
The alignment of our stars

As Aqua lay there on death's door, gazing at the beautiful night sky filled with shimmering stars, he decides to go to hell with being tricked and to pursue happiness instead. Here is the story of Aquamarine Hoshino in his third life.

dreamersdelusion · Komik
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32 Chs

Chapter 9: An unforgettable day (2)

Aqua's pov

"Oh it's more than enough for us both, so eat as much as you want Sensei," she replied with a seductive smile.

'What is she trying to do now?' 

Feeling a looming sense of danger, I shifted myself away from her slightly, causing her to perk up and stare at me with a ravenous look.

'Is this what dating a yandere feels like?'

Jumping suddenly to my side, she wrapped her entire body around mine, constricting me like a piece of rope being tied around my body, restricting my movement. 

Then, she rested her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes, a blissful smile on her face. 

'My arm!' I screamed internally as my arm was pressed tightly, causing the blood circulation to my arm to be blocked off.

With great effort, I started to move my right arm out of her tight embrace. Starting with the elbow, my arm slowly exited the warm prison it was in and was met with the coolness of the air. 

"Sarina ..." I called nervously.

"Yes, Sensei?"

"Umm ... I'm really hungry, so could I eat first?" I asked, not even daring to ask if she could cook up a separate dish for the two of us. 

"Of course Sensei!" She replied, as her head rose and her eyes opened to gaze at me. 

Swiftly, her right arm darted out and grabbed the metal spoon from the table, before gently scooping up a spoonful of Omurice and placing it in front of me. 

"Say aah Sensei ..." she commanded softly as if talking to a baby. 

I don't exactly know what came over me right there and then, but I had the gall to use my right hand to snatch the spoon from her, shoving the food into my mouth of my own accord, refusing to play into her games any longer. Seeing this, Ruby's face instantly transfigured into one of irritation, upset that I wouldn't allow her to live out her romantic fantasies with me. 

As I did so, I was presented with a lovely surprise. As soon as the food entered my mouth, my eyes instantly widened as all the neurons in my brain screamed at me to eat more of this shit as it was so fucking good. The rice was fluffy and smooth, and combined with the perfectly cooked eggs, it had an added layer of texture and umami to it, just perfect. 

"Oh my gosh, this is so good!" I applauded, as my right hand subconsciously went to my mouth to contain the palatable goodness in my mouth.

"Hey ... It's good? Do you like it Sensei? Do you like it?" She asked excitedly, her face turning from one of annoyance and anger to one of excitement and joy. 

"Yeah, it's good!" I declared with a gentle smile, picking up the spoon which I didn't even know I had dropped onto the table, and shoving more of this heavenly delicacy down my throat. 

Hearing that, she gave a wide grin and hugged me even tighter, digging her head into my shoulder as she gave slight murmurs of happiness.

'So cute. She's like a puppy who got praised for the first time.'

"Cute," I accidentally let out.

'Did she hear that?' I panicked, hoping that she somehow didn't hear that in her blissful trance.

 However, that foolish hope of mine would never come to fruition as when I looked down on her, I saw her face completely red. 

'She definitely heard that. Shit!' I cursed silently. 

"Umm ... Are you hungry Sarina?" I asked, trying to shift the topic away from my slip-up. 

"Feed ... me ... Sensei," She pleaded softly, staring at me with eyes of eagerness and longing.

'Umm ... Is there really no other choice? Argh! Why the hell not?! I should reward her for her heavenly cooking after all.' 

After some deliberation, I ultimately agreed, trying to stand up to get another spoon. However, her clinging on to me and my inexistent leg muscles made it impossible for me to stand up. 

"Sarina, I need to go get another spoon to feed you with, could you please get up?" I asked politely. 

With a glint in her eye and a mischievous smile on her face, she looked at me and replied "No need for that, I can just eat from this spoon right here." 

Following that, she grabbed my hand and gulped down the spoonful of rice which I had previously scooped up for myself, closing her eyes to relish in the flood of flavors that came pouring out from the dish. 

"I'm glad all my training paid off," She muttered to herself with a smile while I stood there dazed from what she had just done. 

'The audacity and courage taken to pull off that one move alone. What else is she capable of doing?' 

Seeing how quick and brave she was when it came to doing something she considered romantic, goosebumps started breaking out all over my body. 

'She's scary. Women are scary.'

"Sensei ... I'm hungry, please feed me," Ruby asked again. 

Afraid of what she would and could do to me if I were to reject her request, I hastily continued shoving food into her mouth using my spoon. 

Occasionally, she would take the spoon from my hand and take turns feeding me, while muttering "Refill" while doing this. 

Thus, a somewhat cringy romantic scene was formed, where a couple of people with almost zero dating experience but irrevocably in love with each other took turns feeding each other from the same spoon. 

At that moment, a random thought floated into my head after seeing her outlandish actions.

'I wonder what's going through in her mind right now.' 

Ruby's Pov

As I fed my darling husband, and in turn received likewise, a song played out in my head that perfectly represented my feelings at that moment. 

'Sensei! Sensei! I love Sensei!' it went over and over again. 

'With this, I'm one step closer to convincing him of my abilities as a wife who can take care of him. Now, he will have no reason to leave me and we can be together forever and ever like I always dreamed about. All those years before I entered high school learning how to cook and other niche household skills like how to use an ironing rack and the washing machine are going to finally pay off. Hooray! Now, he doesn't need to leave the house because I am all he is ever going to need.' I thought with a smile as I brought the dirty plate to the sink and started washing it until it sparkled.

After I accomplished my task, I racked the plate on the dish drainer and turned back to be reunited with my future husband.

Aqua sat on the couch, his head leaning against the back of the sofa and his eyes shut. He had a peaceful expression on his face, his lips curled up in a slight smile as he succumbed to the drowsiness that came after eating the delicious dinner I prepared. 


Running up to him, I jumped on his lap and curled up by his side, burying my head into his chest and wrapping my arms around his back. 

There, in the warmth of my endeared husband, I recalled the day's events, our lovely cuddling session on the sofa, the meals we shared together, where he fed me and I shared the same spoon with him at dinner, relishing the special taste of his mouth juices. 

This is going to be an unforgettable day, I already know it. I don't want it to end though, I want our days together to continue like this forever. He is determined to go outside tomorrow, facing the great dangers in the adult world. How could I let him do that? He could get hit by a car? He could get kidnapped, or worse, he could run away from me, thinking me to be a psychopath. Have I been too extreme with my actions? I just wanted to express my love to him, I didn't mean for him to get scared or threatened by me. 

"Sensei ... Did you enjoy the food?" I asked, setting up the stage for me to persuade him away from the innumerable possibilities and dangers he could face if he went outside and left my side. 

"Yes, I did. Thank you for that," He replied. 

Looking up at him, I stared right into his dazzling blue eyes, and mustered up the courage to ask him "If you enjoyed the food, that means I'm a good cook right? If you don't leave my side ever, I could cook and provide for you like I did before. So you don't have to go out right? You could just stay here and enjoy my food and ... me. Listen. I'm sorry if I came across as very extreme and way too wild today, I just don't know how to express my love for you properly. So, please don't leave. Let's work through this together, let's ..." 

As I continued letting my fears speak through me and rambled on and on in a futile attempt to get him to remain by my side at home forever, he simply wrapped his arm around the back of my head and pulled me in closer into his chest. 

"Calm down Sarina, I think what you did today albeit extreme is cute, and frankly, I kind of enjoyed feeling wanted like this. However, it is just impossible for me to stay at home and be by your side forever. You know that as well as I do. All you have to do it just trust me and trust that I will not do anything to myself or you that will hurt you. I love you, Sarina, so please ... please just trust me," He comforted me in a calming voice that washed away all my fears.

'I can't let him go. It's too dangerous. But, he's a fully grown adult, and he's way older than me, so it's okay to trust him to take care of himself right? Plus, I'm sure he won't abandon me, he just said he loves me. But ... At the same time, I'm not sure ...' 

An inner conflict broke out in my mind as I struggled to decide on what the best course of action was. 

Eventually, the conflict reached the breaking point and one question popped up in my mind which put an end to the whole thing. 

"If not him, then who?" I whispered. 

'If I couldn't even trust the man I loved, who else can I trust?'

Ultimately, I settled to just trust him and savor this moment we have together. 

As I lay there in his warmth, I felt like I could do anything. 

'Together, we'll face whatever the world throws our way. I will never be alone again.' 

That was my final verdict on the matter. 

After a few minutes of just laying there, enjoying each other's presence, Aqua turned on the television and sat me up, as we continued to cuddle while watching some random YouTube videos online. 

After a few hours of this, my eyes started to flutter as I started to be affected by the sleep debt that piled on from the many sleepless nights before this. 

Seeing this, Sensei gently lifted me and carried me to my bedroom. 

"Sensei ... stop," I begged groggily. 

But this weak resistance of mine went unnoticed as he just simply continued, laying me on my bed.

'Should I ask him to sleep together with me?' I contemplated. 

'No, that would be weird, I should take things slow. Don't rush the relationship, take things slow and easy Sarina, we can always do these kinds of things later.' 

"Goodnight Sarina," Aqua whispered into my ear before planting a small kiss on my forehead. 

This sudden act of his caused a wave of warmth to flood through my cheeks once more, and a wide smile to appear on my face. 

"Goodnight ... Sensei ..." I muttered sheepishly. 

With a soft smile on his face, Aqua patted my head and left the room, closing the door as he did so, which left the room stranded in the darkness, the only light coming from the moon's soft glow which peered its way into the room from the crack in the curtains.

As I sat there, basking in the moonlight, reflecting on the fond memories of the day, I found myself enveloped by warmth even without a blanket, with an overwhelming feeling of joy in my heart, thinking to myself.

'So this is what it feels like to be in love.' 

What an unforgettable day.