
1 - Dreams into Reality

Hey my name's Axel Fabool and this is my story. I'm your average 27 year old, just coasting through life.... Nope I'm barely surviving. Still working the same dead end job I was working in highschool. I can just make it by after paying my rent for my apartment and then have food to eat. I'm not even gonna lie I've had to eat at soup kitchens a couple of here lately. But anyways enough of that let me tell you the day of when my dreams became reality in the worst way.


I work up this morning at 12 ' God it's good to sleep in.' Man I love the weekends it the only time I'm able to have fun. I job outta bed and get ready for the greatest two days of my life. Hehe yup gonna Set a new record for myself and beat FFX in two days. Totally worth the cramped hands, and sleep depravation. So I head out to my living room and set up my Xgamer3000 with the pro-line series chair with speakers. Greatest investment ever! When this is done I grab my mini fridge with 50 mountain roosters and place by the chair." Alright I'm all set let's do this."

------2 days later------

" F*** why can't they tell me more about the Al Bhed. I search and search for these primers , and what do I get just understanding of their language. Why can't you tell me their history, and stuff. All I get is this.uhhhhh." *growl* " man I'm hungry," I said. I get up stepping through the minefield of cans to my fridge opening it only to see nothing to eat. " Crap now I gotta go out and buy food" (T-T) All I have is $2, " guess mcchonald here I come."

I grab my keys and start heading out. I open the door and the unholy light burnssssssss. "Hah really gotta make sure next time i bring sunglasses" I head down the hallway in my apartment complex I live on the 4th floor. Almost didn't get an apartment here cause of that but what got me was the cheap price and elevator. Ya you won't catch me climbing so many flights of steps everyday. Whoever created I hope they burn in hell. 'Crap got distracted almost passed the elevator.' I look up and see an "out of order" sign hanging on it. " Dammit, this day just keeps getting worst now I gotta use those damn stairs. All I know they better get this fixed quick or else" I should just go back and chill I don't have to eat I'll be fine I could afford to lose weight... *GRRROWWWWLLLLL* DAMN! Body says no, "alright let's do this stairs you will not stop me from my double cheeseburger. I will be victorious.yaah" I start headed that way when take the first I start getting dizzy, " huh why does everything look hazy" next thing I know everything goes black.


'what the hell where am I? why is everything black? Why can't i speak? Ohhh nononononon this is not happening. Breath Axel, breathe. Fuck I can't breathe. Whats going on....

????: Calm down child there is nothing to fear.

Axel: who's there??? What I can speak??

Everything flashes white and now I can feel again even breathing. Im startled for before me is an old guy with a nicely trimmed beard in a robe sitting at a desk in front of me and somehow I'm sitting down now.

Axel: Who are you? And where am I?

Deacon: Hello child my name is @##$&#_- but you may call me Deacon. And for your other question your dead and you were lucky to try our new reincarnation system that we made for those who have freak accidents resulting in death. We call it DIRe.

Axel: Wait you're saying I died? ..... wait a minute this isn't one of those sake reincarnated things going on right where I get three wishes?

Deacon: bingo in one you got it right now you get to choose whichever world you want to go to not only this but you get three wishes also you get to choose your appearance. But remember there are limitations on these wishes no God like powers no crazy things Opness you want to enjoy your life don't you.

think it over child you have all the time to make your deci..

Axel: all right I want to reincarnate and final fantasy 10 as an Al Bhed specifically rikku's brother. I want to look like cloud from final fantasy VII. Ummmm for my first wish I want a body without limits meaning I can keep training and get stronger and stronger the more I train. for my second wish I want all three hakis and be able to train them. and my last wish I want the purest hanma bloodline.

oh yeah and before I forget please don't let me end up to bulky I want swimmers body muscular but lean that's it please.

Deacon: all right that works off you go.

Then a portal opened behind me and I was sucked into it. then all I seen was darkness.