
Getting Ready Pt. 2

Zara's Point of View

We were sitting in the Uber now heading off to the nightclub. It had been ages since Aláine and I had gone out together. She didn't often come out with me because she was such a study nerd, but I had finally managed to persuade her tonight.

I shouldn't really have called her a study nerd. She spoke seven languages, after all. I just had a fine arts degree and had no idea if it would be useful for anything worthwhile.

At least the study part of our lives was over, and this was a chance for us to let loose. Aláine looked great in one of my dresses, and I hoped she would let her hair down for a change. Maybe even pick up a hunky male. I was also taking Aláine to this particular nightclub for the first time.

I was hoping that I would get a chance to see Noah. If I introduced him to Aláine, I could see what she thought of him. He was amazingly good-looking, but my brain turned to candy floss every time I looked at him. Conversation was not something we spent a lot of time on.

I was not sure what nationality he was, but he looked Mediterranean. His skin was olive like he was Spanish or Italian. Certainly his was much lighter than mine, and I thought we complemented each other. He was taller than me, and I wasn't that short at 1.74 metres. I did like tall men. And then there was his body. Oh. Em. Gee! He was ripped. His muscles were rock solid all the way down to his... And that... He was almighty.

I wanted to find out everything there was to know about him, but I wondered if he would even tell me. He was not good at discussing himself or disclosing any information. There was something secretive about him, and I wanted to get to the bottom of it. His bottom. Rock hard like his arms and abs.

I wanted to get into him so desperately. Whenever I touched his skin, it was like little mini electric shocks or sparks. When he was inside of me, it was mind-blowing. I was addicted to him from the first time we had sex. We'd hooked up quite a few times so far (I'd lost count), and each time left me wanting more of him. When I looked into his eyes, brown with flecks of gold, I was mesmerised.

"... will be many tonight?" Aláine asked.

"Sorry, what?" I answered.

I hadn't been listening to her at all. It was just me and lover boy.

"So you think there will be many tonight?" Aláine asked again.

"Yeah. Should be. It is rather popular," I replied.

Once out of the Uber, it was just a matter of smiling at the bouncer and heading in. All the others in the queue didn't get to do this, but I was a regular. I could hardly wait to see if Noah was there tonight.

Excitement bubbled inside me, and I figured I was probably leaning towards getting my heart broken. Still, I was a Noah addict, and I couldn't change it even if I wanted to.

Once inside, I looked to see if I could see him. Noah was here, and it didn't take me long to find him. He was standing next to another guy who was slightly taller and quite imposing.

There were a bunch of females hanging around them, trying to get noticed, but Noah and his friend were ignoring them. Suddenly, I felt pretty aggressive and wanted to rip them to shreds. How dare they try and take what's mine. What is wrong with me? I have never felt that way about anyone before, especially a man.