
Chapter 164

"Is Tia alright? She saved me and... Who was that man? Tia seemed like she knew him. She told me to leave!" I speak up after a while and they pull back awkwardly.

"Tia is still sleeping, she has some deep cuts all over her left hand and some bruises on her neck and back. They gave her some painkillers and she is dizzy so... She needs some time. I was with her all that time and your mom stayed here with you! And as for that... Man..." my dad explains and pauses.


"Ember!" Bryan's voice comes from the corridor outside and I jump up instinctually.

"Ouch!" I cry out when my foot touches the floor and my mom catches me in time before I fall.

Why on earth does it hurt so much?

"Ember!" Bryan shouts breaking into the room and rushes to me.