
The curse of Telepathy.

"I can no longer see, It seems like that the god has forsaken me for long years.". A gentle and soft voice then did appear around them. "You said that you are not naturally born blind. You said it started with a curse of telepathy where in you are able to hear noises inside your head.". The old wrinkled guy then did answered saying " Yes, I am 30 years old when it happens and everything was like a surprise to me.". The young one then analyse everything and he then concluded that something was done on the oldman. "The brain and the eyes are internally connected. In your condition maybe it is the aftereffect of the said telepathy. Did someone injected something unto you.". The old one then said "No, it just happened to me naturally. No doctors nor health professional did inject something on me.". The old one then did remember something and he said unto the guy. "I am from the far East portion of the mindanao, and there lies a village that was pesterized by the same disease as me. All of them were able to hear inside their head. Something that not a normal citizen would have. From their younger age, they all are able to receive message like a signal coming from your phones.". The young one then did gulped something on his throat and he said "Young one? You mean kids". The old man then did said "I saw kids, having a hard time seeing at night. I saw teens shredding blood on their tears. Like a curse crying with bloods. I saw old folks saying they all are mentally torture and scrutinised because of that curse. Telepathy.". The young one then did wrote it on his note and he probe for more. "You said you are also given with a curse. Can you tell me how it feels.". The old man them did said "Its like, I am talking with the devil's and saints. Its like having a boxing match with the ghost. I am fortunate that it did happen in my later age. As you see, i saw kids having ocular problems at night. Their brains are not fully mature and their eyes are still young. To be able to suffer such circumstances made me regret of what life did I receive in the philippines.". The young one then did wrote it on his notes. "Imagine yourself being alone on a certain place. Then someone inside your head will just mock you of who you are. How would your muscles react? How will your brain try to cope up. How will your emotions try to go along with the flow. In my younger age, I've spent more than a hundred times shredding my bare knuckles on the wall. Just because of this silly little curse. I am glad, that someone like you were able to see the reality of what this world is.". The guy then nodded and he said " I did read your book, and you said unto it, nation treating humans like dogs., So you are trying to say, that all of you including that village are dogs?.". The oldman then did say "We are not dogs, we are humans. With less like humane experience.". The guy then did remember the oldmans words "a young one shredding blood on his tears.". The guy then said "I'll try my best to go and investigate such village. I am afraid, they all are people who dwells on the mountains.". The oldman then did said "Probably, and I am sure that you are correct.". The guy stood up and he said to his mates "Kindly assist the old man". Then lots of hands then did start to assist the guy. The oldman then did asked "Young one, what is your name?". The guy then did said "Navaro, in short just call me "Dalisay.". The old man then did answer "Navaro Dalisay, I'll remember your name.".