
The All-Knowing Nobody [A Progressive LitRPG Fantasy]

Maybe some dreams are never meant to come true, no matter how hard you try. They always stay in the faraway land. Unattainable… untouched… Tim was also the same… running after an unattainable dream, leaving everything behind. But regretted his every decision soon enough… Waking up inside his own novel filled with magic and monsters, Tim has a second chance to relive his life. Correcting the mistakes of his past will not be his only challenge, however.  Underneath the peace and prosperity of the new world is an undercurrent threatening to destroy everything he has worked for, questioning his role and reason for finding himself again. ---- Hope you guys like it. Join Discord - https://discord.gg/CF2hqNTNPJ Patreon is live with 4 chaps ahead- https://www.patreon.com/Neiryl English is not my first language. I hope you will be kind enough to forgive my mistakes.

Neiryl · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs

Mana has it's Perks huh...


The surrounding air blasted away as my hammer pierced through the hard skin of the last scorpion in the vicinity.

I had probably killed twenty of these hideous monsters by now and finally after forty-five minutes of running around thrashing each one, they stopped.

Dropping the hammer on to the ground I took a deep breath to regulate my haggard breathing. I was feeling restless and tired from all the swinging.

"Still, it was quite the fun." I smirked seeing the cracks on the ground and the non-existent scorpions.

"I should leave." I muttered out loud staring at the static sky which neither darkened nor lightened.

But the main reason was Mana depletion and I could feel like my body did not have much mana left.

These creatures were mere simulation but their attacks were not simulated. It hurt when I got stinged or how my pants were now in pieces, surviving those pincers.

If something big arrives now, then I would be thrown around like a rag doll. Without mana humans were nothing against these beasts.

So, picking my hammer, I turned around and began to leave but my steps paused when the AI spoke.


Begin Final Scenario, in 3…2…1!



"What the fuck do you mean go?" I anxiously looked around to see what scenario was coming and lastly my eyes stopped at a 12feet high creature running towards me with its pincers and stingers pointed forward.

"You gotta be shitting me!"

I was tired as hell, low on mana and this AI threw this abomination at me. I mean… "What the hell dude?"

Anyway, if it was coming at me then putting it to sleep was my sworn duty. The feeling of thrill still lingered and seeing the creature it just broke the charts.

I faced the approaching scorpion, took a few steps back channeling the last remaining mana into my legs for the PG-17 trick-shot I was going to attempt.

"Here I come, Boss!"

I mumbled lunging forward at a speed I never thought I could achieve. I closed on it within seconds before throwing myself up in the air by manipulating the gravity (a trick reserved only for the earth elemental mages).

I positioned my weapon targeting the creature's head, ready to hammer the final blow with all its glory.


Matching my every expectation, the blow perfectly struck its head. And immediately the scorpion fell on the ground with a loud thud.

But the momentum was enough to drag its body several feet before coming to a halt.

"Haaa… haaa…." I fell on the ground, frantically breathing. My body was aching all over as I felt my heart beating in my ears, more like a full DJ set was going on.

That jump alone took the least amount of mana I had. Now in dire need I could not even move my hands. My entire body felt strained and soon I started trembling.

But the show was not over yet as another same sized scorpion rose from the ground and charged.

"Not again…." These were the only words I was able to murmur before the pain mixed with my tired mind got the best of me.

The world before me blurred completely as my senses plunged into nothingness.


I slowly opened my eyes looking at the all too familiar ceiling over my head. I turned around to see my furniture and confirmed my whereabouts.

It seemed like I was in my room now.

I guess they took me to infirmary, checked that I was not dying, then threw me into my room as I would recover automatically.

'Yes, that must have happened.' There was no way I was deeply hurt or dying. I just lost consciousness. That was all.

So, I rose from my bed to get some food but immediately fell again because of the mild headache and my sore body. I tried again but failed. My body was not usable for now.

'Mana depletion huh…' I let out a deep sigh, staring at my clock which read 09:49 PM.

Damn, I was out for what, six hours. That's really a long time, but still my condition was not at its best.

'So, what now?' I was hungry and had nothing to eat. I could prepare something but for that, I need to get up which I could not, no matter how I try.

And after struggling for a moment, I gave up. Closed my eyes for a sleep until I heard my belly rumble uncontrollably.

I really was hungry and without eating anything sleep was a long-lost dream.

So, despite my body begging me to stop I forced myself to get off the bed and head to the kitchen.

Opened the little refrigerator in search of anything but there was none. Opened the cabinets, found some packet noodles and my search was done.

"It is what it is bro." I said to myself, heating a bowl of water and proceeding with the too well-known recipe.

It took hardly fifteen minutes and my five-star rated food was ready which was consumed in two minutes.

As soon as I finished the food, I felt my pain lessened quite a bit. I did not feel like dying anymore. I could move my body a little but the limitations were still there.

"Good!" I nodded with a content smile on my face.

Soon, dropping the bowl on the sink, I opened the freezer again for a cold drink which was just water. I found the bottle but then noticed how empty the freeze looked.

Well, it was already empty so… No comments on that.

All in all, I was a broke ass, randomly spawned here with no money. I bought the potions and scrolls because I found some $500 on my purse but it would run out too.

To save myself from dying out of hunger I needed money

Well, not only hunger but also to get stronger.

Take today's training for example. I ran out of mana after only an hour which was literally the worst anyone could do.

Mana ruled supreme in this world and F- mana capacity was useless in real life scenarios. Using some minor spell would drain me completely.

Days of meditation and rigorous training was the best way to increase my mana capacity, but for a sloth like me, those were not that viable.

I would mostly use my brain not brawn.

So, mana potions were the best choice.

Still, getting those vials was no easy feat.

Their astronomical price made them inaccessible to the common population where I belonged.

Like, one potion could cost between $25 to a whopping $500,000 or even a million, depending on the brand and quality.

'I know. It's my fault for making things worse but when you write, numbers don't matter much. But when you experience those numbers, they really seem like hell spawns.'

At this point it was too late to change anything or should I say it was outright impossible.

Anyway, I needed money, which I did not have. I was still not sure how I even got that $500 but couldn't care much at this point.

So, I lay on the bed spreading my limbs. Now with a full tummy, my tired body sought some sleep, as I yawned loudly.

'Geez, I need to figure out a way to earn money first. I can't just listen to my earthly desires, for God's sake... Wait, never mind I'm the God here.'

Then it suddenly hit me.

'Wait, yes, I'm the God here. I know everything there is to know about this world. Why not just use that knowledge to make some quick cash?'

A naughty grin showed on my face.

"So, this is what it's like to be a cheater. Ahahahaha..." The grin quickly turned into a full hearty laugh.

Satisfied with the new plan in my head, I gave in to my desires and dozed off.


27th October 2423: Sunday


I stood before a small shop selling shoes and before me was a pair of Puma cell phase running shoes. It was behind a glass for the advertisement purpose and for some reason I liked it.

It was not that pricey but I had no money to buy. Could not even try in fear of the shop owner looking at me like I was some sort of criminal.

But one thing struck me. That was how beautiful and detailed everything was, not just the shop but this entire city named Orsier.

I just wrote about a tree, a huge building, a shop, a café selling donuts but never thought it could be presented like this.

It was like they were evolving on their own.

Every shop had different colors, different names, different feel, scent, everything was different, and was beautiful in its own way.

People did not act like NPCs, they acted like real people with real life and goals. They had a life which I did not give them. They build it by themselves.

Nothing seemed fake here. Everything felt original, real. I was real or maybe I was just imagining things.

I was God anyway.

Soon with a soft smile on my face, I turned around and left the area. I walked towards the same café where I had gone the day before yesterday.

Went inside, ordered two donuts and a hot coffee, sat down in the same place gazing at the crowd. This time the order arrived instantly with the same waitress. She was smiling but looked at me with a questioning gaze once she placed my coffee on the table.

"Something on your mind?" I asked, leaning on my chair.

"Yes… that girl you came with two days ago… I think I have seen her somewhere."

"You must have seen her on some billboard screens in the city square. She is kind of famous." I responded with my usual smile, taking a sip of coffee.

Top ten students of each year were always posted on billboards throughout the human territory as the future heroes. The goal was to boost morale among civilians. So they would believe humanity could still win the inevitable war.

'Advertisements huh…' I sneered inwardly. All this was my shitty idea to begin with.

"I think so." She made a thoughtful expression. "Wait… I think I have seen her beside a handsome man who is called our future lance. Their pictures are still there."

"You are right." I chuckled, witnessing the innocent look in her eyes. She looked barely fourteen or fifteen and was working here full time.

"But… How do you know her? Is she your girlfriend?" She asked again, grasping the tray tightly.

"What do you think?" I picked up a donut and took a bite. The soft yet crunchy flavor was just perfect.

"Really? She really is your girlfriend." Her eyes went wide, getting the wrong meaning of my words. "But you look so average and she looks like a goddess."

"Lily, don't talk like that." A lady shouted from behind, hearing the girl's words. The café was mostly empty as they were just opening. Thus, the words reached her ears quickly. "Learn to respect others."

"Sorry mom!" Lily shouted without averting her gaze from me. "And I am sorry Sir, I should not have said that." Her tone was slow but I did not feel any traces of compassion in them.

"I don't mind kid." I let out a toothy smirk and a light wink. "I am an average Joe anyway and she is not my girlfriend. Just a friend I made along the way."

"Look!" Lily's tone rose, as she pointed towards something, totally ignoring my words.

I too shifted my eyes towards the direction she pointed and not so surprisingly there were two people walking along the sidewalks opposite to the café, followed by dozens of cameramen and reporters.

"Arthur and Anniliese. They make a perfect couple, don't they?" I muttered with a faint grin on my lips.

"Yup!" Lily nodded, giving no attention to me. "They are perfect. Just look at them. That man really looks like a hero and she looks like a heroine. A picture-perfect pair."

'Thanks kid! I made them; you know.' I wanted to say this to take some credit but refrained myself. I just nodded, saying nothing.