

************* At X Cirty ************ *************** In Raven Woods ***********

It was 8:56 when hazel began her strole,the environment was quite , with the trees blocking the view of the full moon , while walking she suddenly began to hear strange noises , sounding like an animal whipping in pain , felling worried she began to follow the sound deeper and deeper into the woods and when she finally reached were the sound was coming from ,she was shocked and scared to see a large sized gray coloured wolf ,at first she was scared , but when she noticed the arrow stock at the right side of it's stomach her fear turned to worry ; hearing approaching footsteps the wolf stood in alt ready to pounds on her if she made any roung move , building up courage hazel began to take slow steps forward.

It's alright am not going to hurt you,i just want to help. hazel said in a soft low tone seeing she was really their to help the wolf lyed back on the floor, hazel quickly went to sit beside it stearing at the wound she became confused, after thinking for awhile she placed her hand on the arrow. it's going to hurt alittle hazel said before pulling out the arrow and to her surprise the wolf din't make a sound, picking up her hand made hankey she placed it on the wound,she then ripped off the bottom of her top causing her flat whiteish stomach to be exposed which strangely drawed the wolf's attention for a few minutes, she then tyred the handkerchief to his stomach with the ripped material, when she was finnaly done she clearned her bloody hands on her skirt before standing up , i have to leave now mum mum would get worried if i stay out too late. hazel said and was about to leave when the wolf suddenly blocked her parth. you want me to stay okay then I'll stay but I'll early in the morning ,i don't want to be late hazel said and sat back down.