
1. New beginning

On the rainy day I young man not looking more than 14 year old seen running unsteadily also some blood dripping can be seen from his leg

*huff* *huff* "I think I did pretty job running away from her"

*sighs* "when will this rain stop" *slit*as soon as he said this he saw the whole world upside down, only thing he regrets in that life was that he cared more for her then did for himself. With that his life come to end, or so he thought.

He felt sudden pain in his forearm and chest open his eyes this place was strangely familiar to him and all of sudden he said "I'm sure that I died but still why is this familiar?" after so much thinking he got sudden headache, "ouch, ah, hmm? Hmm!? Ohhhk I get it now."

Turns out that when he died he got reincarnated to this person named amon, amon had similarities to his past self and always wonder something was wrong but after this staircase fell down incident it might seen that he hit his head to hard and suddenly remembered his past life.

Amon was contemplating whether who was real him now, whether it's amon or the past life person, well 2 hour pass by and he was bored trying to think too hard it seems his mentality is quite stable as amon unlike his past self.

(This world in geographical was similar, the technology is also kind of similar the major difference was science was replaced by magic, most of thing still requires electricity but that is also somewhat has requirement of magic stones.)

(You ask how they get magic stones well,

This world had portals in which monster resides by killing them we get magic stones and only way to clear was through killing boss monster, people normally refer portals as dungeons.)

The thing is this was not first time for amon to die because, I will let you see this for yourself

"Status open"


Name : Amon ashton

Age : 16

Class : None

< strength : 20 >

< agility : 12 >

< endurance : 15 >

<< Skills

: Transformation (D)

Upon use of skill you will able to transform into individual you know off for 4 hours Note : any major damage will lead to magic undone

: Reincarnation (Ex)

This skill allow you to Reincarnate at any

point in the life you lived. If you don't select the timeliness then it will automatically choose the last saved point you selected which you choose before.

: Status Concealment (Ex)

Select skill cannot be viewed by any person or any identification magic, only one skill can be selected and this skill itself won't be displayed.


You might be thinking just transform into person you like and... I will leave rest that to your imagination but sadly it's not simple, only your face changes nothing else nor height nor body parts, skin tone may change for temporary into that person.

Well the problem is amon had already died twice as amon, first time amon had anti social personality which led to bullying and all once he grew anxiety, depression took major turn which led him himself to miserable life and decided to end all.

Once he reincarnated second time hiis mentality also recovered and decided he want to change and began to try to make friends or atleast friendly behavior which resulted the second life successful

You ask how died

Well when he was 24 there was situation where he had no option other then entering the dungeon he did pretty well on start bit stamina took toll and was killed by monster.

Now this is his third time and after major head injury he remembered his past life what await for his future we will see stay tuned.

Stay tuned what future unfold for him

Dark_Rizzercreators' thoughts