
The Ability Theft In Naruto

In a world of Naruto, you have the ability to steal everyone's power. This man has no knowledge of Naruto, but he knew what he needs to do to survive in this World.

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26 Chs

The City of Konoha

As the battle's echoes faded, the familiar display screen materialized before Kai once again. One ability once again revealed itself – "Wind Release: Wind Slash," a long-range attack he so desperately needed.

Phew, Killing a human never felt that good for Kai. It's not as though he had never killed before, yet, it was still a somewhat bitter feeling. However this time around, he have decided to prioritise himself, regardless of anything. It was.. better this way.. for him. Besides, a human's ability tends to be a lot stronger than the monsters or animals, provided it reaches the ability's true potential.

A determined nod affirmed his choice. This was the tool he needed. With his newly acquired ability, he had the means to command the very wind itself, to unleash its power as a weapon.

The plan that unfolded in Kai's mind was simple yet calculated. Disguise himself with the chameleon ability, a shroud of invisibility that allowed him to blend seamlessly with his surroundings. It was a tactic he had used before, a strategy born from his past experiences. With this chameleon ability, he was poised to infiltrate Konoha, to scale its walls unnoticed.

With resolute determination, Kai put his plan into motion. The forest's edge became his stage, his every movement purposeful and precise. His hands found purchase on the sturdy walls, his body moving with the fluid grace of a creature at home in both shadow and light. The chameleon's essence flowed through him, its camouflage enshrouding him as he ascended the wall along with his 'Stick to Surface' ability.

The guards stationed below were none the wiser, their watchful gazes blind to his presence. Kai's heart beat a steady rhythm of anticipation, his focus unwavering as he climbed higher, inch by inch. The wind whispered secrets in his ear, a pleasant factor that reduces his chance to get caught.

His plan unfurled flawlessly. As he reached the apex of the wall, he knew the moment had come. The guards remained oblivious, their duty unchanged by his subtle intrusion. Kai's breath hitched, his form solidifying as he stepped onto Konoha's hallowed ground.

As Kai started looking around, his eyes widened as he was now within the city's embrace, his gaze sweeping across the landscape that unfolded before him. The streets of Konoha stretched out like a tapestry of the past, each cobblestone looking old. He marveled at the architecture, the buildings bearing a traditional elegance that seemed to defy the modern world he was familiar of.

The city's atmosphere buzzed with activity, Lanterns adorned the streets, casting a warm glow that painted the surroundings in hues of amber and gold. Traders peddled their wares, their voices bargaining and promoting the products that they held.

Kai's suspicion grew. This really was not the modern world he had known, The city exuded an air of old-world charm, an existence that defied the conventions of his time. There were no cars, no bikes, no credit cards. Everything felt off.

He continued to observe, his gaze drawn to the people who bustled through the streets. Their attire bore a distinctive mark of tradition, fabrics and designs that spoke of an old era.

Admittedly, the village was not without its technological marvels. He noticed intricate mechanisms interwoven with the architecture, a seamless blend of innovation and tradition. Yet, even these modern touches carried no sense of familiarity, as if they were rooted in a different understanding of technology.

His thoughts swirled with questions, the mystery of this world's nature deepening with every step he took. To Kai, Konoha was a paradox, a city that defied the passage of time, a city that should never have existed.


Within the heart of Konoha, at the bustling hub known as the sensory headquarters, a group of diligent individuals were focused on their task – safeguarding the city's protective barrier. It was their duty to ensure the village's safety, to detect any ripple that disrupted the calm surface of their village.

Amidst the hum of activity, a sudden disturbance roused their attention. A single point on the barrier's canvas had quivered like a stone thrown into a still pond. Eyes darted, fingers pointed, and the team swiftly identified the anomaly – an intruder had breached their defences.

Urgency tinged the air as the team rallied into action. Their fingers danced across panels, their communication swift and seamless. Their voices echoed through the chamber, summoning the aid of a seasoned jonin – a figure renowned and respected among the ranks of Konoha's defenders.

Might Guy, known for his unparalleled strength and indomitable spirit, received the call. His eyes blazed with determination as he processed the information. With a resounding affirmation, he declared, "Alright! I'll catch this guy asap!" His words reverberated with conviction, a promise to apprehend the intruder and uphold the village's security.

Without a moment's hesitation, Might Guy was in motion. He swiftly made his way to the scene of the latest breach in Konoha's barrier. His gaze swept the area, seeking answers within the puzzle that had disrupted the village's tranquility.

Turning to the dedicated sensory team, Guy issued a directive, his voice firm and commanding. He requested their expertise in detecting the intruder's chakra, a signature energy that every living being possessed. Yet, to their collective bewilderment, their efforts yielded nothing. It was as if the intruder existed beyond the realm of chakra, a phantom that left no trace.

Perplexity creased Guy's brow as he absorbed the implications of this revelation. The absence of chakra left them without a traditional trail to follow, a challenge that he had not experienced in a long while.

His eyes shifted to the towering wall that stood as a sentinel before them. It was a formidable structure, a barrier that dared anyone to challenge its height. He quickly climbed and investigated the wall, and yet, there were no telltale signs of grappling hooks, no evidence of tools that a climber might have used. It defied reason – how could someone ascend a wall so daunting with no chakra or tools?

Guy's mind churned with possibilities, each scenario more puzzling than the last. Confusion knit his features, his determination deepening into a resolute focus. If conventional methods yielded no answers, then they must rely on unconventional measures.

With a decisive nod, Guy called for reinforcements. He summoned additional eyes and ears, fellow shinobi whose vigilance would help find the intruder.