
The Accidental Maid: Manor of Montgomery (Cornelius edition)

"Dismissed from her job, she unwittingly becomes a maid at the opulent manor of Cornelius Montgomery, the CEO who detests her. Unaware the house is his, she navigates her duties, sparking tension. Will the mundane job transform into a journey of love, breaking down the CEO's barriers, or deepening the hatred between them?"

AelleCarena · perkotaan
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96 Chs

Chapter 48: A symphony of shadows

As Rosalinda continued her day in the opulent expanse of the Manor, distractions clung to her like elusive shadows, each one vying for attention.

In the library, where the scent of aged paper usually invited a sense of serenity, her eyes darted between the shelves, tracing the titles without absorbing their meaning. The timeless allure of literature became a fleeting apparition, overshadowed by the persistent echoes of recent revelations.

The ticking clock, once a silent observer of studious moments, now marked time with an insistent drumbeat. Each tick seemed to resonate louder, a reminder of moments slipping away, mirroring the urgency that nestled within Rosalinda's chest.

Distant laughter filtered through the air, originating from the garden where staff tended to the lush flora. The carefree notes mingled with the weightier tones of Rosalinda's contemplation, creating a symphony of contrasting emotions.

In the office, her refuge from the world, the arrangement of documents on Cornelius's desk whispered tales of organizational precision. Yet, her gaze lingered on the framed photograph—a frozen moment capturing familial warmth. The contours of Cornelius's face, caught in a rare expression, triggered a cascade of thoughts she struggled to untangle.

The hum of a distant conversation reached her ears, the words indistinct but their collective cadence weaving into the backdrop of her day. She yearned to discern the meanings, to immerse herself in the daily ebb and flow of the Manor's life, but her mind danced on the periphery of comprehension.

The clinking of china in the dining room, where place settings awaited their occupants, resonated like delicate chimes. Each sound pulled her focus, a siren's call inviting her to surrender to the orchestrated chaos of Manor's life.

A soft breeze filtered through an open window, bringing with it the whisper of leaves rustling in the garden. The tender caress of wind seemed to beckon her toward the beckoning unknown, away from the familiar and structured walls of the Manor.

As Rosalinda moved through the day, her steps carried the weight of unspoken words and tangled emotions. The symphony of shadows, born from distractions both seen and unseen, wove a narrative that mirrored the complexities of her journey—an intricate dance where each note told a story, leaving the crescendo of her destiny shrouded in mystery.

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