
The Alpha's Angel Mate

Seventeen year old, Angel Mills and her Mom just got accepted back into Blue Moon pack which means a new beginning for Angel; New school, new friends, new life, new everything. Angel wants to stay out of the spotlight or at least she tries to. But what happens when she is mated to the future Alpha of the pack and her deepest secret stands a chance of being exposed. Will her mate reject her or will her accept when he finds out that she will either be the downfall of his pack or the reason his pack will rise to the top.

Toriizzy03 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs


Angel's POV

One Week Later.........…..

I woke up this morning via that fucked up alarm which wasn't pleasant at all. I got up and went to the bathroom to freshen up. I looked at myself in the mirror and got the scare of my life.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh... Monster!!!!!!!!" I screamed scared but then I realized that it was me in the mirror. I had forgotten to clean my makeup again. I swear, if not for my werewolf genes, my skin would have been damaged by now because I have this bad habit of always forgetting to clean my makeup off before I go to bed.

I quickly stripped out of my pajamas, got into the shower and had a nice warm and a much needed bath. When I was done, I got out of the shower, dried off and walked into my closet to get ready for school. When I was done getting dressed, and putting on my makeup, I ran down to the kitchen to get something to eat but I didn't find anything to eat because I ran out of groceries. I picked up my phone and called my Savior (Andy).





"Pick up Andy" I murmured impatiently while tapping my foot on the floor rapidly.



"Morning Angel" Andy greeted cheerfully

"Good morning Andy, am curious did you get laid last night" I asked teasingly.

"Of course, I got laid" She answered

"Great, I hope it was hot" I asked still teasing her

"What do you want Angel" She asked in a serious tone.

"I ran out of groceries. So, I wanted you to bring me breakfast" I asked speed talking.

"Okay. What do you want for breakfast" She asked.

"Um..... I got it. I want four pancakes with scrambled eggs, ten pieces of bacon, make sure the syrup on the pancakes are a mixture of chocolate and strawberry syrup. Then for drinks, I want a chocolate milkshake and a latte. Done, did you get that" I said licking my lips hungrily.

"Yes I did. I got to ask, are you pregnant" She asked

"Nope. Why do you ask" I said curiously

"You eat like you are eating for two" She exclaimed

"Well that's how I eat and I haven't been eating well lately. I think my period is coming" I said exhaustingly.

"You need to start eating properly" She said sounding worried.

"Yes Mom. Anyway, laters baby" I said

"Okay. See you at school" She said before hanging up.

I got up and went upstairs to my room and grabbed my stuff and making sure I locked the doors before leaving the house to the garage to pick a car for the day. I finally settled for a Lamborghini Urus.

About five minutes from school, I spotted Jace and Mason's cars and decided to race them to school which I won. Thank you.

"Yes. I beat you suckers" I said doing my happy dance and laughing along with them.

"Morning beautiful" Jace said as he slipped his hand around my waist and pulled me into him which left me slightly breathless…. Okay maybe not a lot more than slightly. That's between you and I. No one needs to know how much he affects me. But I have to say his mate (whoever she is) is going to be one lucky lady. Having all these goods to herself.

"Hey you" I said biting my lips while putting my hands on his shoulders to feel him up. He placed a kiss on my forehand and then my checks.

"Okay guys, enough with the PDA. I'm a minor for goddess sake" Aiden exclaimed jokingly which had all of us laughing.

"Here is your breakfast" Andy said after we sobered up and handed me a basket which made me get out of Jace's hold.

"Thanks Andy. You are the best" I said sitting in Jace's car and digging in.

"Ahh. That's delicious. Thanks again Andy" I said when I was done and threw the basket in Jace's trunk.

"No problem baby" she said smiling at me

"Let's get going people, so that we won't be late" Mason said to us.

I grabbed my bag from my car, locked it and put my keys in my bag. Jace threw his hand over my shoulder and led me towards the school building with the others trailing beside us.

We finally made it to Andy and I's locker after stopping at the boy's first. We grabbed our books and went to class which was fun because I used my powers to make fool out of the teacher but they didn't know


Andy and I went to McDonald's to grab some lunch which was just around the corner. When we walked in, I instantly felt ryes on us. I instantly sniffed the air to be sure there were no supernaturals around and released a sigh when I knew it was safe. We walked over to the counter to order.

"Hello" I greeted cheerfully using my hand to brush a strand of hair off my face while Andy was busy on her phone probably IG.

"What can I get you today" the boy behind the counter asked and winked at me.

"We will have three premium McWrap southwest(crisp), two crispy chicken sandwich, one Fanta, two Pepsi, two Coca Cola, two iced mocha, one black coffee , two coffees with little cream one sugar, 20 pieces of chicken nuggets, and five brownies" I said while leaning on the counter.

"Coming right up" he said and walked towards the kitchen to get our orders

I reached for my wallet which was in my back pocket but it was not there. Then I remembered it was in my backpack which was in my backpack which was in my locker. Darn it.

"Shit. I left my wallet in my locker" I said to Andy hitting the counter slightly.

"Come on Angel, seriously" She said shaking her head.

"Do you have any money on you" I asked hopefully.

"Let me see" She said reaching into pockets.

"I think, I left my wallet too" she said running her hand through her hair and pulling it a bit.

"Hey pretty ladies" I heard someone say and I immediately turn around and so did Andy and I saw two cute human boys smirking at us. Suddenly, an idea struck me and I immediately mindlinked Andy.

'I have a plan. Play along, okay' I said while smiling at the boys.

'Okay. I hope you know what you are doing. Can't believe am about to trust a psycho' She said running her hand through her in frustration. She likes running her hand through her hair a lot, I think it's an habit.

"Hey cuties" I said flipping my hair over my shoulder and leaned on my back on the counter. While Andy (praise the Lord) followed my lead and did the same except the hair flip. Of course, if she did the hair flip, it would have been creepy. I shuddered.

"What are you two sexy ladies doing here all by yourselves" The black eyes one asked smiling.

"We came to get lunch and we are not alone. You guys are here with us" I said biting on my bottom lip.

"What are your names" the brown eyed one asked

"Am Lisa and this is my best friend Ella" I said lying smoothly.

"Hey boys" Andy said waving slightly.

"Am Jack and he is Danny" the blacked eyed one; that I now know as Jack said introducing himself and his friend Danny (the brown eyed one) while shoving his hand into the pockets of his jacket.

"Here are your orders ladies" the guy behind the counter whose name is Rex said placing our orders on the counter. I reached to my back pocket to pretend that I am pulling my wallet out while pushing my ass out and Jack the blacked eyed guy slipped his hand around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"Wait a minute. Shit I forgot my wallet in my locker dang it" I said dramatically.

"Seriously Lisa, how are we supposed to pay for all these because I didn't bring my wallet" Andy or should I say Ella said sadly.

"Let's go Ella. Sorry for the trouble Rex" I said slipping out of Jack's hold. Andy and I then walked towards the exit slowly.

"Wait, we will pay for the food" Danny said gently grabbing Andy's hand. I swear I could feel the disgust rolling off her in waves.

"Thank you so much" Andy and I said but I threw myself into Jack's arms and he quickly caught me, holding me firmly against his body.

"No problem baby" he said and paid for the food. Andy and quickly grabbed the food and tried walking out of the diner. Well was able to escape but I was held back by Jack.

"Umm. We can meet up sometime" I said slipping out of his hold and slowly heading to the exit.

"Can I at least have your number" he said giving his phone to me.

"Sure" I said grabbed his phone and put in a fake number.

"Call me later. I left my phone in school" I said and walked out of the diner. I ran to my car to join Andy who was already in the car, she gave me my keys, so I turned on the ignition and drove off.

"You are so bad. Damn girl" Andy screamed laughing her ass off

"Damn. It was so easy" I said laughing so hard while hitting the wheel of the car.

"I know Lisa" she said still laughing as I drove into the school parking lot and parked my car beside the boys' cars. We got out grabbed the food, locked the car and went to meet the boys who were waiting for us on the field still making jokes about the event that just took place.

"What's so funny" Aiden asked and Andy instantly narrated everything to them and they laughed so hard at how stupid the boys at the diner were. Mason pulled Andy into his arms in jealousy while Jace who I sat with turned and shoved his head into my neck.

(After Lunch...)

"Andy would you like to come over for a sleepover at my place sometime" I asked smiling at Andy while grabbing my books for next period from my locker.

"Sure. See you later" she said slamming her locker and went on her way to her next class which we didn't have together. I turned to the mirror in my locker to apply some gloss to my lips and retouch my makeup a little.

Suddenly, my locker got slammed shut which made me jump back in order to avoid any injuries. I turned to yell at the person that did it when I was faced with a fuming Sara and her minions standing beside her.

"I thought, I told you to stay away from him. He is mine" she said angrily drawing the attention of everyone in the hallway.

"Who?" I asked, acting clueless even though I know who she was talking about. You see about three days ago I think, Sara approached me in the bathroom telling me to stay away from 'her man', Jace if you are wondering who I am talking about but we all know I didn't listen and I wasn't going to even listen now that she is standing in front of me fuming like a rabid dog. Well, technically, she is a dog.

"Jason. He is mine" she said and slapped me in the face so hard, which made me fall the ground because I wasn't expecting it at all. Before I could recover from my shock and fight back, she kicked my stomach which hurt like a bitch but she didn't stop there, she then stomped on my chest with her heels which cut off my breathing and soon her minions joined her beating the living daylights out of me. They kept kicking me and stomping on me. I swear I saw stars. Black dots filled my vision, at this point I knew I was going to pass out. Everything ached. My entire body was hurting. I had to shut down.

Before I fainted, I heard a distant growl. I felt nothing but I could smell blood. My blood and soon everything went dark.

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