
Chapter 70

Dean and Cai are the same guys we all know. Dean is the most energetic person I know (seriously he has problems, he doesn't stop moving and talking) and helps Kyle a lot with the basic training. Cai is the serious, mostly silent man that used to be and has the best analytical mind there is. His knowledge now with Albert here has reached another level and he talks with him about special tactics and battle plans for any condition.

Travis and Julia are a big support for all of us. Travis stands next to George and they help each other deal with Luna Maya's absence. Julia is standing by Fern's side like a rock and together they replace Ember's role as a Luna as well.

Unfortunately, or fortunately Ember was not only an Alpha for the pack. She is a woman and she had to behave like a Luna sometimes as well and her absence costs us a lot mentally. She was the pack's heart and now it is difficult but we are trying to deal with it and it seems that we are at a good point.