
Chapter 22 Fate?

Many days later

"Ah what a great vacation staying out of fighting, free food, nice bed and cute girls but now I have to go back " I sign while looking at the group chatting what to do outside

Well I have to save there buts many times so I don't have to go to that stupid trial. At the end I have to knock out that stupid junko and use that brainwash machine to erase her memory about despair like her bad childhood so I can bring her to my world, she is suppose to be death so I have tp tell them to said that she is dead. With her talent in analytical she can be a great strategist with help me a lot in my next world

I even bring mukuro her talent is perfect for fighting even she is weak to other but I can help her become stronger, part of it she want to become junko personal body guard

I give sayaka and kyoko a protecting charm that I buy in the shop. Even a tank can't break it

After I take all my stuff. I create a portal and leave with junko and makuro

At the academy

Chara: Come back you dare go without telling us and even bring back two girls

I don't want to try my luck to stop with those knifes pointing behind me

Jack: Help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

After escaping her I come back to my house to check the three but they are already fighting

Neo: Your grims kill him

As she said strike her umbrella blade at Cinder. She to block it with her sword but strong wind blaze come from behind her almost hitting her but I already stop it

Jack: Now we are on the same side so no need fighting

Amber: I have to kill that bitch she is the reason I have to bare that pain that past years

Jack: NO we have to work together if we want to win now

As I said I create a barrier around each of the girls so they don't start attacking. I have a private talk with all of them and sent them mission to prepare for the war expect cinder I want her to live with RWBY and help her know that power is not everything

After I lift the barrier they just glance at each other and walk out

{You have complete a hidden mission: Change the fate of the world}

{Change the fate of the world in certain level}

{Reward: 1 lottery and heroic spirits with enkidu }



"Wait what the fuck" before I know it a portal appear and suck me into it

Somewhere else

"Fuck you system" I curse looking around though this snow to see a small white girl screaming in pain

I quickly teleport to her and punch every single wolf making them explode blood spill everywhere

After clearing every wolf which is left is an unconscious girl. I pick her up princess style and I continue walking to find a cave

I start treating her but I can only heal her body not her mental state so I create a bed and let her sleep in dlooking at cute face sleeping.

Following that I start cooking using wolf meat that I just kill. The aroma spread though the cave waking her up

Lllya pov

My name is Illyasviel von Einzbern. My life was happy until my father kiritsugu left me. I felt lonely with no one to talk to. Everyday have to go to that cruel training to become next vessel

Now I am at my final test but I am surrounded by wolfs I don't know what to do until I somehow summon him. Looking at him killing the wolves made me felt thrill this never happening before when my father left but before I can understand I already lost consciousness.

When I woke up in a king size bed I felt my stomach growl from smelling that aroma. I get up and look at him he look back at me and smile it make me blush looking away but I am too hungry so I go near him

"Are you my servant" I said looking at his handsome

He nod and take a meat stick and give it to me" It eat till it hot"

I immediately take it and gulp everything, it have been a long time since I have eaten so smelling it already make me salivate

"Thank you. I am Illyasviel von Einzbern you can call me lllya, what is your name" I said

"I am Jack a traveler I am not a normal servant so that seal won't work on me but I will still protect you" he said

I become a little scare knowing a servant can kill their master if they are not bind by the seal but after thinking he still protect me so I fell a little relief

"Can you be my brother" I gather all my courage and said the word I always want to said

He became surprise but soon it became a smile" I will protect you until the day I die my little sister"

"I will depend on you then onii-chan" I said as I embrace him felling the warn

Sorry I have to go to summer school so I don't have a lot of time to write

Neptune5creators' thoughts