
The alignment of our stars

As Aqua lay there on death's door, gazing at the beautiful night sky filled with shimmering stars, he decides to go to hell with being tricked and to pursue happiness instead. Here is the story of Aquamarine Hoshino in his third life.

dreamersdelusion · Komik
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32 Chs

Chapter 13: A close call

Aqua's POV




Panting, I ran down the street leading up to our home. 

"Finally I'm here," I said as I reached the front door and breathed a sigh of relief. 

"Please don't be late. Please don't be late," I begged who knows what as I took out my phone with shaky hands almost dropping it from the fatigue, and checked the time. 

To my dismay, the numbers displayed at the top of my phone showed that it was 7.10. 

I was 10 minutes late. I hope Ruby is not mad. 


Slotting the key into the keyhole, I turned the key and opened the door. 


As soon as the door was open, I could hear the faint sounds of sobbing coming from inside the house. 

'Who could be crying?' I wondered.

"I'm home ..." 

Before I could finish, a loud and shaky voice interrupted me. 

"Sensei?! Sensei!" Ruby shouted as she rushed up and embraced me, digging her face into my chest as she sniffed. 

'Why was she sniffing? Was she crying because I was late?'

Ruby continued sniffing as she rubbed her head into my chest. 

"I'm home Sarina."

Weirdly, as I gazed upon her golden patch of hair, I felt the sudden and newfound urge to pat it.

'No that would be weird,' I dismissed as my hand subconsciously gave in, and patted her head. 

Seeing this, I glared at my traitorous right hand, but it still refused to budge. 

'Is he still controlling my body? Yo dude get out!' 

Yet my hand continued its rebellious streak disobeying my commands and heeding my instincts.

"mmm," Ruby sounded happily, as she looked up at me with bright shining stars in those red eyes of hers.

Finally, with much effort, I managed to pull back my hand, letting it fall limp to my sides. 

'What the heck was that?'

That turned out to be a huge mistake. Now, without the soothing comfort of my hand patting her head, her mind regained clarity and she started to hit me hard on the shoulder, causing it to sting and become sore. 

"Sensei ... Where were you? Why did you come back so late? I missed you ..." She chided angrily as tears started streaming down her face. 

'How do I explain it to her? How can I explain it to her? I can't even explain it to myself, to be honest.'

"I felt so lonely without you ... I thought you left me ... and that you ... hated me," She cried with teary eyes. 

As I stared into her deep red eyes, I could see nothing but mist and despair, showing how much she truly suffered in my brief absence. Instantly, my heart started to well up with an oppressive sense of guilt and pity. 

"I'm so sorry Sarina," I apologized while using my right arm to bring her in closer to me. 

And in my soft embrace, she started crying, letting all the pent-up worries flow out of her eyes and into my garment.

"I'll never ever leave you, Sarina. I love you, I really do mean it," I reaffirmed. 

Hearing my words, she started to cry even more. 

'Did I say something wrong? I was trying to comfort her there.' I worried, 'Perhaps I should try a different strategy.'

"Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?" I asked gently, lifting her tear-stained face to look at her. 

And that was one of the biggest mistakes I could have made.

"Kiss. I want a kiss," she replied while looking at me in the eyes, her lips twitching in nervous anticipation. 

'Shit! What do I say? Is kissing her this one time really worth it? I don't want her to think I don't take our promise seriously.' 

For a few milliseconds, my brain worked like a supercomputer, generating countless things to say to get out of the situation. However, in the end, I decided to do one of the most dumb things instead. 

"Is there any other way I can make it up to you Sarina?" I questioned, causing her to pout. 

"Kiss," she continued, looking up at me with eyes gleaming with hope. 

'Kiss. Kiss. She didn't say where right? A kiss on the forehead should not trivialise our agreement too much right?' I debated. 

Meanwhile, Ruby continued looking up at me in silent anticipation. 

'Screw it, one time can't hurt. Besides, she still doesn't truly believe I love her and won't leave her, one small kiss on the forehead may help correct that falsehood.' 

Ultimately, I gave in after seeing the copious amounts of grief she went through because of me which caused me to be reminded of my past life where I too hurt her.

"Okay fine, but this is it, okay?" I answered to which she started giggling excitedly and nervously. 

As I moved in closer, both our cheeks started to flush a shade of bright red as she started humming nervously. 

"Sensei~" She let out before closing her eyes, her lips already pulsing with excitement and preparedness for what comes next. 

However, right before our lips were about to touch, I lifted my head and planted a kiss on her forehead instead.

"Hey!" She whined angrily, let down by my trick. 

"You said a kiss, but you did not specify where," I replied smugly, proud of my ingenious plan. 

"I clearly meant my mouth!" She rebutted. 

"Well it's too late now," I said, shutting her down.

"No, it's not, I want another kiss, on the mouth this time," She demanded. 

"Nope," I replied firmly.

To this, she crossed her arms and pouted at me, looking like a cute toddler who didn't get her candy. 

"Anything else I can do hun?" I asked. 

" ... kiss ..." she murmured while keeping her angry facade up.

"What were you going to do with me in the 10 minutes while I was gone?" I inquired. 

"Cuddle and watch television with you," she replied softly while keeping her furious act up.

"Then let's do that instead, I will even double the time and cuddle with you for an extra 20 minutes," I offered.

To be honest, I also wanted to hold her gently in my arms but I just couldn't muster up the courage to say it. Plus, this could make her happy so all things considered it isn't that bad. 

"I want 6 times that you cuddle with me for a full hour," She countered. 

'Better than being forced to break the agreement.'

"Sure," I replied quickly before she had a chance to change her mind, securing the deal. 

With the assumption that she had won, she dropped her facade, causing a wide smile to appear on her face as she hooked her arm around mine and dragged me to the dining table, sitting me down and resting her head on my shoulder. 

'She's so cute.' I thought, helpless to the charms of my lover.


That was what I felt along with an overwhelming sense of joy as everything went back to the way it was supposed to be. 

'Phew, that was a close one.'