
The almighty demon lord's summon as a mere highschool student

An organisation know as agency zero,founded to destroy demons years after a great war occurred between gods and demon kind is posing a threat to the demons who want to live in peace. A group of these demons decide to call up their lord from the underworld for help but it doesn't go quite as planned....

Lixurin · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs

Agency Zero is around

Dinner was prepared and Alya and Iniko were already at the dining table.Lilith arrived rather late,she wore a vest top and gym short and her hair pulled back into a pony tain.After having dinner,hey all went to sleep.


"Sir!there is some paranormal activity going on at area 777B.House number thirty seven,"a female spoke through the phone from a building in the city to one a few kilometres from Inikos house,

"This better be good!It's the fucking middle of the night for pete sake!"The man snapped through the phone.

"Oh course it is,this is one of the biggest so far,be sure you carry a big troop agent O'six."

"Yeah,yeah,whatever,"He hang up and yawned loud."ALL RIGHT YOU RATS!WAKE YOUR ASSES!TIME TO GO TO WORK!"He yelled as he kicked open a door which led to a room filled with people who suddenly jumped out of their beds.

"Aww,you really getting us out of bed now to go fight?Do you even have a heart?"One of the females complained while rubbing her eyes.

"Yea,well,we have a duty to exterminate them everytime they're located,and this is one of those times,"a tall dark guy gave her a pat on the shoulder.

She groaned lazily and dropped back onto her bed to protest.The guy that woke them suddenly marching to her bed and lifted her off the bed by her hair.

"Ow ow ow owwwww!!What did I even do?!"She cried while getting to her feet.


"Well no need to scream Jacob,"she rolled her eyes.

He let go of her and marched into a separate room growling.Everyone started fumbling around and getting their uniform on.Lyla lazily puy her uniform on as well though she did it half heartedly.

Jacob suddenly burst through the door again."A warrior's weapon in their soul mate!Grab your soul mate and let's go to out wedding!"

Everyone grabbed their guns and spare weaponry and once fully armed they marched out.Most of them got into cars and a few into choppers.

Jacob,who was the captain of the squad was in one of the choppers.He put in coordinates to the building he was told off and his chopper led the way for all others to follow.


Chopper noises and vehicle engines roared right outside Iniko's house and soon followed by boots stomping all around the house.

Iniko suddenly snapped awake from the noise.He walked to his bedroom window and looked outside.

The outside was flooded with people in black uniform with blue stripes on the side.Each had a gun in hand and another on their back alongside other weaponry.From the info he had gotten from Lilith earlier,these people could be from Agency Zero,but he wasn't certain.

Iniko enhanced his eyes with his demonic power and saw all of their locations to make sure he wouldn't get caught by surprise.

He then got out of his room and suddenly burst into Lilith's room.She was already up looking out the window seeking a way to escape.

"Lilith!"Iniko called.She suddenly shrieked thinking it was one of the agents."Don't just spook me like that!Especially not when agents from zero are here.

This statement affirmed his suspicion from earlier."What are they here for?"Iniko asked.

"I very clearly told you,they hunt down demons and kill them and last I checked,you and I are,well,ya know. "

"How do they even know we're here?"

"How should I know?probably some sort of technology thing that surveys for demonic energy or whatever."

Iniko paced up and down the room before suddenly coming to a conclusion. "There is no use trying fighting them now,they'll know how we look and will hunt us down to the ends of the earth-"

"No shit sherlock!I wasn't planning on fighting them either,I'm shocked we had the same idea."

"Not the time for sarcasm Lilith,but if they're here for a demon then that's what they'll get."

"You wanna surrender?I really encourage you to do so."

"Of course not mud for brains!I will summon one of my loyal subjects from hell and have them lay their life for me."

"Wow,and they say I'm the bad ruler."

"Ugh!"Iniko drew a circle with a pentagram in between it and pouring a little energy in it,a demon appeared before them.

As the demon appeared,the agents found their way into the house and started flowing in like water.Iniko raised his palm to the demon and nodded at it.

The demon suddenly jumped out of the room and suddenly got a barrage of bullets fly through it like rain and it fell at the spot.

To ensure they didn't reveal themselves too much, Iniko and Lilith hid un a wardrobe clinging onto each other.Multiple agents suddenly flooded the room and started looking around and within no time Iniko and Lilith were found,hidden in the wardrobe hugging each other like an aunt trying to comfort her nephew or big sister to small brother.A pretty expected reaction so the agents thought nothing of it and proceeded with their investigations.

Iniko suddenly grabbed Lilith's ass with the agents looking around making her almost shriek but she didn't because she could get her brains blown out.Instead she tried pushing his hand away but he overpowered her easily.

"Is this necessary now?"She whispered to him but he didn't quite seem to care,if she tried to rebel against his actions,the seal would activate and she'd start screaming and become suspected of some sort of possession and get carried off or killed at the spot.She knew this too so she just gave in to let him do whatever.

He slid his hand into her shorts and started fondling her ass for a while but he suddenly stopped when an agent came up to them.

"We are going to need to have a chat with everyone who lives in this house,how many people live here?"She asked.

"Well,it used to be twi,but I just moved in,"Lilith answered,being the adult.

"Is this true?"The agent faced to Iniko.

"Yes,she just moved in after a demon destroyed her house yesterday,"He answered.

The agenda gave them a nod and proceeded to interrogate each of them separately and soon each agent was gone.Alya immediately ran to Iniko after they left to make sure her was okay with tears in her eyes.

"I came to your room and you were gone!And there was a monster and I was just so scared you were-"she suddenly stopped talking and hugged him.

"It's alright,Lily was with me and she helped me hide from the monster,"He gave her an assuring smile.

"Thank you very much,miss Lily,"Alya thanked her.

"It's alright really,it's the least I can do since you allowed me to live in your house."Lilith assured and gave her a smile trying to hold back the uslrge to chew and spit out Iniko.