
The Age of teen

girl found that the guy she fall with is her brothers murderer However, it is later revealed that he was not the culprit and the real killer is still out there. The girl must decide whether to stay with the guy she loves or to leave him in order to protect herself and those around her.

_mehr_ · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs

The Accident

I am back from the vacations. It went well although some unexpected things happened there but I still feel much better .

I still have some vacation time left to start continuing my work until then I started working on my brother's case I hire two prosecutors to help me with this case but I haven't heard anything new from them so I keep losing my hope .

The police close this case a long time ago by saying that it was just an accident but I know it wasn't just an accident.

unfortunately that accident occurred infront of my eyes.I am too naive at that I got scared over little things .

I scold my brother that very day because he never listen to me and He started to bully people with some of his friends ,I told him not to join bad companies in school it might harm him but he never listen to me and the friends he made have a treacherous background who knows they might also involved in some sinful things.

That day kaylus my brother he dyed his hair into blonde and also did som piercing so I scolded him alot he got angry with me that I scold him and said I will never come back to you while walking on the foot park and suddenly a car hit him.

I am so shocked at that moment it feels like my body left my soul and I become a statue...

I saw the person face it was covered with a black mask I didn't get to see him properly because I'm far away from the car that bastard doesn't even bothered to come out and see the person hit with his damn car .

"people started to gather around I can hear their voices some of them were screaming to call the police while some of them screaming to call the ambulance "

I pushed myself to run to see my brother at the moment when I see him covered with the blood suddenly noises are fading away ,I started to feel lightheaded .....

I don't feel anything what is this feeling?