
Chapter 8: You're an Omega

I sat in the VIP section of La Rock, surrounded by pack mates. We drank and danced and I watched as my fellow pack mates get a little frisky with some she-wolves from another pack that had joined us for the evening.

I watched as one of the she-wolves straddled one of my pack mates in one swift motion. The music seemed to only increase the passion between the two as they shared a passionate kiss. I was transfixed by the sight and I felt a fire course through me reminding me of my kiss with Annebelle. What it felt like to have her lips against mine. This sudden memory brought me a deep sadness, I immediately dismiss the memory and feeling by taking a shot.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked to my right to see Miles and Ben. I raised an eyebrow, they looked flushed and tired.

"Well, it's about time. I was starting to think I would have to drag you out of your room."

Ben smiled too, but there was a hint of worry in his eyes. "Ready to be Alpha again?" His way of asking if he could step down and go back to his former duties as Gamma. Since my break, he would have taken extra responsibilities to help Miles run this pack.

It had been almost a week but I had made my decision, however, it bothered me that Kane was still missing. It was eerily quiet and the silent treatment was a little unsettling for my liking.

I nodded. "I appreciate the help, but I have an update on my mate's situation." As soon as I said that my fellow pack mates stopped to turn to me and even to push the she-wolf off their lap.

"I have decided to reject Annebelle and take on a chosen mate."

Miles pats me on the back, "I know this decision wasn't easy for you, but it's for the best."

"What pack are you from?" A she-wolf asked the one that was previously sitting on a packmate's lap.

"Don't get any ideas," Miles says to the girl and she gives a shy smile. It's obvious she's only interested in power. "So is the lucky gal? I betcha it's Caitlin."

Ashley comes over with a tray full of drinks and sets them on the table. Miles and Ben order their drinks and she returns to the bar.

"We should celebrate" Ben said.

"Absolutely!" Miles grinned. He was ecstatic. When Miles and Ben's drinks came we all cheered, clinking our glasses together before taking a swig from our drinks.

The Crimson pack was finally going to have a Luna however; deep down I couldn't shake the feeling that this is the wrong decision.

* * * * *

I had been partying all week, getting smashed every night everything seemed to be back to normal. Well, almost I still had the desire to be my mate. Hooking up with random girls to try and forget, but I still remember how soft and supple her lips were against mine.

It only takes one thought and I am dragged down to the deep, feeling like I had a mistake. Doubting myself once again and to bury those thoughts, I drown them in a bottle of whiskey. Maybe I am overdoing it. I am killing myself with the booze. The only way to be free from this feeling is if I reject Annebelle.

It had become a tradition, to finish my day's work for the pack, and head over to the club. Tonight, I went to the kitchen to grab a quick bite to eat before meeting Miles at the club. An omega was dishing up my plate when Ashley snags it right from her hands.

"Ashley, what do you think you're doing?" I asked in a calm tone but was slightly annoyed as my stomach was clawing me from the inside out. Now Ashley was holding my food hostage and all I wanted to do was to eat and blow off steam.

"I should say the same thing about you, Alpha. You think going out every night with Miles is what's best for the pack."

"Stay out of my business."

"It is my business with it comes to the future of this pack. Really sleazing up with every girl at the club," she says with nothing but a disapproving tone.

I am about to interject when she sneaks in a few more words, "That's a good impression." she says sarcastically, "Whatever happened to considering that chosen mate?"

"Oh, what do you know Ashley you're an omega. Do your fucking job." I snapped back, reaching for the plate of food but she pulls it further away from my grasp.

"Annebelle doesn't deserve you."

"You are right. She's a rogue. I need a Luna with a little more class and one that doesn't have a temper tantrum when things don't go her way. "

"Cheating on her won't help." Ashley retorts back with a scowl.

Annebelle and I weren't item. It's not even cheating.

"Your such an ass!" she says setting my plate down loudly and storming off in a hurry. She knows she has crossed the line. Disrespecting my authority. That's not going to happen, so I chase after her.

"Your position at the bar, suspended."

"Worth it." she snaps back and turns to me, her face softening, "I miss the old Calen. The one when our Luna was still alive. You were the sweetest boy around, now look at you."

"I'm still the same old Calen."

"Really? When Annebelle rocked up, you started to behave like your old self. That young alpha I knew would drop everything to help someone no matter how grim the situation was and had a voice. That is the Alpha that I want to follow."

Sure I had fooled around with a few girls but I hadn't fucked anyone. I can hear the growls of Kane in the background. I guess he woke up from his slumber.

I'm glad someone said it. Not just me who thinks you're a coward and an asshole.

This was the first time I've heard Kane since that meeting with Aiden. I made the right choice. For the pack's survival.

Keep telling yourself that.

"Then fucking leave Ashley, you want a transfer I'll gladly sign it." I huffed.

She shakes her head, "Unbelievable. You know Calen, a true friend is the person who can see the truth and pain in you even when you're fooling everyone else. They are the ones who will always be real with you because they actually care about your well-being. One day you will see that."

She turns to walk away and I grab her arm harshly, "I'm not fooling anyone."

"After Lily died, you went on a two-week sporadic vacation with Miles and Ben. Your father said it was your way of coping with the grief, I disagree because after you returned you were never the same."

"My mother died! How do you expect me to behave?!"

"You are not so different to Annebelle. You are bottling your grief just as much as she is. At least she has the balls to stand her ground and speak up."

I shoved Ashley away from me and yelled at her in my alpha voice, "OUT!"

"Gladly." she mutters under her breath leaving the room in a quick manner.

I scoffed my food down and went to the club.

As soon as I arrived Miles is about to greet me but his smile fades and he knows something is bugging me. Before she could even ask what was wrong, I say, "Where is Caitlin?" Miles steps aside and I see her mingling with Aaron and his mate Sarah.

I steal Miles' drink from his hands, and skull it "Hey!"

"Order us another round." I said leaving him and joining the others at the booth.

Ashley's words were still ringing in my mind and I took a moment to ask myself if I had really changed since Mum died. I can be a responsible alpha and settle down with one woman if I wanted.

I glance over to Caitlin whose beside me. She was the only woman that stuck around the longest. We had never labelled our relationship. We had an agreement, that I would help her during the heat season, and in exchange, she would fulfil my sexual needs.

Alpha and betas typically have the highest sex drive, it's to ensure the continuation of the pack. Come to think of it I hadn't had sex in a while. How the hell was I surviving?

"Something weighing heavy on your mind Alpha?" asks Sarah.

"How is your family?" Sarah's eyes grow a little wide. I don't think she was expecting to ask that question.

"They're good. Why the sudden interest?"

Have I really been that distant? And now I'm questioning when was the last time I even visited the omegas and their associated business.

"I like to know what's going on with my pack members."

"Fair enough alpha. My friend Ivory was hoping we could host a gathering for the pack. We haven't done one in so long I think it would be good to strengthen our pack's relationship with one another."

The last one was held on the day of my mother's passing. A very dark and heartbreaking day. My father banned gatherings after that. Understandably, the event brings back painful memories.

****** FLASHBACK******

Caitlin and I had been dancing at our annual gathering. We were relishing in the joy of the moment. I spun Cailtin and dipped she let out a small giggle in excitement.

I glanced over to where my father was standing and drinking with some of the other pack mates. His face suddenly turned pale, his expression filled with sorrow and he collapsed to the ground, clutching his chest.

I ran over to him, tears streaming down his face. He looked up at me, his face full of grief. I knew what this meant. His mate and my mother had been killed, their connection was ripped apart. My father and I stayed on the ground, as I and my betas mate huddled together in his anguish. Comforting him the best we could as my own tears fell.

I don't even know when our beta Bailey arrived, but he was beaten, with cuts and bruises all over, and nothing but despair consumed his facial features. Tears still steaming my father's eyes, he tries to speak but he doesn't have the strength to ask.

"What happened?"

"Rogues. " Bailey took a deep breath, "They killed Lily. I tried to protect her but there were too many. I tried-" Bailey rambled on and I stood up and grabbed his arm.

"Take me to mum."

"Young alpha, I don't think that's a good idea," said Penny, Bailey's mate.

"That's an order. Penny stays with my dad."

Bailey took me into the deep part of the forest. We found my mother's body, torn and bloody. I stood there frozen for a moment before approaching her body. Guards coming up the rear, Bailey orders them to disperse to search for the rogue.

I was alone as I held my mother's body close to mine as I wept uncontrollably. I heard rustling in the bushes behind me and I felt a hand rub my back for comfort. A delicate feminine voice spoke. I can feel this undeniable sense of warmth attached to it. The aura that radiated from her was security and I felt safe.

"I will kill the person responsible. I promise you Calen. You are not alone."

After I heard those words, I felt my body growing weaker by the second and I am guided to lay on my side. My vision is blurry and the last thing I see was a pair of deep navy eyes glowing back at me.

******END OF FLASHBACK******

Years later, we still remember that day. We remember the sadness, the pain, and the sorrow of my father's loss. A pack suffered a tragic loss that day. But we also remember the love and the connection that he and his mate shared, the nurturing ambience that my mother provided the pack and that will stay with us forever.

"I don't think that's a good idea." says Aaron.

"Have Ivory meet me tomorrow morning and we can discuss the event in detail."

"Are you sure Calen? Your father..." Aaaron begins but stops himself. He doesn't want to finish his sentence.

"The pack needs it." I responded with a smile. We should honour my mother.

"That's fantastic. She's going to be so thrilled when she hears the news." Sarah says gleefully and snuggles into Aaron further.

Miles returned with our drinks but was only here for a moment before heading over to some human girl to introduce himself. I don't know why he wastes his time on them and with the number of she-wolves he has met I would have thought he would have found his match by now.

I placed my hand on Caitlin's thigh and she gives me a small smile but doesn't react to my touch. I begin to rub up and down when she asks Aaron and Sarah to move so she can leave the booth. They step out so she can squeeze on out and I see her make the beeline for the women's restroom.

I got up from my seat and my way over to the women's bathroom and waited outside for Caitlin to come out.

As soon as she walks out I grab her hand and pulled her to the side.

"Have I done something to offend you?"

"I'm not going to be another one of your hookups Alpha"

Alpha? Not like for her to be so formal given our history together.

"Since when does that bother you? We've never been exclusive."

"You weren't sticking your tongue down every chick in the club before."

I stepped forward, pushing Caitlin's back up against the wall and caged her in with her hand just above her shoulder, placing my other hand on her throat. I kissed her gently, not expecting resistance at first but her walls come down and my tongue could explore hers.

After a few seconds, I pulled away and looked deep into Caitlin's eyes. Stroking her hair to the side, I asked softly, "How do you feel about becoming my Luna?"