
The Accidental Maid: Manor of Montgomery (Cornelius edition)

"Dismissed from her job, she unwittingly becomes a maid at the opulent manor of Cornelius Montgomery, the CEO who detests her. Unaware the house is his, she navigates her duties, sparking tension. Will the mundane job transform into a journey of love, breaking down the CEO's barriers, or deepening the hatred between them?"

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96 Chs

Chapter 50: Whispers of Inquiry

The first rays of dawn stretched across the cityscape, casting a gentle glow upon Montgomery Enterprise. Cornelius, driven by a relentless urgency, strode into his office at an hour when the world still lingered in the quiet embrace of predawn shadows. The cool, muted light filtered through the expansive windows, casting a subdued luminance over the room—a realm of organized chaos meticulously arranged to reflect the essence of its owner.

Edmund Williams, Cornelius's loyal secretary, greeted him with a subtle nod, silently acknowledging the early intrusion. An air of curiosity danced in the secretary's eyes, though he wisely refrained from voicing the questions that percolated beneath the surface. Cornelius detested unnecessary inquiries, and a perfunctory "carry on" from his lips silenced any unspoken wonder.

With a resolute demeanor, Cornelius instructed Edmund to delve into an investigation—this time about Rosalinda. The shock flickered briefly across Edmund's features, his composure tested by the unexpected assignment. Yet, seasoned in navigating the intricate nuances of his employer's wishes, he merely nodded in acquiescence, burying any lingering uncertainty.

As Cornelius immersed himself in the tasks that occupied his meticulously organized desk, an unexpected echo reached his ears—the muffled tones of Rosalinda engaged in a phone conversation. The threads of curiosity wove through his thoughts, prompting him to question the nature of her interactions.

Three days of relentless investigation led Cornelius Montgomery down a path of discovery that traversed beyond the sterile confines of corporate façades. The weight of the inquiry bore fruit as the intricacies of Rosalinda's life unfurled, revealing a tapestry woven with threads of struggle.

In the quiet confines of his office, the glow of the computer screen cast an ethereal illumination over Cornelius's features, his expression shifting from stern determination to a subtle acknowledgment of empathy. The digital dossier before him outlined Rosalinda's financial tribulations, a confluence of medical bills, and the pressing urgency of familial care. The hospitalization of her little brother was a silent struggle etched in the coded language of transactions.

Cornelius's gaze lingered on the screen, absorbing the silent narrative of hardship that transcended the boundaries of their professional interactions. The clinical walls of Montgomery Enterprise gave way to the silent corridors of empathy, bridging the chasm that had separated employer and employee.

Amidst the hum of computers and the distant echoes of a bustling city, Cornelius found himself grappling with an unexpected revelation. The stoic exterior that defined his interactions with Rosalinda quivered, revealing the contours of a newfound understanding—a recognition that, beyond titles and hierarchies, life echoed its symphony of struggles.

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