
The Alpha's Destiny

WPC #254 Silver Prize Winner [Mature Content 18+] "No way! It's not my destiny, to be the Alpha for all of you!" Nicholas Reiss is a teenager who has a normal life like any other teenager. Living only with a mother and without being accompanied by a father, made him more independent. Richard Rogan was a good friend and like a brother to him, despite his odd demeanor. But the normal life he leads is turned 180° when he gets a bite from a Creature that went extinct centuries before. Werewolf, The life he is living now is how he must endure when the Full Moon arrives, the thirst for blood always haunts him. And how long will he continue to run and hide from the Werewolf hunters, where the older brother of his lover is a Werewolf Hunter. Only those closest to him who always support him. The dilemma he experienced was repeated. And could Roran help him with what he got? Roran is a werewolf who lost his lover when the Werewolf Hunters devoured his home. "I can't lose you," But by getting to know Richard, he became more in control than before A Story has just begun. ---------------------- join My Discord Channel - Neptune World https://discord.gg/HDDkJ3Atyr --------------------- Artwork By : Neptunus_96 Copyright : Neptunus_96 - 2022

Neptunus_96 · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
323 Chs

Midnight Hunting!

[At the same place at different hours]



The howling sound of the wolf came from various directions in the forest; a man with a dashing stature, who wore a plaid shirt, was running in the forest as if running away from something.

Without looking back, he stepped his feet so quickly, reaching every step of the ground that he could step on.

His name is Roran; He was trying to escape from the pursuit of the hunters who were chasing him now because of the incident two days ago, where he accidentally pounced on someone when he couldn't control his thirst for blood, so the werewolf hunters chased after him.

He had no time to bury the corpse of the man he killed. Still, the hunter came earlier than he expected, so he did not continue to bury the man's body and left him just like that, with the condition his whole body was buried in the ground, but his head was above the ground.

[Preliminary data]

[Name: Roran Rose]

[Position: Werewolf-Beta]

[HP 100/100]

[800/1000 EXP]

[Strength: 100/100]

[Agility: 100/100]

[Stamina: 100/100]




[After Getting Attacked]

[Name: Roran Rose]

[Position: Werewolf-Beta]

[HP 50/100]

[800/1000 EXP]

[Strength: 50/100]

[Agility: 50/100]

[Stamina: 60/100]

His breath was panting when he managed to lean his back against a large tree while scouting the right and left of the surrounding area; his eyes seemed so focused on being able to find something that was chasing him.

He couldn't change himself into his beast form, the scratch on his arm made him weak, and it was very difficult to heal himself, the wound he got from an arrow that shot at him; luckily, he was able to dodge it, maybe otherwise his life would have floated.

"Bastard! Wolfsbane," he cursed when he saw a purple liquid dripping from his wound.

Because it felt like the tip of the arrow had a deadly poison, which werewolves avoided. Werewolves are very anti-a plant called wolfsbane; the purple flower plant can affect these creatures and make them weak and helpless if exposed to these plants.


The sound of an explosion sounded so loud in the forest that he covered his eyes to avoid being hit by such a bright light because the explosion was right behind him, not far from him.

The flash of light from the explosion was like fireworks lit at night. But it was brighter than usual, so the man's eyes couldn't see if the attack had hit it.

"Chase him! We can't just let him run around!" The man is wearing all black, He was holding a rifle with a very sophisticated model, and it felt like the explosion came from his weapon.

His name is Roger Blunt; he is the leader of the people he brought into the forest; the four people he brought into the forest were not random people because the five of them, including himself, were a special team assigned to become werewolf hunters.

[Name: Roger Blunt]

[Position: Werewolf Hunter 0.01/9.00]

[Clan: Blunt Families]

[Skills: swords]

[HP 90/100]

[750/1000 Exp]

[Strength: 80/100]

[Agility: 70/100]

[Stamina: 100/100]

Their task is, must be able to destroy all these creatures. If they can catch him alive, they must bring the creature to the base where they gather.

And, of course, to torture and eventually kill the creature.

Now he and the four people he brought into the forest were busy looking for the whereabouts of the man he was chasing. He's great at finding traces of the werewolf he hunts. Almost every time he hunted a werewolf, he would come home with the creature's head.

This time it seemed a little difficult to find traces of the werewolf he was chasing earlier because he felt that the man he was chasing had a stronger strength than the other wolves.

"Bastard! Where is he hiding? There's no way he's far from this place; I know he's a new Werewolf who cannot control his strength the few times he changes form. But if left alone, he can become even stronger when he's gathered together with his pack." Roger cursed and looked around, looking for the whereabouts of the man he was hunting.

Although Roger was very young, his strength was extraordinary. His skill in playing the sword and using several other weapons made him one of the leaders of werewolf hunters in the Cleveland area.

"Everything scatters, and find the creature!" Roger gave orders to the four people who He brought into the forest. They all immediately scattered in all directions from the forest.


They all froze for a moment when they heard the growling sound near the five.


The voice grew louder, making the five of them step back and gather as one.

And from a distance, a shadow of a large and tall figure with bright red eyes shining at night drew closer to them.

"Damn, The Alpha! We have to get out of this forest!" Said Roger was surprised when it turned out that there was the Alpha in the forest because he got information from the elders that there was no sign of the werewolf leader in the forest.

They ran fast and decided to leave the forest immediately. Because if they face the Alpha, they will all die because Roger can only defeat Beta and Omega, but the Alpha hasn't trained with his elders.

"Bastard, you can get away from me this time, but not in the next encounter!" Roger hissed as he opened the car parked at the edge of the woods.

He and the place where the person he was carrying got into the car and immediately left the forest. If not, He will lose his life because the rumors circulate that the strength of the Alpha is very different from that of other werewolves.

Therefore he decided to return to the headquarters first rather than face the figure of the creature.

On the other hand, Roran, limply awake in the big tree, couldn't do anything but lean back and wait for help to come to him.


Unexpectedly, if the creature's figure drew near to where Roran was, he who could not transform himself into a wolf could only resign himself to knowing that a large, red-eyed figure was now approaching him.