
A look back in time 2

"You know how pregnant women have some kind of cravings sometimes, she really wants to go out and she wants your chariot please."

Oberon bit her lips, "Uh.. I see, okay, let me go and see her too."

Due bit her lips, "Okay, let us go then."

They both went to their chambers, Selena was running her tummy when they got in.

Oberon grinned, "Love," he went to her bedside and hugged her.

Selena smiled slightly, "Oh, Oberon," she blushed.

"Due said you want to go out with the chariot, will you be fine?"

She smiled slightly, "Yes, I just want to go around the kingdom for a while."

Oberon nodded, "Okay, I will send some guards with you."

She looked at Due with widened eyes. Due quickly intervened, "I will go with her, there is no need for a guard to follow us."