
The Ace of Fairy Tail

Summary:Ace was killed in the war of the best. In his way to the afterlife he is stop by whitebeard. Tells him he has a second chance of life. Ace will now go to the land of fiore, a land filled with magic. Ace will now go to a new adventure with fairy tail. I don't own fairy tail and one piece. Enjoy!

KaiserLox · Komik
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8 Chs

Chapter 8 Brother's Will

In Magnolia Forest..

Ace, Natsu, Happy and Lucy were fishing near a lake. Natsu and Happy were focus on catching their fish. Ace was sleeping sitting up.

"Ah, this is so boring, why I am fishing again?" Lucy complained.

Ace, wearing a blue dress shirt, black boots and black shorts, with his orange hat on the side, "you had writers block. So, what's help writer's mind? Some good old fishing!".

"Yeah, I know but why Am I fishing for the cat's favorite food" Lucy stated, but soon a gust of wind appear, it blew Ace's hat into the lake. A giant fish jump out and ate the hat, everyone was dumbfounded.

Natsu was filled with anger, "Hey, stupid fish! Give back Ace's hat!", Natsu jump into the lake, grab the fish and threw on shore. He then punch it in It's gut and puke it out the hat. Happy was pleased at the fish, Natsu had grab from the lake, "fish".

Natsu pick up the hat and handed it to Ace, "Here you Ace". The hat look chew up and was covered in goo, "Aw, man looks I'm going to find a tailor to fix this", Natsu soon a sad look on his face, Ace sighed, "don't worry about it Natsu, do more fishing, okay?".

Ace so headed off to town to fix his hat. Natsu was still sad, but Happy then cheer him up, "why are you standing around here for Natsu? Didn't you hear Ace we got some fishing to do!".

Natsu soon had a smile on his face, "Yeah, let's do this Happy", both of them ran deeper in the forest to find some fish, leaving Lucy behind.


In the guild…

Lucy pouted on a table, "I can't believe those guys left me behind", she then saw Mira go in a door with books, "Hey, Mira! Need some help?".

Mira turn and saw the blond fairy tail member, "Oh Lucy! Sure I need to organize some books". They then enter to the fairy tail archive, it was a room filled with books. Lucy was amazed at at the archive, "this is amazing, Mira".

Mira nodded in agreement, "Yeah this is where the guild keep it history and secret documents". Mira soon began to put the books she had in their place. Lucy use the ladder to put the other books away. "I can't believe those guys left me, Can't you believe it Mira?".

"well, those guys are always on the run you know?" Mira reply to the blond, "I mean you have to like their enthusiasm", she had a small smile across her face. But, she soon heard a large bang, she quickly turn to see what had happen. Mira saw Lucy on the ground, surrounded by books, "ow, that hurt, huh", Lucy saw a photo.

"Hey, is this everyone when their were younger?" Lucy asked Mira, she then started to look at the picture, she saw a to adults in the background, "Are those, Maco and Wabo?", she then saw a girl with brown hair look at someone with a blushed face, "that Cana", she then saw a girl with scarlet hair, "oh that's Erza right there". She then saw a man with blonde hair with no tattoos on his face tripping, "Hey that's Corazon, isn't it", she was surprise at how he look before. She then saw a boy with raven hair and another with pink hair being headlock by a boy with black hair and freckles wearing a orange hat, "Hey are those Natsu, Gray and Ace?", Mira nodded.

"yeah, and that was the was day, after Ace arrive to our world" Mira told her, Lucy then notice that Ace was covered in injuries in the picture. She wonder what had happen to him, but continue looking at the picture and saw a girl on top of Ace, " who's that Mira?". Mira look at the picture and soon had a sad expression on her face, "that's my little sister, Lisanna".

Lucy felt terrible and try to change the subject, "so how did Ace get those injuries?". Mira snap out of her sad expression, and look at the picture, " oh, that a long story".

"I've got time, so fire away!" Lucy reply to Mira, Mira then began to tell her tale….

Years ago..

Ace was asleep inside a room in the girl dorm hill, unaware of the girls outside his bedroom. the girls were curious of the boy who had arrived from another world. He was snoring loudly, the girl were deciding to wake him up.

"I should do it", young Erza told the group, "the master gave me him, as my responsibility".

"As if" reply young Mira with a mean look, "you just want to wake him up, because he's cute".

Erza soon blush at her response, "no, of course not, it just doing my duty and that's all. You're the one who thinks he's cute, Mira!". Cana soon got between them, "If you guys won't, I will", but before they could stop her, the door flung open and slam it in all of their faces. Ace was awake, he turn and close the door. He didn't pay attention at the three girls on the ground unconscious that got hit by the door he open.

He left the girl dorm, and headed to the guild, but he didn't remember where it was. He then saw a pink haired boy who challenge him yesterday, "Hey, Natsu wait up". The boy turn who it was that called him, "Oh, Hey Ace, how you sleep".

"great, it was best nap I ever had. Hey, can you show me were the guilds at?" Ace told the dragonslayer. Natsu nodded to the devil fruit eater, "sure, just follow me". He and Ace soon made their way, Ace look around to try to find the blue flying cat he saw yesterday.

"Hey, Natsu were that blue cat from yesterday?" Ace asked Natsu.

"Oh, Happy? His with my friend Lisanna at the guild". Ace the remember the girl from yesterday, she had kindness all over face, he smiled. He and Natsu arrive at the guild, the master waited at the entrance.

" Oh, Ace there you are", Makarov soon look around trying to find someone, "where's Erza? I thought she be with Ace". Ace shrugged at the old man, then his stomach growled, "Well, guess i'll get some breakfast", he then headed towards the forest.

"Ace, where you going?' asked Natsu as Ace left him and the master.

"oh, I'm going to see if i can find anything delicious in the forest" Ace answered Natsu, "i'll be back okay". Ace, then pick up a metal pipe and went his way.

In the guild…

Natsu enter with the master, Lisanna then ran up to Natsu, "Hi yah, Natsu!".

"oh, hey Lisanna" Natsu greeted her, "Where's, Happy?". The blue wing cat then landed on his head, "Aye, sir", Natsu smiled at the cat. He soon saw Gray near a table, "Hey Gray how you doing?" and someone else near him, "Hey, Corazon when you came back?"

Corazon smiled, "Just, this morning. so we gotten a new member yesterday?", he took a sip of his tea and quickly stip it out, since it was to hot. Lisanna, Natsu and Gary laugh at him.

"Yeah, he's pretty cool", Gray said to Corazon, Corazon then try to light a cigarette, "He's name Portugus. "D" . Ace", Corazon lost focus when he heard that name, and cause him to himself on fire. Natsu quickly ate the fires, Corazon thank Natsu, and walked towards the master. He soon put a sound proof barrier around them, Master notice this, "what is my boy?".

"Is it true about that this Ace join the guild?", Makarov nodded to the man, "Do you still remember what L told you about those with the will of D ".

"Yes I do", Makarov reply, "They are the gods natural enemy, but do not worry Corazon, I sense good spirit in him". Corazon believe in the master and headed its way, but soon trip. Everyone laugh at Corazon, soon the doors of the guild few open, Erza, Cana and Mira where there. The three of them look around the guild, Master was worry about them, "you three okay?'

The girl headed to the master, and said in union, "WE LOST ACE!". Makarov clam the three down, "No, need to fret, Ace was here a while ago, he went to the east forest, to… get breakfast?". The old man was confused on what Ace meant on getting breakfast.

He soon heard a loud thump outside the guild's door, everyone soon got to entrance of the guild. The saw a giant wild boar, outside their footsteps, it was tied up and was beat to a plump. A boy was on top of it, to their surprise it was Ace, "hey, can anyone cook this for me?"

Everyone in the guild was soon enjoying the meat that Ace had brought. They were impressed, how Ace brought down a boar that size. Ace was eating a piece of meat, on a table, but soon saw the scarlet girl from yesterday with angry look, "why did you leave without me".

Ace look at confusingly, "I don't recalled needing a babysitter", and continue eating. Erza felt insulted by the boy, and had her hand at the sword on her side, Ace notice this, "if you want to fight me, i wouldn't hold back because your a girl". Soon Erza swung her sword at Ace, but was blocked by a metal pipe in his hands. Ace took last bite at his meat and push the girl back with full force. Erza was amazed at the strength of the boy, and put stood her ground once more, she swung her sword at the boy's head, he dodge it in a nick of time. She saw that she left a mark on his check, she smiled, but soon saw the marked disappeared into flames.

The boy smirk at the girl, "that the best at you can do?". Filled with more rage, she jump and attack the boy. Ace had his hand on the pipe and spin it around, his fingers. Erza felt she could damage him with this attack, but Ace so swung the pipe into her gut, knocking the wind out of her, "wide open", he whispered. The girl fell to the ground, she cough some blood and had her hands on the sword getting up.

Ace saw this and smiled, "wants some more?", Erza quickly stood her stands and charge.

Natsu and Gary were amazed on how Ace was holding his own against Erza. The both of them couldn't stand a chance. But, this guy was able to go toe to toe with her with easie.

"I want to fight him next" yelled Natsu

Gray gave him a dirty look, "like hell, i'll fight him next, pink hair sissy".

"what did you say ice head", soon Natsu and Gray began to fight each other.

MIra on the other hand, was jealous that Erza was fighting the new kid first, and decided to do something about it.

Ace and Erza weapons clash as they swung them against each other, Ace was impressed in how the girl was now on against him equality. But, so a punk girl white hair girl came and landed a punch onto Erza face, Ace was shocked.

"what was that Mira?" asked Erza with anger in her voice, "Do not interrupt my fight with Ace".

Mira only smirked and reply, "Yeah, but who said you can fight him first?". Ace felt the tension between the two and decide to leave while he can. As he left Lisanna saw Ace, leave and decided follow him.

Gray, Natsu, Mira and Erza were to busy to notice Ace's absents. Cana decide to look at her cards, to see inside Ace's fuate. She pull out a carb with a traveller with a heavy bag looking at a valley, "He will on a long journey filled with adventure". She pull out a another card, it had a fire surrounded by shadows, "He will face a great and old foe in this journey". She final pull out a final card but with it three cards pull out, a knight, a demon and a drunk, but the card that confused her was under the three, "lovers".

Erza, Mira, Gary and Natsu had finished there brawling. They had fought all day and soon began to turn dark.

"I won" said Natsu with a beat up face, "no i did" reply Gray with his face same as Natsu.

"you, both lost" reply Happy, "Hey, where's Lisanna?", Natsu notice that his friend was gone. He soon decided to find her.

In the Magnolia Forest…

Lisanna had been following Ace all, he was looking around town and meeting the people. He soon headed to the forest, Lisanna continue following him, but soon lost him. She try to find him, but had no luck. A hand soon land on her and scream, "what's wrong Lisanna", she turn to see who it was, her friend Natsu.

"Natsu, don't scare me like that" Lisanna scold her friend, "Hey, what are you doing here?".

"Oh, it was getting late so I decided to look or you!" Natsu reply. Lisanna smiled at her friend for being concern for her. "Come, on Natsu let's go back to the guild", but before they did green Apes surrounded them.

"Hey, kid how it's hanging kid" One of the apes said, Natsu knew the ape, it was the one he beat up when it try to steal their egg.

All of them crack their knuckles, they were about to give Natsu a beat down, "let's get him boys" order the leader. All of them soon charge at toward Natsu and Lisanna. Lisanna began to cry, "someone help us please". Before, one of the ape could reach them, "Kagero" a fiery blast hit the ape, causing to fall back. Everyone look up, to see who it was, "Natsu, get out of here!", it was Ace.

Natsu didn't knew what to do, "Didn't you hear me run!". Natsu grab Lisanna and ran, he didn't want to run, but he felt helpless, "why". Lisanna look up to Natsu, "hey, should we be leaving Ace, behind", but soon felt a water on her cheek, she look up and saw a stream of tears flowing from Natsu face.

Erza and Mira were on the floor, they were out breath after fighting for hours. Gray and Corazon talk with on and another about their adventure. Elfman sat with Cana, explaining about her magic. Everyone was minding there own business, until the door Flung open, Natsu and Lisanna came in. What, surprise everyone, was Natsu face filled with tears. Everyone, knew Natsu was a tough kid who never cry, but he was shedding tears.

"Natsu what's wrong!", asked Erza worried about her friend.

Natsu soon reply, "Apes surrounded me and Lisanna, but Ace came and distracted them", he didn't want to leave him.

The master soon turn around to Corazon, "Corazon, we need to reach him". Corazon nodded and headed to the door, but soon the door flung open and hit Corazon in the head, it knock him out. Everyone, turn to see who it was, everyone was surprised it was Ace. He was bruised all over and his head was bleeding, but were being healed quickly by flames. He quickly saw that Natsu was crying, he came up to him, and hit him in head, "Stop crying", everyone was shocked, "men don't cry, so stop okay, so stand up and wipe your tears". Natsu look up at Ace and did what he was told. Natsu stood up and wipe his tears, he smiled, " thanks Ace".

Current time...

"Soon, after that Ace, hang out with Natsu more and also train both him and Gray. And later I got him the hat you see there, for saving my sister" Mira told Lucy, "He became a older brother to them and thus became brothers". Lucy smiled. Mira looked at the picture, "Ace, seem to be a person that everyone could rely on".

"Hey, guys what's up!'" they turn to see who it was, to their surprise Ace surprise. His hat was repair, he smiled at the girls, "so what are you guys doing?".

"just, organizing books" reply Mira to Ace.

"well, hurry up Lucy, I got us a job a cool job with Natsu, Happy, Gray and Erza!" Ace told Lucy

Lucy turn to Mira and she smiled at Lucy, to give a sign of approval. Lucy left with Ace to go to the Job.

Mira continue smiling and remember a dear memory.

"sis, this is the one" Young Lisanna pointed at a orange hat.

Mira look at her little sister, "why are we buying this hat again?'

"so, I could thank Ace, of course" She said with a smiled, Mira smiled back.

"okay, let's go buy it"

Mira smiled happily, "look at him Lisanna, he still wears your hat".