
The Alpha's Angel Mate

Seventeen year old, Angel Mills and her Mom just got accepted back into Blue Moon pack which means a new beginning for Angel; New school, new friends, new life, new everything. Angel wants to stay out of the spotlight or at least she tries to. But what happens when she is mated to the future Alpha of the pack and her deepest secret stands a chance of being exposed. Will her mate reject her or will her accept when he finds out that she will either be the downfall of his pack or the reason his pack will rise to the top.

Toriizzy03 · Fantasi
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20 Chs


         Angel's POV

            I woke up this morning to a phone ringing, it was annoying but whosoever it was calling was really persistent. I looked to my right and saw Rory adjusting herself still asleep. I got up and went to grab my phone from where I plugged it. I looked at the phone and saw it was Jason calling, I picked the call and put it to my ear while unplugging Rory's phone as well.

       'Phone call'

      "Morning Alpha" I said drowsily as a big yawn escaped my mouth while rubbing my face in exhaustion.

       "Morning baby. And don't call me Alpha ever again" he said sternly which made me smile.

       "Why are you calling so early in the morning" I said walking back to my sleeping spot and I laid down again.

        "Are you guys coming to school today. Aiden is being a pest in my life. Who forgets to take his mate's number" he asked which made me laugh.

         "Yes we are.  Tell Aiden to calm down" I said stretching my body.

        "Well, it's 7:00am where are you. School is in 45minutes" he said which made me jerk upright in shock.

        "What do you mean it's 7am. Rory get up" I said tapping Rory awake which made her wake up startled.

        "What. What. What is it" Rory said looking everywhere as if looking for a threat.

        "We have school in 15minutes. I will see you in school Jace" I said getting up while cutting the call, Rory and I got up packed up the blankets and pillows and brought them to our rooms. I dropped my phone on the bed and went to my bathroom and took a shower. When I was done with my shower, I brushed my teeth and went about my skincare routine after I was done with that, I walked into my closet to get dressed for the day. I got dressed, styled my hair and did my makeup sticking with a natural, easy makeup.

  When I was done, I picked up my phone to look at the time, to see that it was 7:35am in the morning. I grabbed my backpack and walked out of my room to the kitchen where. Rory was waiting for me already dressed and ready to go.

     "We don't have time for breakfast" Rory said tossing me the keys to car she picked.

      "We will stop for some coffee though" I said as we switched off all the electronics in the house. We went to the garage, Rory pulled me towards the car she picked for the day and it ended up being a Range Rover sports. We got into the car and drove out of the compound. Rory used my phone to turn on the security system on the house. We stop for some coffee, I grabbed my favorite an iced latte while Rory grabbed an iced mocha.

We drove into the school compound around 7:50am. We were already late. I parked my car beside Jace's car, we grabbed our stuff and got out of the car, I locked the car and we made our way into the school building. Getting inside we saw students running left and right to get to their classes just as the warning bell went off. Rory and I were able to spot the crew waiting for us beside our lockers, we successfully got to them without being trampled by the crowd. Jace was the first to spot us and he quickly drew me into his arms and buried his face in my neck taking deep breaths, while Aiden pulled Rory to him wrapping his arms around her.

"Morning guys" Rory and I said greeting the crew while wrapping my arms around Jace.

"Morning" they replied, well the others excepted Jace replied.

"Give me your number right now" Aiden said pulling his phone out of pocket which made all of us laugh as we walked to our first class of the day.


             It was time for gym which was our last class of the day and we all had the class together.  I met up Andy and Rory in the girls' locker room where they were waiting for me already dressed for gym because they had music and I had art. I take my art pretty seriously so I was stuck in art class finishing my piece. When I got to the locker room, I quickly wore my gym outfit and we went to gym together.

    When we got the gym, we quickly spotted the guys and went to join them where they were sitting and we took a seat beside them.

    "Hey baby" I said placing a kiss on Jason's lips. I pulled away and placed my head on his shoulders. I looked around the gym until my eyes met Sara's and I saw her glare at me which made me smirk and wink at her. I suddenly felt the need to spite her, so I pulled Jason to me and pulled his lips to mine and trust me I gave her a show. As I was pulling away, I heard a whistle signaling that Coach Mayers was around.

   "Gather around kids" he said after he stopped blowing on his whistle.  The crew and I got up from our seats and the crowd in front of Coach Mayers.

    "Today's class is going to be divided into two. The boys will go first then the girls. Got it" he announced.

     "Yes Coach" we all replied simultaneously.

    "For today's class, we are you to be playing dodgeball and I trust you all know the rules"he said and we all nodded at him.

    "Okay. The boys will go first. Each game is twenty minutes. The boys will go first. Jason will be the leader for team red and Aiden will be the leader for team blue. Boys, pick your team" he said which made Jason and Aiden smile at each other. The girls left the floor for the boys and we went to bleachers and took our seat. We watched the boys battle it out while having fun. One guys got a ball to the balls which made everyone burst out in laughter even Coach Mayers.

      After the boys were done it was time for the girls to play. So we got up and made our way to the floor while the boys made their way to bleachers to take a seat.

  "Okay ladies. Andrea will be the leader for team red and Sara will be the leader for team blue. Ladies pick your teammates" Coach said and Andy smiled at us excited. Sara quickly added her friends to her team and Andy did the same picking Rory and I. Andy picked some other girls that we know and Sara picked hers too. When they were done, we all got in position and soon it was time to play.

    Soon balls were flying around and kept dodging them avoiding a hit. Some girls on both team got hit and the numbers started decreasing. I soon noticed that Sara was mainly targeting me and I smiled shaking my head and kept dodging the balls she threw at me while I tried eliminating her teammates. Soon I eliminated Tara her friend which made her mad.

After sometime everyone got eliminated and only Sara and I were left. Her throws got more aggressive. It was clear that she was throwing the balls in anger and I purposely kept dodging and missing because I wanted to spite her. The more she failed to hit me, the angrier she got. It was clear she didn't want to lose to me and there was no way I was going to lose to her. I kept dodging until I decided I was exhausted and I just wanted to end the game so I picked up two balls in both hands and observed her next move while still dodging the balls she threw at me. I threw the balls at her with a lot of force and they both hit her in the face but one went for the nose which broke it and soon Sara's screams filled the gym and everyone quickly rush to her even me. I acted like I was concerned and apologetic but we all know I wasn't well me and the crew knew that but nobody's got to know.

    "I'm so sorry. Are you okay Sara" I said in an apologetic tone with an apologetic look.

     "You broke my nose. Oh my gosh, my nose is broken" she screamed in pain holding onto her bloody nose.

     "I'm so so sorry. I didn't mean to" I said in a sad tone to make everyone think I felt bad when I actually felt the opposite.

     "Liar. You did this on purpose. This was intentional" she said as blood dropped down her nose.

    "I swear, I didn't mean to. I'm so sorry" I said stepping away from the crowd around her a bit. I looked into her eyes when I was sure nobody was looking at me, I smiled and waved at her a bit.

    "You meant. You are even smiling about it" she screamed and I quickly changed my looked to a sad and remorseful look before everyone turned to look at me. When they saw how I looked they turned back to Sara in confusion.

    "I think the hit is messing with her head a bit" Tania one of Andy's friends said as they helped Sara to her feet.

    "Let's get her to the school nurse. Come on Sara" Coach Mayers said holding onto Sara to help keep her balance.

   "Is there anything I could do to help. I'm so sorry" I said in a remorseful tone.

    "No. It's okay Angel. Class is dismissed for today kids" Coach Mayers said as he along with Sara's friends walked out of the gym to the nurse's office. Everyone quickly went their way. While Jason, Mason,Aiden, Rory, Andy and I went and sat on the bleachers. I took a seat on Jason's lap.

   "Now, that everyone is gone. Why did you do it, Angel" Jason asked looking into my eyes.

    "I didn't mean to. I swear. Don you really think I will do that on purpose" I asked looking at him and the rest of the crew.

   "Angel, look we all know that you and Sara don't get along. So it's kind of suspicious" Aiden said wrapping his arm as around Rory.

    "Well, I didn't mean to. It was an accident. If I wanted to hurt Sara, I wouldn't do with dodgeballs. You believe me right" I said looking at Jason in the eyes. I waited for me to say something but he didn't instead he looked away from which made me gasp.

    "You really think I did that on purpose. Don't you" I asked Jason and the rest of the crew.

    "I don't know what to to think babe" Jason said which made me get off his lap and he tried to reach for me but I quickly stepped away from him not wanting him to touch me. I know I did it on purpose but I wanted  my mate to at least give me the benefit of the doubt. To trust my words at least. And it is surprising that he doesn't. I'm not that mad at him though but he doesn't have to know that and also he still has to pay for what he did last time. I looked at everyone and shook my head. Damn, am a good actress. They are going to groveling and am going to enjoy it. Of course I will definitely tell them later that I purposely broke her nose but not now. Let's make them think that they broke my heart for now.

     "I'm out of here. Rory, if you are coming. I will wait for you in the car. If you are not out in fifteen minutes, I'm leaving without you" I said as I walked out of the gym while the called after me but ignored them. I quickly dropped off at the girl's locker ignoring everybody there and changed. I grabbed my bag, walked out of the locker room and left the school building. When I got to my car, I got in, threw my bag to the backseat and burst out laughing knowing that I was alone. I looked towards the school building and saw no one was coming out yet not even Rory. She still has 10 minutes, so I decided to scroll through Instagram as I waited for her. Five minutes later, I heard the passenger side and the backseat door open as Rory and Andy got in. I dropped my phone on my lap and started the ignition of he car and drove off. Nobody said a word as I drove home. When we got home, I parked the car I the garage, grabbed my bag and went inside the house with Andy and Rory trailing behind quietly. They were too scared to talk not wanting to get me angry. I smiled in my head and rolled my eyes. I dropped the key to the car back in its place.

    "Order some food, Rory. I want Italian" I said as I walked up the stairs to my room.

    "Okay sis" Rory replied from behind me. I entered my room and shut the door behind me. I took a shower to help relax my muscles. After taking my precious time showering, I got out, dried my body and put on my robe. When I got out of my bathroom and saw Andy and Rory sitting on my bed waiting for. They were dressed including Andy and I immediately knew Andy must have took some clothes from my closet which I didn't mind. The clothes actually looked good on her. I entered my closet and got dressed in some comfy clothes. After I got dressed, I went back to my room, sat on the bed and faced the two curious girls looking at me with anticipation in their eyes.

"Well" Andy asked impatiently falling flat on my bed.

"Oh fine. I meant it. She deserved it. She should be thankful that it's just a broken nose. After what she has done to me, she deserves more than that" I said as I grabbed a brush and started combing my hair.

"I knew it. I knew you did it on purpose" Andy said as she turned to face me with a smile on her face while Rory shook her head at me laughing.

"Nice aim by the way, sister" Rory said reaching to tap my shoulders.

"Thank you" I said dropping my comb on my bedside table. I ran my hands through my hair to fluff it out.

"Why didn't you tell Jason the truth" Andy asked with her brows raised up.

"I would have told him but I knew he was going to defend her anyway. I mean he has done that before anyway. I seriously can't believe he doesn't even trust me at all. I might just let him suffer a bit for the fun of it" I said shrugging my shoulders which made the girls burst out laughing and I joined them too.

    We finally went down stairs when the food arrived. Rory quickly ran outside to the gates to pay for our food while Andy and I tried to determine what movie we were going to watch. As Rory was coming back into the house, Andy finally picked a movie, I was okay with which was 'Free Guy' the Ryan Reynolds movie. Love that movie by the way. I left Andy to put the movie on while I went to grab some plates and cutleries while Rory placed the food on the center table in front of the TV. I came back with the plates and cutleries and dropped them on the table with the food.

    "What do you guys want to drink" I asked them as Rory started serving the food.

    "Orange juice please" Andy said smiling at me.

     "Lemonade for me sis" Rory said as she settled in her seat.

     "Okay, be right back" I said and went back to the kitchen. I grabbed three cups from the cupboard, placed them on the counter, then I opened the fridge and pulled out the cartoon of orange juice and poured some in a glass, I turned around to the fridge dropped the cartoon and picked up the lemonade, turned and poured some the another glass. I kept it back in the fridge, then grabbed the apple juice cartoon turned and poured some in the last glass which was mine. I kept it back in the fridge, grabbed three bottles of water and closed the fridge shut.

    I grabbed a tray from the cupboard, placed the drinks and the water on it, picked it up and joined the girls in the living room. I gave them their drinks along with a bottle of water before taking my seat. Andy grabbed the remote and played the movie. I grabbed my plate and dug in as we watched the movie.

After the movie was done, Andy announced that she was going home and asked for us to drop her home. So I grabbed my car keys while Rory and Andy cleared out our dirty dishes. When she was ready, we went to the garage, got into the car and drove off to the pack house. When we got there, I parked in front of the house and turned to Andy got down from the car and Rory got off too and came around to sit in the front seat.

"How long are you going to torture for" Andy asked as she turned to us smiling while Rory chuckled.

"Just a couple of days. I'm not that bad a person" I said running my hand through my air lazily.

"This is going to be fun" Rory said clapping her hands in excitement for the days to come which made Andy and I burst out laughing.

"You do know he is on his way down here right" Andy said raising a brow at me.

"Oh, I know. That's why am still here. Once he gets closer, am out of here. I would advise you step back a little" I said getting myself ready. I knew Jason sensed me the closer I got to the pack house. He should be out here in a few. I looked towards the building and saw Jason coming out of the house, I laughed which made Andy and Rory look towards the pack house and they saw him too with Mason and Aiden behind him. Andy stepped away from the car. I waited until they were close to Andy.

"Angel. Wait a minute" Jason said getting closer which made me laugh as well as Rory and Andy.

"Laters baby" I said and drove off when he was right next to the car. I kept my speed until I was away from the premises. Rory and I burst out laughing as I slowed down back to speed limit after making sure I was far away from him.

"That was pure evil" Rory said turning to me chuckling. I turned to her for a second smiling.

"He deserves it. I'm going to make him grovel. He would learn not to mess with me ever again. He is going to realize that I'm the boss and no one else" I said in determination.

"What's for dinner. Want some music" Rory asked adjusting in her seat while pulling out her phone.

"Yes to the music and I don know to the dinner question" I said turning to her for a millisecond.

     "What about Chinese" Rory said connecting her phone to the car via Bluetooth and started playing some songs.

     "Chinese sounds great by the way" I said changing my destination to the next Chinese restaurant I could find.

     "Oh, I love this song" Rory said as 'Shout our to my ex by Little Mix' hit the car speakers.

     "Yes, I love it. And to think we do not have exes" I said laughing along with Rory.  When we got to the Chinese restaurant, we parked our car, got out, went into the restaurant and ordered our food to go. When we got the food, we paid, packed up and went home.

       When we got home, we arranged everything and had dinner. After dinner, we locked up and retired for the nights. I did all my assignments, went into the bathroom and took a shower. After my shower, I went on with my night routine and got dressed for bed. I got into bed, grabbed my phone and went through my social media accounts. After a few minutes, I dropped my phone, turned off the nights and switched on my night lights, closed my eyes and dozed off to sleep.