
It’s Finally Here

(One year later)

'Today is the day' Talia sighs, feeling a little nervous.

[Hey, we've got this, don't worry, you trained so hard for this, we planned for all possible scenarios we could, you even managed to teach Morgana fire manipulation, which is a first on this world, dragon's here only produce fire, but you both worked so hard you managed what most would call impossible]

'Yeah, but we were too slow on that, I couldn't even get to teaching her how to compress it yet, so I'm on my own for that first part of the plan'

[That doesn't cancel out all your efforts though, you should be proud of what you did]

'You're right. I'm just nervous, afraid I'll mess up after all the consequences you've listed for what my failure here could cause'

[In hindsight maybe I shouldn't have told you that, but it's important that you understand that there are actual consequences hanging on this one]

'I know, thanks Clover'

"Are you ready to go, Talia?" Tim asks her in front of the carriage.

"We're ready, daddy" She pets Morgana's head. The little dragon sleeping peacefully on her shoulder.

"Okay then, you can sleep a little if you want, this will be the longest trip you've had in a long time, little one" Georgia says, hugging her daughter to her. "We'll wake you up as soon as we get there, don't worry" Georgia says running her fingers through her daughter's hair to help her sleep.

Talia closes her eyes. 'Clover, status'


Name: Talia Georgia Ravenheart.

Age: 3 years old.

Species: Human witch.

Affinity: Elemental (air).

Charm: 16

Dexterity: 3

Intelligence: 9

Luck: 11 -> 12

Stamina: 3 -> 5

Strength: 3 -> 4

Will/Persistence: 1 or 15

Skills/Special Skills: Meditation II 2 -> 4, Intermediate Fire Magic 3 -> 5, Intermediate Earth Magic 3, Intermediate Air Magic 5 -> 6, Intermediate Water magic 2 -> 3.

Innate Power(s): Undiscovered

Protection Chosen: Protection of the Mind]

'My Luck keeps going up huh, Stamina got a good boost as well mostly from practicing for containing the explosion, that was a draining ability to learn, Strength is up by one, I raised two whole levels on meditation, two whole levels in fire magic, due to the amount of practice I put into it, none on earth magic, I might have dropped the ball on that one, raised one level on air Magic, not for focusing on it, basically because it just comes easier to me, and one on water Magic as well in case I'm not in time to stop the little girl from falling in the lake. I figured it might help'

[It might, now for artifacts, you have:

Elemental bracelet: If the wearer has an elemental affinity, it can help them to discover and establish control of compound elements, such as: lightning, metal, plants, mud, lava, sand and so on.

Which simply put is quite useless for this mission, you had no time to practice with it or try to explore mixing the elements enough to get to a compound one]

'You told me not to, you said to focus on what I needed for this mission and that I could play with it afterwards'

[Exactly, quite wise of me to do so]



'I have the gloves too, and the spatial ring. Now that I think about it, I never analyzed those, did I?'

[No, you asked me what they do and I told you, but you haven't analyzed them yet]

'Okay then, analyze'

[Gloves of Power: A pair of beautiful fingerless blue gloves that will amplify the powers of its owner by 10%.

Owner: Talia Georgia Ravenheart.

Ownership Non-transferable.

Silver Ring of Blue Moon: An elegant silver ring adorned with a blue jewel in its center, a spatial ring with unlimited storage for things, objects, plants, and so on. Unsustainable for living beings to live inside.]

'It's more or less what you told me already, I didn't know the gloves were Non-transferable though.'

[Technically all the items you took from that little room in limbo are, including Morgana]

'Does that mean no one can steal it or that no one can access their power?'

[No one can neither steal nor use the ring or Morgana. No one else can use the gloves powers besides you]

'Good to know they can't be used against me'

[I advise you to put the gloves on as soon as we get there, they might help for this]

'I know, I'll get some rest for now until we get there'

[Okay, sleep well Talia]

"Sweetie, wake up, we're here" Georgia tells Talia.

"Already?" Talia replies still sleepy.

"Yes, now come, you wanted to see this so much let's go explore already"

'Clover, how long until the solar stone explodes'

[Around two hours]

'Can you warn me thirty minutes before that happens?'


'Thank you'

"So, what do you want to see first?" Tim asks.

"Can we check the solar stones first and make our way from there?" Talia asks wanting to make sure they'll have no reason to be close by when the explosion happens.

"Sound like a plan, let's go" Georgia says.

They explore all the products in that area then go to get some food.

[Talia, it's time]

They get to the restaurant and Talia says. "Can we check the lake later? I heard it's bigger than the one in town" She asks excitedly.

"Sure honey, let's just eat and rest for a bit first, okay?"

Talia nods. 'Time to make my escape'

They are sitting at a table near the center of the restaurant, with Talia sitting in a high chair with her back to the door and her parents in front of her with their back to the kitchen. The waiter starts bringing their dishes from behind her parents and when he is almost at their table the plates on his tray suddenly catch on fire, he drops everything on the floor and the fire starts slowly spreading. Morgana flies back to Talia's shoulder keeping away from view as Talia's parents try to help extinguish the fire and she bolts out of there with Morgana while they're distracted, the fire stops as soon as they leave.

'Okay, we don't have much time, how long do I have until the explosion?'

[Around 15 minutes, you should be able to get there in ten since it isn't all that far from here]

'Good, my parents will look at the lake first, so we need to get this done fast and then go there. They'll be so mad at me'

[It's fine, they can ground you for years after this, as long as you succeed today, we'll have time]

'I would rather not get grounded for years but I get your point'

They get to the solar stones and see a group of teenagers nearby.

"No, I'm way more powerful than you, so what if you can command beasts if there aren't any nearby, you're useless" teenage dirt bag #1 says pushing teenage dirt bag #2. "Like yours is any better? Look out folks there's a mind reader in your midst, he might find out you're thinking of buying pizza for dinner if you're not careful" tdb#2 responds. "You DID NOT just say that!!" tdb#1 says. "Oh, you think that's bad? you should've seen what I was THINKING!" tdb#2 teases.

"STOP both of you" teenager with half a brain says.

"This little show proves nothing, if you want to know who is more powerful just… like, I don't know. There!" He points at the sun stone tdb#1 is holding. (100% out of coincidence, tdb#1 was totally not going to throw that at tdb#2).

"Each of you take a stone and charge it for 5 minutes, the more powerful witch is the one holding the stone with more charge." Half a brain suggests.

"Deal" both tdb agree.

Talia gets closer then, knowing things are about to happen fast now.

They both hold a solar stone in their hands.

"Okay, start in 3… 2… 1 GO!"

The other teenagers around start cheering, all their focus on the two and then…


A binding light.

Talia holds the exploding ball of energy in place, all her focus on not letting it touch the boys that were holding the solar stones, she starts compressing it slowly bit by bit, and then when it's small enough that it won't accidentally touch the other solar stones nearby and cause a chain reaction, she starts dissipating all that energy safely until there's nothing left.

She's falls to her knees exhausted.

[Talia, Are you okay?] "Mommy!?" Clover and Morgana ask at the same time.

'Just drained, and hot, ended up absorbing some of the heat by mistake'

"I'm okay sweetie don't worry" She tells Morgana.

The teenagers start looking around confused to what happened and see her fall in front of them, they're all unharmed, but still a bit disoriented, the whole process took less than 30 seconds, but they understood the danger they were just in.

"Are you okay?" tdb#1 kneels in front of Talia and asks her after slowly processing what just happened.

She nods a little disoriented as well.

"Thank you" half a brain says.

"Is the little girl, okay?" tdb#2 asks.

The other teenagers surround her worried about the kid that just saved their lives.

"Give her some space to breathe" half a brain says. "And somebody get her some water" They back up.

"Here" tdb#1 gives her a water bottle.

"Thank you" She drinks greedily, the cool water alleviating some of the heat she absorbed by mistake.

"That was so cool! How did you do that?" tdb#2 asked.

"Practice" She answers giving Morgana a smile so she doesn't worry too much.

"Cool lizard, where'd you get it?" tdb#2 asks.

"Leave her alone, she just saved all our assess, let her rest" tdb#1 says.

"I was just trying to be friendly" tdb#2 responds giving her some space as well.

Morgana just keeps watching Talia closely, too worried to refute being called a lizard.

"Can one of you help me get to the lake? I think my parents are there" She asks, too drained to start walking right away, but knowing that the mission isn't over yet.

"Sure, I have a little sister around your age and she loves piggyback rides, would you like one to the lake?" tdb#1 asks.

She nods, happy to not have to walk for a while.

"Okay, I'll take her back to her parents, you guys warn the people selling the stones of what happened, that was way too dangerous and they need to warn people about that kind of stuff" tdb#1 says.

"Sure Dylan, take good care of our little heroine, we'll meet you back at the restaurant afterwards to get something to eat" half a brain says as they part ways.

"I'm Dylan, what's your name?" he asks while caring her to the lake.

"Talia, and this is Morgana, she's a dragon" Talia says watching the people walking around.

"A dragon, that's so cool of you, Morgana" He tells her.

"Thank you!" Morgana answers and he pauses in his step.

"She can talk?" Dylan asks.

"Yep, I taught her to" Talia answers starting to feel a little better.

"Right. Well, we're here, do you know which way they went?" Dylan asks looking around at the beginning of the woods with multiple paths ahead to get to the lake.

"Yes, but I can walk now, you can go meet your friends." Talia tells him.