
Boring Moments

We are in the harbor.

And I already knew where we were going.

We were going to Bermuda.

There is not the end of the journey but the entrance to the home of the Patriarch.

And you can already connect the dots that we are going to the Bermuda Triangle.

Where we will find my uncles and cousins.

I don't know exactly why the Patriarch would build a house there.

Maybe he is hiding from someone?

You will know.

What I do know is that I will have to stay on this ship for two months until I get there, which frankly is going to be very boring.

From my perspective, living in the Victorian era is not fun, it's just very boring, especially if you are a child.

Because if you are a child in the Vitorian era you have to deal with all the rules of noble ethics, which for heaven's sake are many, going on about how you should eat each dish.

what kind of spoon you should use to drink tea or to eat a dessert.

which fork to use for salads, and all the boring stuff about how one should treat one's elders with all that nonsensical respect as if one were in the presence of a king or emperor.

Which simply overwhelms the children of the Victorian era taking away know childhood time to prepare to become (Respectable Adults) even though the children are under the age of 10.

It is simply a stressful lifestyle even if you are a rich child.

Now that I think about it this will be what I would call a vacation trip since I won't need to study or train etiquette, I will only need to train my powers which in itself is already fun.

While I'm thinking about it I get on the ship which is not alone since there is a fleet of three ships doing the containment.

Simply, where do you get so many guards? ...

Time comes and time goes and it has already been a month since the voyage began.

I have gotten used to the waves and the smell of the salt water.

I have been training my skills and I can already make extremely fine threads that I use as spider webs.

I have been making these threads with the intention of detecting people because although I can see the aura of life leaking from a living creature there must be people who can hide it.

It is as they say, better safe than sorry.

I have made good progress with this technique.

In the beginning you could only tell if there was someone if the person walked by the wire and it snapped, but now I only need the vibrations of the person to know that someone is coming.

That in itself is very useful.

Also with that I was able to create a technique where I cover my feet with life aura so that there is no noise when I walk.

Which is a very useful technique if you want to pursue a career as an assassin.

It's also good for hiding your own presence.

I also made progress with the ability to see the aura.

I can now sort of tell a person's emotional state by the colors and how their aura behaves.

This is very good for manipulating people because think with me.

If a person's aura is sad or shaken you can see what paths to take to develop trust.

I have also been resting because I am treating this trip as a vacation and I am training my powers because this is the only thing that is not boring to do.

Honestly, at first seeing the ocean waves, the breeze of the wind on my face, the sun high above, and three fully armed ships escorting you gave me a strange contrast that made me think I was going to war.

It wasn't relaxing my mind.

It was just keeping me alert.

Which for me is something I am already sick of.

You know, being a mercenary and then super-rich can be stressful.

Also, with all that attempted assassination stuff, I wouldn't let anyone get a good night's sleep.

Seriously I don't even know why my tower back home wasn't attacked by a missile or bombs.

I guess the assassins didn't have that idea.

I had spent huge amounts of money just to acquire a company that works in security just to work for me.

I had even stopped eating fast foods for fear of being poisoned.

Because of this I simply don't like to be alert even though I know it can help me.

Even the time in the mansion, although it was very boring was also a time to get my thoughts in order and rest a bit after what I had been through in my old life.

Even though it was boring and monotonous it was very good for my ever alert mind...

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