
The Adventures Guilds Doctor

Doctor Ryan smith is a man of 32 years. His life has been hell, now on the verge of death a older looking man walks through the rain to find him. The old man crouch’s down and puts his hand out to the dieing doctor, “want to save the world doctor?” Ryan takes his hand, what else does he have to lose… This book is based off of a Rp group that specializes in fantasy I am part of. We don’t stream so I thought I’d write about it. I hope you enjoy the life of the guild.

TheZombie115 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

Day 0. So cold, so cold…

[] sounds or if I need to explain something

{}other characters thinking or reading

() mc thinking

"" talking out loud


[the sound of rain pouring down, water rushes down the streets of the city, it's dark out, nighttime. The rain is cold for it being the middle of summer. Our story begins with a man laying on the side of the street. He looks dead, but he seems to be breathing, barely he has a large hat over his head and large bag on the ground he seems to be clutching for dear life]

[we turn to what seems to be a man walking up the street holding a lantern, the rain seems to get stronger as he gets closer]

The man crouch's down next to the other and gently shakes him awake. The man rolls over, his golden eyes glow in the dark. The older man yells something through the rain, "What's your name?!"

"Ryan!" He responds "Doctor Ryan!"

"Well Doctor Ryan, Let's get you off the street." The older man helps Ryan to his feet, his broken leg doesn't help the pair but the old man seems to be stronger than he looks.

The walk deeper into town as the man asks Ryan a weird question. "You wouldn't mind helping save the world would you Doctor?"

"… … not at all"