It’s a beautiful town with lush trees all around, and plenty of parks. I see a shopping strip up ahead, and some cute cafés and some clothing stores. There are plenty of people around who are most likely werewolves; I feel a lot of unwelcome eyes on me. I spot a watch tower and go there.
After climbing hundreds of steps, I take in the view: Shadow Crest sure is beautiful. A dense, green forest surrounds the town for miles around; there is no way of telling which way is which. I sit down defeated, and dangle my legs over the ledge, resting my head on the rail. What am I going to do? Turning into a werewolf scares me, but I can't run from that. It's going to happen no matter where I go. I reflect on last night: Ryker being shot, the way he protected me from my father, and how my heart ached at the thought of almost losing him.
Suddenly, I feel a presence behind me; Ryker lets out a heavy sigh and sits down next to me, dangling his legs over the ledge.