
The Age of Reason

The Age Of Reason is a evolutionary novel in that the story is updated based on the memory of the characters. As their memories return, the novel is updated.

we_mac · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs

Chapter 7: Transinton

<p>"Collect her. And...her." <br/>The scrawny figure, observing the intrusive and battered life forms, gives his instructions.<br/>"These two have <em>much</em> to answer for..."<br/>Rea and Kerelia are too exhausted to use their armors' sensing capabilities and are soon overwhelmed. The two try to scatter away but falter to a dead end. An odd whisper was heard as they attempt to defend themselves once more. Battered and bruised, they desperately look for the preciously-packed potions but are begrudgingly knocked to the ground.<br/>Before Rea can locate the source that forced them down…the evil underlings...are upon her. As strange, grotesque hands are reaching and clawing away at her armor, her mind begins to race. The sheer helpless horror sets in as they feverishly try to cover their somewhat exposed bodies. The crude event continues as the creatures rake and claw away. Their efforts, though valiant, rewarded no solace to their disrobement. Rea, sensing a foreboding presence, focuses her remaining energy to cloak her naked body. However, as she looks to her forlorn friend, sobbing in the cold, wet and darkened corner, she loses consciousness. <br/><br/>The sounds of cheers fill her waking head. The light burns ever so brightly as her eyes fail to clear the suffering of a foggy mind. Kerelia hangs on, draped over one of the underlings shoulders, her bottom half is half-exposed as she is hurried along. She clings, desperately, to the small cloth nearby only to lose its grip as she passes it by. Her eyes slowly focus on the tall being before them.<br/><br/>"Ah yes, a fool and her fool, no matter how dressed, are <em>STILL fools </em>before me. How gracious it is to make yourselves so...available." A grotesque smile flashes but a moment as sinister laughter fills the echoing chambers. He strolls around them and grabs Rea's head. "Now, wait a minute, here. I <em>know</em> these beings." He violently releases her head as she turns away. Hmmm…long time no see. Bet you don't remember me." He gestures as he strokes his chin and points unto himself.<br/>The two look around as they slowly open their eyes. They see a great gathering about them as they lie in the Circle of Reckoning. Only the most dangerous and nefarious of beings can have the honor. The notice that adorns the architecture nearby clearly warns of those entering to beware of <em>this </em>circle. Within it is the warriors' test. In order to gain favor with the Vector, one must demonstrate amazing strength, intelligence and strategy to leave. Given the weary demeanor of the two, the outlook is bleak. <br/>Rea raises her head. She eagerly looks around her to determine the best method of escape.<br/><br/>"The...V..E..cto..r" Rea echoes. Her body is badly injured. She begins to cough up blood as she flows in and out of consciousness. <br/>"N...n ever...he..ard of ..y...yo..u."<br/>Enraged at her response, the Vector violently strikes Rea. The blow makes her tailspin in the air and strike the ground with a great thud.<br/><br/>"SHUT UP!!!" The Vector scowled.<br/>"Hearing MY voice means YOURS is SILENT!" He fumed. "Next time...I will ...BREAK...your...NECK!"<br/>He reaches down and grabs Rea's head. <br/>"We understand...each...other?!?!" He asks as he squeezes her neck. Her focus breaks briefly and reveals her battered and tattered body. Her frail nakedness adorns a suit of black and blue bruises with many cuts found about her torso. She tries to regain her focus as her eyes slowly roll back. Her legs shake as she loses her breath. She clutches at his massive hands, but it's no use. She can barely keep her eyes open. She wants to scream out but her voice is gone. <br/><br/>"Oh...YES! Squirmmmmm!" The Vector gnashes his teeth as he watches her body slowly loses the life within her. <br/>"Vector! Vector, what are you doing? Are you prepared to lose YOUR life?"<br/>A long jagged sword is stretched over the right shoulder of the Vector.<br/>"Your job IS done, yes?"<br/>The unknown soldier twists his blade towards the Vector's exposed neck. His words are low tone and measured. As if he wants quietly upset but needed to remind him of his place within these hallowed halls.<br/>"Uh...yes. Sire, nothing wrong in a LITTLE FUN?! Right?!"<br/>Vector pauses as he slowly stammers on. He keeps his eyes on the the sword as he carefully guides away from this behemoth.<br/>The Vector taps the sword playfully. As he turns, his massive body reveals his wing-like arms, his shark-life teeth and massive claw-like hands. These things only matched his massive ego. His strut proudly displayed his confidence in his ability to get the job done.<br/><br/>The soldier smirks at his bravado. Watching as he strolls by with a menacing grin. <br/>"Just remember: if things change, she's MINE! Sword or NOT!!" He growls. <br/>"Then, I had better take her with me, eh? Wouldn't want to <em>kill</em> you and all." <br/>The soldier's nostrils flexed as he spoke with a flair of arrogance and disdain. <br/>Withdrawing his mighty sword, the soldier grabbed Rea and placed her on a large cart. Her body was motionless after being wounded by the Vector. Blood trickled down from her head as she lost consciousness again. <br/>"Where...are you...taking us?" Kerelia mumbled. <br/>The soldier stood before her. Cold and distant, he raises his sword to her head. <br/>"You two are valuable commodities in these lands. Your history precedes you. You are the ones responsible for the collapse of several factions. We know you are from a large group but have eluded our grasps...until today."<br/>The soldier wanders toward the circle. <br/>"What do you remember about this place?"<br/>Kerelia looks around. The crowd around them still cheering. <br/>"This...place..."<br/>Her memory slowly unravels the mystery of the circle.<br/>"Yes. This place...where your crest was born."<br/>"My...crest?!"<br/>Kerelia begins to remember fragments of her past. An image of a great winged bird flashes in her thoughts. She is swept away by this mighty beast as it soars with her. She can feel the wind against her skin as the beast flies high above. Her eyes focus on a great light. The light is so bright it's nearly blinding. She drops to the ground and stretches out her limbs. She can feel her memories through the earth. Her body senses her childhood. Her walks with her master, Tershertu. <br/>"Now, raise your arms and concentrate!"<br/>"Clear...mist..."<br/>"Ahhh...very good! Very good, Kerelia! Now, feel the aura within you. Focus your energy on the wings of the animal ...over there..."<br/>"Keeeeeereliia...Kerelllllllllia...Kerelia!"<br/>As she slowly slips back into consciousness, she notices the Vector calling her. <br/><br/>"That mark below your left knee...is that what I think it is?!?"<br/>Kerelia looks down. The image glows but begins to fade as she gazes at it. <br/>"So, the legend is true. You ARE a part of that cursed tribe. It looks like we didn't finish the job. And here you are! So, nice of you to embrace your fate...again."<br/>Kerelia can feel an odd energy fill her broken body. The anger within her makes her eyes transparent. <br/>"The...Ve..cto...r"<br/>"That's right, child! Remember...I need you to remember! I want to enjoy your death with you knowing EVERYTHING!!! Can you feel the energy burning within you?! The blood coursing through your body?! Boiling within you?!?"<br/><br/>The Vector starts to emanate a strange aura. One of malice and destruction. It is black as night. It grows amongst his body highlighting the contours of his horrific shape. He raises his massive head as saliva oozes between his grotesque teeth. The idea of war fills his head as he aims his gaze at Kerelia.<br/><br/>"Sword or not...I want you...to ...BLEED!!!!!"<br/>"There will be NO more bloodshed today, Vector. The hierarchy demands it so. You are to leave these quarters and allow the two to rest. Their trials begin in three days."<br/>"Such FOOLISHNESS!!! Why would THEY be granted ANY KIND of sanctuary?!? They are violators of ORDER and I want my JUSTICE NOW!!!"<br/>The messenger raises its hand and teleports Vector away. <br/>"A little bath ought to lighten your mood."<br/><br/>The Vector reappears in the outer districts' bath house. Splashing and thrashing about. <br/>"Argggghhhh!"<br/>The other inhabitants laugh and mock him. <br/>"Ha! A little bath for the bird of prey!" <br/>Laughter fills the room as he curses and froths at the mouth. <br/><br/>Back at Kerelia's holding, she is offered clothing, food and a fresh bath. <br/>"Regardless of your crimes, you will be given an opportunity to prove your worthiness. Punishment isn't necessary; only your loyalty to the hierarchy. If you try to escape, then no mercy shall be shown. You will prove your mettle according to the old ways. If that crest is truly a part of your heritage, I have no doubt you will be magnificent."<br/>The messenger pats her on the head and continues toward the door. <br/>"Remember: your heritage hangs in the balance. If that crest is real, then that makes you the last of your tribe. For that, the hierarchy is willing to give you a chance at survival. Accept this opportunity and find peace in glory."<br/><br/>Before Kerelia can give an answer, the strange messenger disappears. Her room is huge with displays of other guests transfixed amongst the busts. Her eyes focus on one statue in particular. The being looks just like...<br/><br/>"So...there you are. Kerelia of Transinton. Welcome home..."<br/><br/>She turns to face the voice. Could it be?!<br/><br/>Transinton? What was this place he spoke of? Though familiar, the memory of it fades like a sunset to dusk. Its gradual decline only frustrates her more. The mere mention does bring back fragmented memories. She can recall the way the moons would rise from the south. Blue, orange and black, the moons were parents to her hillside that resides with the will of the allfathers. She feels the emptiness that forms from lost thoughts as her mind tries desperately to remember. She envisions this being as a family member of some sort. His brash but sincere nature are not lost upon her thoughts. She looks about and sees faded images of her hometown about the room.<br/>Broken fijeets (toys) and old torn clothing inhabits her surroundings. She touches one as her mind reconstructs the memories associated with it. She feels the rush of emotions erode as her most intimate thoughts are revealed. Perhaps, she will never learn the truth. Her mind wonders as she examines the strange seal above her bed. The energy emanating from it seems to be a link to her past. The others are unaware of her true power and can only hope she will remember.</p>