
Bad dreams

In a busy, bustling and modern city in U.S.A. there was a busy and peaceful family called the Hawkins family, there was a small boy of 10 who was a brilliant creative and a adventurous lad. He likes fantasy, but more than that he loves his family and friends.

And one monday morning there came a sweet voice" Wake up Tom". It was Tom's mother, a beautiful, lovable and polite young lady of 30. Then Slowly and Steadily he woke up with a stretch. He thinks that he has a boring life. cycling to school, doing his homeworks and playing sometime, and the same reapeatingly. And the next morning Mrs.Hawkins was above to wake Tom, and suddenly "Aaaahh.... "yelled Tom!!! "What happened Tom" enquired his Mom with curiosity in eyes. In a tensed manner he answered thatit was a bad dream that has caused him fear."What dream was it" asked his mom.Tom replied "A man with a pointed hat and many scars who was fat and also he had a weird stick it was made of wood and at top of the stick there was a magic ball which had some blue gas. This wizard was flying around a a small castle which was dull looking and weird, and he often gave a bad laugh, and he asked me" I can give you 3 superpowers, do you,do you want ?". And for sometime he was a flying around the castle and then I suddenly woke up ."That sounds interesting" cried his mother. 'Well, it's just a dream don't get collapsed and be cool" advised Mrs. Hawkins and as usual he followed his boring routine. And even the next day he got a dream of the wizard flying around the castle and again the wizard asked "I can give you 3 superpowers. Do want ?". Now Tom Hawkins was mind disturbed and he thought something big was gonna happen and he was always aware of it. The weird thing is that the same dream also came at the next day. Then again at an no moon day again the wizard came, now it was not a dream this was real. Tom Hawkins and the wizard was alone at the room. Tom was afraid, In a tensed manner he enquired the wizard" who are you? What do you want?" After some evil laughs, he replied "I am the wizard of Salatar, I can gift you 3 superpowers. Do you want ? Tom was excited but with some hesitation he told Yes "And after some thinking asked The power to shoot fire beams.

The power to change as a miniature or as a giant

The power to fly."

Then the Wizard saw up and chanted something. And after a few seconds a coloured light glowed in

Toms heart. And the wizard, The wizard of Salatar gave him the same kind of wand which he was having. it was made of wood which was 3 feet long and at the top

there was a coloured magic ball And he also explained how to use each powers.....