
The Adventures Of Akane Matsuko

Akane Matsuko, the leader of a group of students who deal with daily problems around their school encounters many different situations.

Derek_Jackson · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

Chapter 1 - A Beginning

Akane Matsuko, a redheaded girl whose hair reached to just above her butt, and is part of Majimena Academy Student Ethics Committee -MASEC for short- at the aforementioned Academy, is currently preparing for another day at school. She made sure to fix her clothing as the school has strict guidelines for how students are supposed to dress. One of the biggest problems for MASEC's leader who just so happens to be Akane herself. Once she put on her uniform the redhead would walk downstairs to get some breakfast. Her sister Chishiki was, as usual, not downstairs yet. Chi, the nickname Akane gave to her sister was always someone who was late to everything: breakfast, school, important meetings, everything. This was a big annoyance for the redhead, who was always on time herself. However, today Chishiki was surprisingly early for their morning meal.

The older, taller redhead eventually headed downstairs as well. Her clothing wasn't neatly put on at all, unlike her sister. Chishiki had her shirt open, tie loose. Hell, she had not even put on her shoes. "Mornin' sis" she would say to Akane who was already eating her breakfast, cornflakes, by then. The younger sister immediately got annoyed by this but decided not to say something about it, for now. "Good morning, Chi!" she would greet Chishiki with a smile and a wave.  

Chishiki sat down at the table as well, grabbed her bowl and began eating as well. After doing so, the older sister spoke up again "Y'know, Akane. I'm still surprised that we have managed so well on our own ever since mom and dad went on their "Business trip" last year". Their parents had indeed left the two last year, both of them work in the same company that their mom build-up, and ever since the company became successful, both of the Matsuko parents had been on their trips quite often, sometimes they are gone for a week, other times months. Each trip was longer than the last as well, how strange… But both the sisters are old enough to take care of themselves, and with the help of the maid who came around each day to take care of the house itself, they hadn't needed their parents at all. "Heh, you're right! Yeah, we've been doing pretty well, haven't we? Especially with Victoria's help". "Yeah, we can take care of ourselves! Sisterly teamwork!" the two laughed while they ate, soon finishing their meals. Akane put their dishes in the dishwasher that was located in the kitchen, meanwhile, Chishiki checked her phone for messages. Akane had always been jealous of her sister since Chi had no problems using her phone, Akane could never get the hang of it. Like at one point, she was even proud of herself for managing to turn her phone on at all… but luckily due to a lot of teaching mostly by her sister, the redhead had managed to get better and better at it over time.

"Any messages from secret admirers?" Akane joked, annoying her sister "Hey, at least I can use my phone, unlike you!" she'd snap back. Though this did not seem to phase Akane any, she was used to remarks like these, especially from Chishiki. With a slow headshake, she would get her phone out of her pocket and noticed the time. "Oh my, it's getting late!" When looking up from her phone, she would notice her sister's clothes and how not well dressed she was "Chishiki, go fix your clothes, you look like you just got out of bed! I don't wanna have to deal with another report of one of or fellow students accidentally seeing your chest gain, Miss Kaoru was quite annoyed with you last time!" Chishiki shuddered when Akane mentioned the name of one of their teachers "Alright, alright… don't remind me, Kane" the girl ran to the bathroom and fixed her clothes. She didn't want another day of detention and harsh words from Miss Kaoru, one time was more than enough… After this, the two would grab their bags and waited to hop on the school bus.