
The Ace of Fairy Tail

Summary:Ace was killed in the war of the best. In his way to the afterlife he is stop by whitebeard. Tells him he has a second chance of life. Ace will now go to the land of fiore, a land filled with magic. Ace will now go to a new adventure with fairy tail. I don't own fairy tail and one piece. Enjoy!

KaiserLox · Komik
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8 Chs

Chapter 2 Fire Fist

Years later

"We got the gold let's leave now!" Yelled a random dark guild member.

The dark guild members ran to forest, carrying large bags of gold. "Man that was easy job" a member said to his guild. " Yeah, those villagers didn't stand a chance." another said. Went inside a cave, where there guild was hiding in. "Hey everyone we're back" said a dark guild member. But, no one answer, they began to look around the cave and found their fellow guild member on the ground.

One of the member rush to one of their fallen allies. He asked him who did this, and whisper words that made him shake in fear. " we need to get out of here" whimper the dark guild member on the ground next to his allie.

The other guild members were beginning to shake in fear. " I agree you guys should get out of here and as quickly as possible. " said a voice in the shadows. The dark guild members turn around and saw a man wearing an orange hat with a red bandanna around it, red beads around his neck, wearing a blue dress shirt, but unbutton to expose his chest, black shorts with brown belt and black boots.

"Who the hell are you asshole" said a member.

"That's a real foul mouth you got there" said the man in the shadow. Coming closer into the light.

"Hey, isn't he... oh god its him, that guy from fairy tail" said one of the dark guild member in fear.

"You mean that guy who destroy all those dark guilds with that technique" said another member.

"He's the one who leaves a trail of fire in every battle he fights" another whimpering in fear.

"Yeah, I'm fire-fist Ace" Ace, saying it with a grin on his face. He yelled the technique he was fear throughout the fiore, "Hiken!" and left a trail of fire in the cave.


Ace return to the village with the bags of gold in his hands and villagers began to praise Ace for his hard work in getting back there gold. They paid him, his 1, 500, 000 jewels for the job and he began journey to his home.

It was eight years, since he arrive fiore and joining fairy tail. He was given a second chance to live and he was living it to the fullest. He became a S-rank wizard after years of training with fairy tail and made friends with everyone in the guild, Erza, Natsu, Lisanna, Happy, Gray, Cana, Mirajane and others.

He remember not understanding the language, Erza taught him all the letters and reading. He would fall asleep in middle of lessons, but with time he was able to learn. He would play Natsu, Happy and Lisanna in forest and tell them stories of his adventure, they were like little siblings to him . He would still wonders about his brother Luffy and that bastard Blackbeard, but he knew that Luffy would beat him and become pirate king.

He soon arrive at the guild and was greeted by everyone. He arrive at the bar, he went and order 30 pieces of meat. "Hello, Ace how did the mission go?"asked Mirajane, Ace gave her a thumbs up for a sign of success, with his mouth stuff. Mirajane was one of his close friends, they use to do missions when they were younger."So where's the master, Mirajane?" asked Ace wonder where the master was. " He's at the alliance meeting today at Clover, Ace". He remember master saying something about but he was asleep at the time and was appointed to look after the guild when he was gone. "Hey, Ace when did you arrive man?", he turned and saw Loki coming toward him. "Hey, Loki just right..t.. ", Ace asleep at the middle of conversation. Everyone knew about Ace's sleep condition.

He was woken by an argument between, two people he knew who would never stop banging heads, Natsu and Gray. "They were fighting again Mirajane?" Asked Ace half-asleep. "Yeah, those two never seem to stop." She answer. Both of them were close friends of him, in which he cared deeply.

"Yeah feel sorry for blonde, there" said Cana after drinking her booze. Both, him and Cana would have the largest drinking contest, to see who was the better drinker. It was the only way they got to know each other. "Yeah she's a real man!" Yelled Elfman, Ace was amazed how much Elfman grew through out the years. "Elfman she's a girl. " Ace reply, "but to think he grew up so much, than I thought", he thought.

Ace then, saw a blonde girl who he never saw before, next to them. "Yo, Mira who's the new girl." Ace asking sleepy. "Oh that's Lucy right there she recently join the guild." answer Mira. Then Natsu saw Ace near the bar next to a mountain of plates. "Hey, Ace your back! Fight me."yelled Natsu charging toward Ace with a fist of fire. Ace always fought with Natsu when they were little, it help him, to get even stronger. Natsu seem to be little brother to him, exactly like Luffy and Sabo, a brother that he need to teach some manners.

Ace grab the dragonslayer wrist, throw him to the wall and then threw a table when he tried to get up. "Happy the score" he asked the flying blue cat, " 100 wins, 0 losses, sir." answer Happy. Ace was surprise how many times he won against Natsu. He still remember, how many times he beat Luffy. " That was a cheap shot Ace, now I'm going all out.", Natsu was about to charge again, but LokI came in guild and yelled "Erza's coming".

Everyone stared to panic, "why is everyone acting up, who's this Erza person?" Asked Lucy. Ace laugh and answer with a smirk, " She's a demon". It caused Lucy to sweat hard and to panic."That wasn't nice, Ace" Mira scolding Ace. "I'm sorry" apologize Ace, "but it's not half true you know". Erza came and began to nagged everyone about their behaviors and they were disgracing fairy tail. Erza was one of his closest friends he had, he knew her power personally. She was equal in terms of power with him, they would usually be in a tie, when they fought.

"Where Natsu and Gray?" asked Erza. Everyone answer and point where they were and saw the two hugging each other. "Just here hanging here with my best friend." said Gray, "Aye, sir" Natsu imitating Happy. "Ha, ha, ha, man, Natsu who knew you could imitate Happy so well" laugh Ace, knowing they didn't want to anger her. Erza turned and saw Ace, " So , Ace you have also arrive" said Erza with a smile. "Yeah, just came back and I got you something from my job." Said Ace, in which cause stars to show in Erza's eyes.

Ace pulled a beautiful blue dress from his bag and Erza quickly grab it from his hands. She quickly exam it and put it away somewhere else. " And here's my gift to you Ace" Erza show the horn she had it was quite impressive, he would put it on the top of his house for decoration for later. They both exchange souvenirs every time they went on s-rank missions, it was like tradition for both of them as friends . But, Ace knew she wanted something else, he saw in her eyes and asked her. "Observant, as ever Ace, yes I need you, Natsu and Gray help on a job, meet me at the train station later on." Erza reply.

Everyone in the guild was surprise include Ace, Erza needed all of them for a job. Mira said "Erza, Gary, Natsu and Ace strongest team of Fairy tail".


At the train station

Natsu and Gray were arguing between themselves. Lucy was talking to herself of what Mira said to her.


"Natsu and Gray will fight when Erza isn't around, so you'll need to go to keep them in check, okay?"

Lucy moan " how can I stop two monsters like them".

"Sorry to keep you guys waiting", Lucy turn around and saw the man from the guild early with a green bag, and Erza with a ton of luggage, and was shock how much she carry. Ace glance toward Lucy and began to introduce himself. "Hey, I'm Ace. , you must be Lucy right, the newcomer, Mira told me about you.", Erza notice she was also new and introduce herself. She knew, Ace was formal in his introduction to new members.

Ace look at the time and said " crap we're going to be late if we don't get on" pull his hat down. "Wait" yelled Natsu, "I'll go on one condition".

Ace somewhat knew what Natsu wanted, "let me guess, a fight between Erza and me? ", it seem right, since he saw a fire in his eyes. He sigh and look toward Erza, she nodded in agreement, it was settled then they would both fight Natsu when they came back.

He look at Gray and asked if he wanted to fight as well. "No, thanks I wouldn't like to go to a hospital anytime so" He said calmly. Gray was one of the cool headed person he ever knew, but only when Natsu wasn't around. He always had a habbit of striping his clothes, Ace related it to his sleep condition. He and Gray both lost someone who was family to them and both bonded by it. Everyone began to enter the train.


On the train Natsu began to get motion sickness, Erza told him to sit next to her. But, only to be punch in the gut by Erza. Gray and Lucy were shocked of what had happen, but Ace only continue looking toward the sky, pretending it didn't happen. Gray asked about the job they were doing.

"Its about the dark guild, Eisenwald." Erza reply

Ace turn toward Erza direction as she said those words, " what are those bastards trying to do?"

His voice filled with rage. In which send a cold chill through the spins for Gray and Lucy. Erza knew, that he had heard of them before, since he was responsible for many dark guilds disbandments.

"Calm yourself, Ace before we proceed." order Erza, as she felt a surge a heat form him. Ace took a deep breath and slowly cooled down. "Sorry, about that Erza, just those guys really piss me off." Reply Ace. He wanted to continue the debriefing, Erza explain what she heard in a bar, how they were going to use, a item called lullaby, for something to gain their guild power. Gray and Lucy thought about what Erza had told them, they wonder what they were planning to do with the lullaby.

Lucy look at Ace ,who use his hat to shield his eye, and wonder what he was thinking about. "Hey, Ace what do you think about the case?" She asked him, who didn't answer and which bother her. "Maybe he's thinking about the case hard, he didn't hear you." Said Happy. " Or maybe he's..." Gray went and poke Ace on the shoulder and then heard him snore. "How the hell can you sleep at time like this, Ace?" Scream Gray, who woke him up by it.

"Says the guy who strip without noticing it" Yawn Ace, as he pointed Gray body who's without a shirt.

"My clothes" yelled Gray surprised. Ace did hear what Erza said, he was going to stop what they were going to do. He couldn't forgive those who use dark methods to gain power, he also heard about someone called Erigor who was there ace. He wanted to meet him personally, to see his power. They soon arrive at a stop and Ace carried Natsu to the bathroom to recover, later bought 20 rice balls to go for the trip. And then drag Natsu who was screaming back to the train.

"So, Erza what kind of magic do you use?" asked Lucy. Happy then reply " Her magic is beautiful, it cause her opponent to spill blood". Then, cause Lucy to sweat. "You're getting juicy lucy" said Happy. " It not as beautiful as Gray magic though." Erza reply. Lucy then looked Gray who created the fairy tail sign out of ice by placing his hand together, "wow, that's so cool" Lucy cheered " so that's why you and Natsu don't get along, he's fire and your ice". "No I just hate his guts" he reply.

She, then look at Ace stuffing his face with rice balls. She was afraid to ask, " what magic do you use Ace?". "Hmmm, ... GULP, what did you say Lucy? " Ace said with a confused look. "She asked about your magic, Ace" Erza reply while eating a strawberry shortcake. Ace then turn Lucy and apologize for not listing, "Okay, watch careful now Lucy." Ace told her, Ace pulled out his knife for his bag, she began to worry and then stab the knife in his chest.

Lucy scream at top her lungs, thinking him just committed suicide. " Ace, that's not funny, you shouldn't scare someone like that" Erza said as she finish her shortcake. Lucy turn to Ace and saw he wasn't bleeding, but saw his wound being close by flames. " Woah, how did you do that?" Lucy asked in surprise by what she saw, "Are you a fire mage?". Ace only grin and turn to Erza to give her explanation of his strange power, "No, Ace's power are one of kind" Erza began to explain, "He is a devil fruit eater", Lucy never heard of a devil fruit eater before.

"I ate a fruit called, the mera-mera fruit, thanks to it my body change into flames" Ace began to explain to Lucy, "But I can no longer swim in sea, if I did I would be drown and lose all my powers". Lucy was amazed by Ace's powers and wanted to learn more. " What's your magic Lucy?" Asked Ace. " oh, I'm a celestial wizard, I summon celestial spirits". She show her keys, they soon arrive at their destination. "Huh, that cool..l.." Ace then fell asleep, Lucy was surprise of sleeping in mid sentence, "He's sleeping again? Wow, how much does he sleep?" Lucy asked.


"Alright everyone lets go the hotel to discuss our strategy against Eisenwald." Erza order. " Wait minute! Are we missing someone?" Ace asked as he look around. He counted Gray, Happy, Lucy, Erza, Natsuu... , he then quickly remember he left Natsu on the train! "Oh crap! Natsu he's still on the train!" Ace yelled as he saw the train depart.

"How could you forgot about Natsu, Ace! He was your responsible!" Erza yelled in anger to him.

" I fell asleep, I forgot about him when I woke up! And you rush all of us out of the train so I couldn't grab him, you control freak! " Ace argued with her. Erza then grab the brakes that control the train to make it stop, they later found lacrima-power car and went chasing their comrade.

Ace, swiftly and rapidly drove the car to the train. He won many trophies in racing around Fiore, and also know as "fire-fast Ace" by it. " Faster we need to reach Natsu quickly!" Demand Erza, " Don't rush me, this is delicate machine to maneuver!" yelled Ace as he dodge some obstacles. "Damn it, Ace slow down would ya?" said Gray on top of the car, just then Natsu flew out the window of the train and land on Gray, which cause him to let go of the car and fall.

Ace quickly turn the car around. Both of his nakama were on the ground and reach out to get on there feet. "What happen?"asked Lucy as she got off the car. "A guy from Eisenwald attack me on the train" explain Natsu, but then was punch by Erza, "why didn't you stop them!" she demand. "Later, argued later Erza! We got a train to catch!" Ace yelled when he got on the driver seat of the car and drove. He knew they needed to reach the train no matter the cost!


"Curse magic!" Yelled Ace while driving the car. Lucy explain to them what lullaby was, when Natsu described it. " yeah, when use, it can kill a large population " she told them, "It was created by the dark wizard, Zeref!". Ace now knew he couldn't waste anymore time, he soon increase the speed of the vehicle. Eisenwald now had an item that could kill many people, he wasn't going to let that happen!

"Hmmm..., there was something important I needed to tell you Lucy, but what was it?" Whispering Happy," *fish, delicious, weird, weird, weird". Lucy thought Happy was being weird talking to himself. They, then saw a small army unit posted at a train station, as they drove by. "They must know about Eisenwald plan of using lullaby!", Erza explain, "Ace speed it up, we need to get to the next city!". "You got it Erza!" Ace yelled as he increase the vehicle even more.


"You allow the fairy tail member to see lullaby, you fool, Kageyama!" yelled a gray hair man with a scythe. The man name Kageyama move from the side when a attack sliced through a train seat, from his superior! "I'm sorry Erigor" whimper Kageyama.

" If they now try to interfere with us, it will be a decision they will regret.", Erigor said with the lullaby in his hand. " We need to forward our plans even more" Erigor said with a smile.