
Chapter 3: Cherry on Top

I woke up in bed, feeling groggy and disoriented. I touched my thigh and felt a bandage. I must have been out for a while since the wound was almost healed. I vaguely recalled the events that had led me here, and my anger rose.

Wakey wakey sunshine. Our mate stabbed us. Kane grumbled away.

My mate wasn't the only person I was pissed at. I quickly got dressed and stormed out of the room. I had to confront my beta Miles. He had failed me. I had trusted him to protect me, and he had let me down.

I found him in the kitchen, surrounded by our packmates and overheard him saying "Fuck his going to kill us. How could we let this happen?"

"We?! You mean you." Ben snapped back. He was my gamma. Third in command.

"Seriously silver? You are so screwed." Tyler says, a mid-ranked pack member.

Mid-ranks were the warriors of a pack. Trained to hunt, track or guard.

Miles takes a swig from his glass. Bourbon no doubt. That was his "I'm so screwed drink".

As soon as he caught sight of me, he knew what I was there for. He said nothing, but the fear in his eyes spoke volumes.

I let out a low growl. " Damn right I'm going to kill you. You let me down, Miles. One job. Security. Asilver dagger in my own fucking nightclub. I could have died."

Miles hung his head. "I'm sorry, Alpha. I'll never fail you again."

His apology is futile and it doesn't stop me from snatching the drink from his hands and smashing it to the ground.

I looked around at the other wolves, who were all silent. I wanted them to know that failure would not be tolerated. "This is a warning to all of you. I expect loyalty and obedience from my pack. If any of you ever fail me, there will be consequences."

The wolves all nodded in understanding. I turned to Miles. "Get your shit together. Now where the fuck were you?" I demanded an explanation.

"Ahh... we were occupied... with girls." he stuttered unable to maintain eye contact with me.

"We were occupied by girls?" I repeated, sarcastically. "You guys were hooking up with girls while I was being stabbed by a lunatic?"

Everyone remained silent as I stared at each and every single one of them. I knew my intense glare would be making their wolves curl up inside out of discomfort, but I didn't care. I grabbed the bottle of bourbon and threw it against the wall. I watched as the liquid drizzled down creating a sticky puddle below, creeping ever so slowly to my feet.

"I can't believe this,' I said, as much as I wanted to yell and throw punches that wouldn't solve anything. I took a deep breath, "I gave you one order, round up the rogues."

No one said anything. I wanted to lash out. I wanted to hurt them for what they had done. Allowing a person into the club with a weapon and silver too. It didn't matter if my mate was rogue, human or a fucking fairy. Security should have checked.

Before I could move, Miles stepped forward and put his hand on my shoulder. 'We should have been there." he said, "We were occupied with the wrong things when we should be focused on doing our jobs, and for that we are sorry."

I threw my shoulder forward away from Miles' grasp and made my way over to the couch in the living room. I could still feel the silver in my system. It's negative effects.

The problem with silver is our blood begins to boil its equivalent to being burned alive depending on its toxicity of it. Too much and it can lead to death. Thankfully being knocked out, I had bypassed the worst of the pain. Healing is slow and can be a bitch. One of the side effects of silver. Slower regeneration. How security didn't catch it blew my mind. It was considered barbaric to carry silver on our kind. I mean hunters hadn't been around for decades, I couldn't comprehend why my mate was carrying such weapons.

The packmates followed me into the living room and sat down around me. "These girl rogues infiltrated the club, charmed their way past our defences." Miles began rubbing the back of his head in disappointment. "It's just the heat, it was hard to refuse."

Even though the heat season only goes for a week, managing the she-wolves during this period can be difficult. Especially if they are being so forward but that is no excuse.

Miles continued "They distracted us just long enough for the male rogues to take out the rest of our security. That woman you were with, was the Cherry on top. I can almost put the money on it that she orchestrated the whole thing, the way she communicated with the other rogues."

I sat there for a moment processing what I had just heard from Miles. Kane as usual gave his insight.

I am still pissed, but there must be a plausible explanation. Our mate wouldn't hurt us for no reason.

How could Kane defend our mate right now, she had broken the law. Less not forget she's a rogue. If my father was here he would have sent out trackers to eliminate her and her gang of misfits. I couldn't do that. She was my mate and the thought of making that order made my heart heavy in the most uncomfortable way.

"How much did she steal?" Tyler asked.

"50k" I replied and I hear a downward whistle from Ben and he muttered the word, "Yikes."

Who cares about the money. We need to find out why our mate attacked us.

I shifted Kane in the background. I was tired of the constant backchat he was giving me.

The money stolen wouldn't even make a dent in my bank account however; 50k was still a lot of money. Something my father taught me was the value of money and spending it wisely. Some would argue my money being spent on booze was a waste but hey I owned two successful nightclubs. I say an investment well spent. "I don't care what it takes. Find her." I ordered and the packmates scurried off like prey as they should. What a joke.


Either I had the worst trackers in my pack or my mate was incredibly good at hiding. I was determined to find her and would stop at nothing until I had her in my arms and also demanded an explanation for her behaviour that night.

The only thing I had left to go by was this white card she had left behind on my desk at the La Rock office. Written on the card was my name and inside was an imprint of my mate's lips. I knew it was hers, bright red and her scent still lingered, just barely. Her scent provided some comfort to soothe my restlessness.

My mind raced as I tried to make sense of the situation. I began to reminisce over our close encounter together. I licked my lips, still remembering how her lips tasted. Cherry flavour. How ironic I said to myself picturing her performing her party trick in my mind.

Then my mind shifted back to reality. What kind of psycho carries a silver dagger on them? This was not how I wanted or imagined how I would meet my mate. But despite the fear, I couldn't deny the connection I felt.

I always thought we would meet up at the King's annual ball, or perhaps at a meeting between my pack and another. Considering the size of our pack, even her being part of my pack was a high possibility, but that wasn't the case.

I still hadn't told the others about who this woman was to me. Not even my two best friends Miles and Ben. Miles' views were much like my father's regarding rogues and carrying silver. Telling him would only be an invitation to drama and heated discussions. Firstly I wanted to see if this was all a miss understanding and if my mate had a good reason.

My thoughts are interrupted when I see my office door opening and Caitlin stepping into the room. She wore a cute blouse and a black skirt. I was secretly wondering if she was wearing panties underneath.

Her lips curved up into a smile."Come on, just this once. We can go to the club, have some fun," she said.

I shook my head and began to leave the office.

Caitlin pulls me back. "Forget about her. It's just 50k the trackers will find her."

Fury suddenly surged through me and I grabbed Caitlin by the throat, pinning her against the wall. To rid me of this feeling of hopelessness. My hand slid up her thigh and I grabbed her panties, yanking them off. They fell to the ground like a broken promise. I stole her lips with the harshness of my own.

Once I was done devouring her mouth, I unbuckled my pants and took a moment to myself. I stared into Caitlin's eyes, knowing that they were blue, but all I could see were my mate's brown eyes.

I had to forget.

They say once you meet your mate, you can never forget them. Your first meeting with them is imprinted on your mind forever.

We shouldn't be doing this. This is only hurting our mate more.

She hurt us first. I responded.

And there has to be a reason. Give her a chance to explain herself.

Kane wanted my mate but for me, I just wanted to forget the encounter. I released my grip and buckled up my pants.

Caitlin called out 'Calen!' with a hint of confusion in her tone.

I felt my heart drop to the pit of my stomach. I had spent the last week fucking Caitlin, but even sex wasn't enough to wipe the memory of my mate from my mind. Nothing seemed to work.

I sighed and looked up at Caitlin. 'What is it?' I asked.

"It's just you've wanted sex every day, more than usual." she said.

Was she seriously complaining? I don't have the patience to deal with two she-wolves. I ignored her comment and headed for the bar. Alcohol it is then. That was something I had noticed I felt weaker than usual, anxious, whingy, more irritable than usual, like a she-wolf pms'ing.

I plonked myself on a bar stool watching Ashley tend to her bar. She was setting up the club for tonight's opening as were some of the other staff that were here pottering away in the background.

"You look like you need a drink." she says drying freshly cleaned glasses.

"Give me the strongest drink you have." I was a little hesitated asking this but I had to, "Can I ask you something? But it stays between us."

She nods, "Sure, my lips are sealed."

She mixes up a drink and I am praying it will knock me the hell out and give me some peace of mind.

"When you're apart from your mate for so long does it give you... ahh... separation anxiety?"

Our encounter had me conflicted. I was angry but also feeling panicked because my mate wasn't with me. How could I love someone so much after they hurt me with silver? I still couldn't wrap my mind around it or let the incident go. Constantly replaying the events in mind. Day and night. It had become an obsession.

Ashley drops everything she was doing and her full attention is on me. "Have you found your mate?" she asks.

"I'm asking on behalf of a friend."

She gives a cheeky smile and continues making the drink. I know my lie was not enough to convince her. She saw me that night and how I was reacting around her.

"The she-wolf rogues that were here, was one of them your friends mate?"

"Maybe, I don't know. Just answer the question," I snapped a little.

"Separation anxiety is a normal thing when it comes to mates. It's like a missing puzzle piece. It's not easy, but it can be worked through," Ashley said.

She hands me the drink and I take a sip. I can feel the warmth of the liquid running down my throat. "Mate bonds are intense, the first meeting is always the hardest, so many emotions are coursing through our veins it's enough to make anyone go stir crazy."

I made her go crazy that she thought it was okay to stab me and then steal from me. Nah no way. That wasn't it. Why couldn't she fuck me instead at least then it would be more pleasurable for the both of us. I take another sip.

"...Even more so during the heat season." Ashley continues with a smile. "Don't worry, you'll figure this out. Just remember, when it comes to matters of the heart, you have to be brave."

"Thanks" I muttered. I skulled the rest of my drink.

"Whoa, easy. That's enough to make any Alpha fall sideways."

"Crikey what's up with him?" I looked over to see Miles walking over to me.

"Tell me you have news otherwise fuck off." I said in a low growl.

I really needed to find my mate. Fast. Not a fan of these mood swings.

"I do. I managed to get my hands on some footage from across the street. The woman was last seen stepping into a black Mitsubishi sport sedan. I got the plate number and found the address where the car is registered to."

He hands me a note with the address on it.

"Don't bother opening the club. Bring our best fighters. I'm not letting her get away."