
The Advent of a Low Key One

Ling Lubbock, a 19-years-old 2 part-timer boy, who wanted an adventurous but lowkey life suddenly transmigrated into a skinny but tanned boy with yellow cat eyes, who is only a homeless boy. UFO-like skateboards surfing around the cyber-looking streets, shiny lights and aesthetic surroundings, and superpower thingy that can be only seen in fantasy novels and comics are poking the nest of curiosity inside of Ling's head. But all he had is an empty can for donations, ragged clothes that barely protect his body from cold, and 3 siblings who looked at their big brother's face with puzzled expressions on their faces. After thinking for a long time now, he created an imaginary keyboard and typed the letters one by one. "Whosyourdaddy" I'm sorry about this one because I am not fluent enough to write in English and even my English speaking sucks. So I try to create this novel to practice my vocabulary and widen my knowledge about the novels. I know that the novel section is so dry. Generic and has the cliche shits that you will see in any kind of novel nowadays. Sorry about the grammar, it's fucking bad. I know that. I know that the characters are like robots, dialogue and expressions are so bland and boring, the events are so cliche. When you read this, I know you want to leave. So press the home button of your smartphone or just press back and click the three dots that are in the bottom right of the book. Then tap it and select Remove from Library. These are the 4 steps to get the fuck out of this shitty novel. Now, if you are still in this. Endure all the fucking shit grammars, robot characters, bland events, and stupid dialogue. Read it. I know it's a bad novel. Hey! if you, readers, see this. review the novel 1 star only. we need to be lowkey. okay? about the review comments? say that the author is bullshit so what so on.

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7 Chs

Chapter 1 - review

"Phew, another tiring day,"

A man heaved a sigh of relief as he still sitting inside a noisy train and waiting to reach for his final destination of the day, home.

The man is named Ling Lubbock, he is 19-years-old and working in the customer service area of a telecommunications company that is recently established in Quezon City, Philippines.

Ling is a Filipino tanned man neatly tied-to-the-back black hair as his honey-colored eyes shine the most while wearing an oversized and rolled-up white-black suit and black long sleeves inside with rolled-up trouser on one side as the high tops black shoes. The messy but ghetto outfit completely blends in with his cold and depressed honey eyes.

He just got out of work late because of some problems with the company's service signals as a lot of them including him are selected to be overtime and of course, it comes with extra cash and a little bit of recognition from the manager, who oversees and manages the entire things.

Ling lifelessly contemplating about the things he had in his life.

He had no family, he grew up in an orphanage and a little bit different amongst the other kids of the orphanage but it is lackluster compared to the kids who had finally been adopted by other families and seem happy with the new environment they've got while Ling, on the other hand, didn't even have the chance to be adopted, making the caretakers saddened and worried about Ling's future career or endeavors.

Secondly, he had no redeeming features in the eyes of the others, the other kids are exceptional at socializing and appear to be cheerful and fun, earning the smiles and approval of the childless families while Ling is a little bit of a rebel himself. He doesn't like socializing with other kids because, unlike the other kids who will only ask the answers to satisfy their curiosity, Ling will experiment with some things to answer his questions, and Voila! That's how many childless families don't like the weird and chaotic behavior of Ling.

And lastly, he had friends though it's only plastic friends. Ling thought that these 'friends' will backstab him the moment he fucked up.

He doesn't regret all the things considering the fact it created the present for him and nothing has changed on him as he still seeks the adventurous but lowkey life he dreamed but how can he execute such a thing? Even Ling doesn't know.

After a long time of contemplation, Ling finally puts his thoughts and shook his head as began to doze off a little bit of time, waiting for his station to be reached by train.


When he tried to close his eyes, Ling suddenly felt a jolt in his mind and woke up from it as he discovered that the surroundings felt shaking and distorting at a frightening rate, making him filled with anxiety and disorder in his heart.

In an attempt to dispel all the weird things he sees, Ling stands up immediately but his mind is assaulted by an intense desire to sleep as Ling continues to fight back with his willpower but it all for naught.

'Is this how I die? I have so many wishes to fulfill!'

Ling had regrets about his desire to accomplish all the things he wants to do and unlock all the adventurous veins in his body and although he knows his worse body condition, Ling doesn't expect that it will come sooner than he thought.

His body is now is gradually falling to the hard floor of the train as his consciousness is fading away from his grasp.

Now at 5:46 pm on March 21 of 2020, Ling died because of over-exhaustion and fatigue from constant work.


March 8, 3190 of the Human Era.

"Brother! Wake up! It's 6 am now," a childish and cheerful voice resounds, trying to wake up her brother, who's asleep in a seemingly capsule-sized bed.

'Huh?! Why am I still alive?'

Ling wakes up with a shocked expression on his face as he quickly tries to touch his face, clenching his palms and feeling his body, earning the weird stares of 4 people inside of the room.

"Brother? What are you doing?" An innocent voice of a child suddenly asked Ling with skepticism and worry on his face.

Ling stared in the direction of the voice to see a 4-years-old boy innocently glanced at him until a jolt of excruciating pain unexpectedly flooded in Ling's head as a lot of recollections are continuously surging inside of his brain.


Ling screamed as he attempts to neutralize the pain that is slowly torturing his mind by holding his head but it's all in vain as the 4 people began to be worried about Ling.


"Huhuhu, Brother! Don't die... Please!! Don't die!"


"Lina! Call the doctors immediately!"

3 kids and an old man cried out in worry about Ling during which the old man instructs the girl, Lina to called doctors inside of the room as Lina began to hesitate, troubled about what to do.

"Grandpa, Don't call them. I'm all right now," Ling promptly reacted with the pained expressions slowly goings down.

"Brother!!!" The three kids suddenly cried and hugged their brother, worrying about their one and only brother.

"You brat! You are always making us worry! But still, Lina, call the doctors. Let them check if your stupid brother is fine now," Seeing that Ling is now well, the old man felt relieved but insisted on as Lina and the 2 kids hugged her brother tightly, still afraid of her brother's state

"No, Lina. Just stay, brother is fine now. I will never leave okay?" Ling gently smiled and one by one patted his 3 siblings, assuring them that he is safe for the time being.

"Really?" Lina and the rest felt unsure about their brother's words.

"Really and really," Ling replied and hugged them.

"Then pinky-swear that you will never leave us," a doubtful voice of a child with dog crochet in her head suddenly pressured Ling to promise them as she brought up her pinky.

As soon as Lina and the crying child recognized it, they soon followed the pinky-thingy.

"Cross my heart and hope to die, stick a needle in my eye, I will never leave in my sibling's side. Pinky promised," Ling smiled helplessly as he chanted the pinky rhyme while hooking his pinky into their pinky firmly.

After that, Ling gently laughed as the kids also giggled and hugged their brother earnestly.

At the side, the old man smiled gently with a pleased expression on his wrinkled face.

In the meantime, Ling felt so surreal that he has a family now.

Ling is transmigrated as a tanned boy which is similar to what Ling is looked like before and the two have the same cause of death, over-exhaustion but the only difference is this Ling had a family which consists of 3 kids and 1 old man.

The 3 kids are namely Lina, Luna, and Lex who are Ling's biological siblings and were in the custody of the old man, Grandpa Rudy which helped and adopted 3 siblings including Ling.

Although he transmigrated into another Ling, Ling is grateful that he got his second chance in life and wanted to tribute the other Ling by protecting and loving the family since Ling also wanted a family that could be trusted and leaned on when there's a problem.

Furthermore, Ling is excited about what he obtained in the memories. The world had so many mysteries and wonders such as Sci-Fi technological weapons, various superpowers that are known to the universe, and a plethora of species that are allied with humans since the war of immortals

Ling is filled with such enthusiasm as his adventurous blood is boiling in excitement.

Adventurous but lowkey life, coming up!