

Jasmine who had been left to sleep in a room she had never for once believed she would. 

A room she had simply washed and cleaned when she was a member of this house. 

Even though she was now the only living flesh and blood daughter of Bale, she was now the enemy. 

How the tables had turned, Jessica who had been horrid to her, had turned out to be the one and only Xaden's sister. 

It made zero sense to her. 

She could not comprehend how fate could be so cruel to her. 

That she had suffered at the hands of her family at the hands of someone who had turned out to not be a member of her family. 

She had suffered at their enemy. 

She had suffered at the hands of men who had lusted after her. 

She had been beaten bared with marks to serve as a reminder and a warning to her. 

And now look at where she was. 

Even if they now knew that she was Bale's illegitimate daughter. 

There was no original daughter.