
chapter 3 the ability

"Hey creator what is all the things you can do with your power" Bianca says "well this isn't my true it's just a body i use to talk to people, my true form is non-existence itself, basically if any harm or misfortune happens to me they get erased and since they become apart of non-existence being me I get their powers." "oh ok that's cool what powers have you gotten through the years". "Well my favorite are these 2 abilities sit down" "OW! WHY DID I SLAP MYSELF?" "I changed the concept of sitting down to slapping yourself" "WELL CHANGE IT BACK!" "ok ok sheesh." "What's the other power better not be annoying" "go jump" "um ok OW why did I jump so high all the way to my ceiling?!" "The ability I used let's me control how physics, math, science, ect, so lets say someone threw a punch the normal mass times acceleration would be mass times infinity or any number even things greater than infinite like the inaccessible or immeasurable." "you seem like a fucking monster of a being."