
The Alpha's Obsession

Check out my new novel " Captive of the sea" .................................................................... My heart bled for them, my tears soaked my body. I swallowed every sob, digesting the horrific sight before me. My eyes widened when he took hold of my mother, she didn't fight back. " Who are you? father asked. " I'm Kale Oliver, Alpha of silver moon pack. I have longed waited to pay you back for killing the werecreatures. " This is your wife, right? Kale asked with an evil smile. " how much do you love her? " Please, if there is anyone you will kill, please don't harm her and my daughter, I beg you " Dad pleaded. Mother sniffed, her eyes finding mine. Her eyes held so much warning, so much love. Kale's claws Pierced into her throat, digging into her windpipe. He yanked out her oesophagus and vocal cord. Blood gushed out of her throat and eyes, her mouth Sharing the same fate. " Bring the girl out of the Barrow.." " busted! " busted! Did I care? No, I didn't. The moment I felt my mother life leave her body, something in me snapped, something was destroyed. I couldn't still shake as their leader commanded them to take me. " Burn down this island " I watched as the whole island was drowned in flame, the spirit of my people rising to Hades for their crimes. " Goodbye Vanessa, I love you " mother's voice whispered. Goodbye, mother........ Trapped in her fate, Vanessa tries to overcome her fears, stop the evil darkness and also try to untie herself under the claws of love she never opted for. ...

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38 Chs

Chapter 26: Doing The Needful

An Eerie noise could be heard within the domain, the darkness held some certain uncertainty behind its veil. Who knows what might be lurking in the shadows.

"Brandon! A frightening voice rumbled.

He quickly ran and bowed before him, the dark lord who was sometimes called the father of ages. No one knows his real name and those face of his that he hid behind those scary masks.

" Why are you this sluggish and unprepared for what we have been planning for ages?

"Now I have given you the wolf abilities, what's still keeping you from discovering the Trinity?

"Am sorry if we are still not following your orders".

" Sorry? He huffed.

" We are running out of time, gather the soldiers and go search for it, I won't take any excuse or tolerate any form of mistakes."

" Burn down cities, tear down walls and retrieve what belongs to me!

"Don't show mercy, kill, destroy, crumble, crush, pound, plunder, break down anything possible in your way. " Remember I won't tolerate any mistake".

"Yes my lord".

And with one last bow, he left his presence.

" Hahaha! He snickered.

"I recollect when the same fate happened to me years back. It seems nice to repay good with good and evil with evil".

" Don't worry, what you took away from me will be mine." As he was referring to an inanimate article.


I wanted to run away but discovered I have been surrounded.

The looks on their face were looming, and they started coming out of their hiding place one after the other.

"I know she will undoubtedly come back," a voice said.

"Why is she here? Another voice spoke.

" Maybe she was sent by them to come and spy if any of us survived the war", a short figure spoke.

"Tie her at the execution ground", a tall huge figure spoke.

" Excuse me, did you just say an execution ground?

I received a hot slap from one of them. It made the head spin that I almost lost balance.

"Can't you give me a chance to explain myself?

" And why should we?

"Tie her up!

Like a sheep led to the slaughter, I was bound in shackles, pushed and dragged to the execution ground.

When we got there, memories of how my mother saved a werewolf from getting killed by my father filled my thought.

The execution ground was set up by my grandfather who was the king at that time to punish all who disobeyed the law.

During his reign, he was feared and was very powerful that no other beings troubled our kind. We lived in peace then according to what my father told me, not until one day, he went hunting with his warriors when he was captured by something mysterious, and he never returned to the island again. Whether he was dead or alive, no one could tell.

That was when they decided to make my father the king.

Then my father fell for the temptation of eating werewolf. He caught one the day he went hunting, and he decided to kill him by getting the wolf executed on the platform.

It makes me wonder why these powerful creature couldn't defend themselves. But I learned from my mother that my father had a very powerful sorceress that made a spell that could make those wolves weak and less ferocious.

Mother managed to save the dying wolf that day. And it was still the same creatures that made her experience what she was seeing today.

Here am I, bound on the same platform because of those creatures I and mother tried to protect, and now am about to be killed for the same reason? This is ironic.

" Is this fate? Murmured.

After I was tied to a pole, the next thing I saw was unpleasant. No, unpleasant was an understatement. It was horrendous.

They brought out a big pot with steam coming out from it. They placed it a few meters away from me.

"Should in case you don't know what is before you, this is a pot with boiling oil" he sneered.

"We want to avenge the blood of brothers and sisters, mother and fathers, cousins, niece, uncles, friends and families together with all those who lost their lives due to your stupidity."

"Your death will be the only thing they would like to see before their spirits rest in peace".

This is the least of what I expected. I never in my life prepared myself for unpredictable or the worst circumstances like this. This has taught me a lesson. A lesson I will never forget in this life and the one to come.

" Do you not regret the consequences of your actions" I spoke courageously.

"We will only regret it if we don't avenge their death"

"They were roasted by fire, but you are going to be fried by hot burning oil." He snapped.

"That payment will balance the bridge".

I just stood motionless as I watched them, shouting;

" Kill her"

" She doesn't deserve to live."

"She should be fried immediately let's feed her body to those wolves," another voice said.

"Why should we waste time, let's skin her alive and watch her die slowly, giving her an instant death won't be necessary".

I couldn't bear the words there were hurling out from their mouth. I just shut my eyes, embracing my fear, let go of my sensitivities and emotions as I waited for the worst to happen.

" If I die, I have nothing to regret".

"At least am still happy that there are still people who love and accepted me the way I am".

My memories with my mother filled my brain and thought, I recollected the cheerful and warming smile of Giselle and Carina.

As I was lost in my reflections, a loud howl brought me back to reality. They all panicked at the sound of it.

" What's that sound" one of the men asked.

"I said it earlier, she's a spy, the wolves are here to kill us all. Let's kill her first before they kill us. At least let's get our revenge before we die."

At his words, two hefty men grabbed me and were about to throw me into the boiling oil, when a loud voice interrupted them.

" They are not Wolves, I think it's another creature here, one of the warriors said.

"Protect yourselves!!

They were all afraid and ran for safety. Some men went into a fight with those creatures that just looked like wolves.

It will be hard to distinguish between both.

The island soon turned into a battlefield. I couldn't just stand doing nothing and with the help of the skills mother taught me, I quickly removed the shackles and wanted to protect them, but that will be in vain because they wanted me dead.

Instead of staying and later dying for nothing, I flew for my life.

I started running in the direction of the forest and discovered that two of those creatures were after me.

I increased my pace and ran faster, the blood in my veins pumping faster as I ran for safety.

Likewise, I didn't know where I was running to, I just did as my brain directed.

The last thing I will ever wish for is to be caught by these creatures and face another chronicle of torture.

I looked back and discovered I have lost track and I couldn't see the creatures pursuing me.

I ran a little and fell down a slope, rumbling down till I lost consciousness, everything turning into darkness…