupid school is tearing them apart little by little.

'Maybe I over reacted. I should at least be happy for him.'

She stood up to go to his room but when she opened her door, she already saw him standing there.

"Hey, you okay?" he said when he saw she was somewhat calm.

"Hmm. Come in." she stepped backwards to let him talk in.

Without sitting, "Evie, I'm sorry. I know I don't have an excuse..."

"What's the school like?" she cut him off.

"Ah... I... uh. It's a really big school. It's for final year students both for highschool and college. They conduct the usual exams required for graduation just like usual schools. The students are allowed to visit their families every two weeks on weekends..."

"Hold up, hold up. It's a boarding school?" she asked with wide eyes.

Dave moved and sat beside his sister on the edge of the bed. He held her shoulders to face him as he began. "Evie, I know this is a lot to take in but. It's a really good school. I love the school but I love you more. That's why I'll try my best to visit and I promise to make the most of it. Please."

" Okay. Not like there's any way for me to oppose it."

"Thank you. I love you." he held her in a tight hug.

"Make sure to call me every day or at least as often as you can, alright?" she mumbled on his chest.

To her, this was a lot for her to take in but it was for his happiness and for his own good.

"I will. And to make it up to you, I'll follow you to school on your first day of school. Is that okay?"

"It's perfect." she smiled.