
7. Georgina

So I’m back here in Toronto, and I’m officially gonna be staying here for the next two months or beyond that who knows when! Our family’s business here in Toronto needs my help. I’m not completely selfish, I know how to set aside my own problems from the family’s business problem.

At the end of the day even though how upset I am with my mom, she still has a place here in my heart.

Besides, I’m more like hitting two birds with one stone in this situation. Agreeing to work and help the company here in Toronto gives me the time to process my divorce papers. I seriously hate dealing with it but I don’t have a choice either. I want us to start working on our divorce as much as possible and I want to finish all the legal papers quickly right before I go back to San Francisco or maybe head to Dallas to accept the project my father promised me.

I’m completely aware that processing a divorce takes time but we can absolutely make the said process quick because of our situation. Which are, first, we are complete strangers with one another. The wedding was totally informal, so was the signing of marriage contract because we’re both drunk. We didn’t lived together, not even once. We’re not even friends and the list goes on.

We have people who will attest to that, so the case is surely an easy one. All I just have to do is to make that stupid Austin to cooperate, because based on what he said to me the first night we met, he is not interested on helping me out.

He clearly take this whole thing as a complete joke. He’s a huge ass smug.

I honestly don't like his vibes that I'm getting!

“Hey, call me when you need anything. I just have to run some errands and I won’t be back for few hours.” I told Liam when I get into his office. I’ve been starting to work as one of the head architects for three days now ever since I came back.

“Why? Where are you going?” Liam asked without looking at me as he still busies himself typing something on his laptop.

“I’m meeting a client.” I said completely trying myself not to stutter or else he’ll think that I’m lying or something.

“You know that you can just let the other architects do that themselves rather than you right?” He asked looking up on me.


“I know that!” I answered immediately as I think of a quick alibi. “But this client is a friend. It’s actually the one I told you about.”

“Oh, okay! I’ll call you when I need you. You go ahead.” Liam said which made me sigh, completely relieved that he didn’t bothered to ask further questions.

When I left the building, I immediately grabbed my phone to text Austin to meet me up at this restaurant uptown in thirty minutes. However, as I open my phone screen I he have already sent me two messages ten minutes ago.

[Austin: I’m not free until lunch. I have a meeting.]

[Austin: can we reschedule it?]

No fucking way!

I’m pretty clear about not wasting my time and this is what he’s doing? I’m not rescheduling it, so I shoot him a text back. He’s surely doing this on purpose!

[Me: where r u? I’m coming at u.]

Fifteen minutes later and I haven’t received any reply from him I dialed his number but unfortunately, all my calls just went to voice mail. Now I’m frustrated!

Instead of waiting for another minute, I decided to ride a taxi heading to their team headquarters which I don’t know where but luckily the driver of the taxi knows where it is so I just asked him to drop me there. Few minutes later the taxi driver dropped me at the main entrance of the Smasher’s office that I am pretty sure is only exclusive for the players.

I still keep on ringing Austin’s phone but still has no answer from him so I literally don’t know what to do. However, I just gathered up my shit and braced myself preparing certain words I should say just in case the security guards will drag me out.

I decided to approach the security guard who’s guarding the entrance.

“Hello, good morning. I’m here to see Austin Geiser, can you call somebody to tell him that someone wants to see him or anything?”

“Do you have an I.D. pass with you?” One of the guards asked.

“No. I’m sorry I don’t have one.”

“Are you some kind of a journalist? Do you have any interviews with one of the athletes?”

“No. I’m just here to see him. He actually knows me.” I said but the two guards just stared on each other.

“Alright, but we’re sorry ma’am we can’t let you in.”

Damn it! Of course they won’t. However, instead of leaving I called Austin again.

“Please answer, please answer.” It took five rings and finally! He picked it up. “Oh thank god, you answered. Hey! It’s Georgina.”

“Oh wifey! You called.” He said on the other line with complete enthusiasm. Dang it! The screws on his brain might haven’t processed our situation yet.

“Of course I’m calling! Aren’t you looking at your phone?” I remarked completely annoyed. “I’m waiting right outside. We really need to talk, like right now because I have no more time to reschedule it.”

“What do you mean you’re outside?”

“I’m at the main entrance of your office! The security won’t let me in.” I said and sighed. “You know what I’ll just wait here and we’ll talk somewhere else.”

“No. My meeting haven’t started yet and I texted you that I won’t be free until lunch you better come inside.” He said and as much as I don’t want to stick around and wait for him, again, I’m serious about not rescheduling my business with him.

“Alright. But the security won’t let me in.”

“Just tell them you’re my wife.” He said and I can really sense that the idiot is completely laughing right now.

“There’s no way I’m going to do that!” I said walking back to where the security are at standing pressing the phone into a loud speaker mode.

I signalled the two guard to listen on my phone and they obligingly did. “The security are here, come on tell them.”

“Hey guys, this is Austin. That woman in front of you is my wife. Please be kind and let her in.” I literally dropped my jaw when he mentioned that I am his wife.

What a jerk! So he’s telling everyone now that he’s married?

“Please guide her to the conference room, thank you.” He added then hanged up.

I feel so embarrassed right now. Especially seeing the two security guards look on me in complete shock. Oh my god, I really want the whole earth to open and swallow me whole at the moment. One of the security guards in there guided me to the said room as what Austin have instructed them.

When we reach a specific corridor full of people wearing the same color blue and maybe the team logo, I felt way more anxious especially after the security left me by myself. All of the guys are looking at me and I swear to god, I am so freaking uncomfortable and started to question myself as to what am I doing in here?

I approached the guy on who’s walking towards me.

“Uhmm… excuse me. I’m looking for Austin where is he?”

“He’s at the conference room.” He answered gently which is a great thing. “Come on I’m actually on my way there.”

“Thank you.” I said slightly sighing because I honestly can’t take how the guys who are in there looked at me. It’s a bit intimidating and embarrassing.

While the both of us walked on another sort of corridor going to the said room the massive man didn’t waste any time but to make small introductions.

“I’m Alfred.”

“George.” I replied. “Nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you too.” He said smiling. “I didn’t know Austin had a really beautiful friend.”

I only snickered. “Alright, that’s real smooth!”

He chuckled. And just as he was about to talk again someone already called us up. I didn’t even realized we reached the conference room.

“Alfred!” Austin called while walking out of the rink to meet us. “I see that you have already met my wife.”

I glared on him. But he just ignored me.

“Your wife.” Alfred echoed chuckling and then immediately exclaimed again which absolutely caught everyone’s attention. “Your wife?!”

I tried to slap Austin’s arms to actually stop the asshole from telling everyone that I am his wife.

“Yes. My wife.” Austin firmly said.

“Since when did you get married?” Alfred asked and the shocked is still painted on his face.

“Two years ago.” He answered like it’s as if the marriage was a goddamn legit. I slapped him lightly on the arms again.

“I don’t know what’s wrong with you right now.” Alfred said shaking his head. “But just so you know I almost started hitting on her.”

“Oh brother, don’t do that. She’s mine.” He said and laced his arms on my shoulder drawing me towards him.

Alfred left us still shaking his head as he enters the room.

“Are you telling everyone now that you’re married?” I said getting out from his grip. “Have you lost your mind?”


I sighed. “Austin, we really need to talk. You seriously take this whole situation as a joke. This isn’t a joke alright? Please, come back to your senses!”

After I said those words, he looked at me straight on the eyes while releasing a loud sigh and I have a great feeling that he’s finally taking this seriously now.

“Alright, we’ll talk. After my meeting.” He said. “Wait for me in the VIP lounge area, just ask t—“

“No. I’ll wait here.” I said.

“No. You wait there.” He said. “Come on follow me.”

He guided me to the nearest room just next to the said conference room and instructed me to just chill and keep myself entertained while I wait for him.

“You sure you can wait?”

“Mm-hmm.” I said because I literally don’t want to go back to the corridors full of intimidating guys who looks on me from head to toe in there and it’s way too uncomforting.

I nodded.

I don’t mind waiting just as long as we can actually talk!