
The Ability Theft In Naruto

In a world of Naruto, you have the ability to steal everyone's power. This man has no knowledge of Naruto, but he knew what he needs to do to survive in this World.

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26 Chs

Pain's Ability

Kai lay amidst the aftermath of his brutal battle with Son Goku, his body battered and broken. Pain, observing the extent of his injuries, recognized that it was time to intervene. His eyes glinted with resolve as he unleashed the full might of his Chibaku Tensei technique, a force that could shape worlds.

Chibaku Tensei was a fearsome power, a technique that manipulated gravity itself. As Pain stretched his hands towards the sky, a vortex of immense force formed above him. The very ground trembled as debris from the surrounding environment was drawn upward, spiraling into a colossal mass. Trees, boulders, and earth soared into the air, coalescing into a sphere of crushing power.

With a thunderous boom, the sphere plummeted downward, enveloping Son Goku within its confines. The Chibaku Tensei's gravitational pull was unrelenting, its power seemingly infinite as it gathered everything in its path. Trees snapped like twigs, the ground cracked and splintered, and the very air seemed to tremble with the force of its might.

In a breathtaking display of strength, the Chibaku Tensei contained the immense tailed beast, its colossal form trapped within the gravitational prison. The surrounding landscape transformed as the sphere expanded, consuming all in its path.

Yet, the Chibaku Tensei's impact was not only destructive. It also marked the arrival of another Pain, one who possessed the ability to manipulate life and death itself. With swift and precise movements, this Pain approached Kai's battered form. The air seemed to shimmer with healing energy as the Pain's hands glowed with a soothing light. Pain's technique worked its magic, mending Kai's broken body and revitalizing his spirit.

As the Chibaku Tensei's influence calmed down, the tailed beast's power receded. The sphere dissipated, revealing the jinchuriki Roshi in his unconscious state. Pain's plan had succeeded; the tailed beast had been subdued, and Roshi was incapacitated.

"Mission successful," Pain's calm voice could be heard by Konan.

Konan's gaze met Pain's, a silent communication passing between them. She was privy to his hidden truth, the price that the Chibaku Tensei extracted from Nagato's strength. But in this case, Nagato's vitality remained strong, his reserves are still strong as he have not exerted himself prior to this battle.

Kai's eyes flitted between Pain and the other manifestation of himself, bafflement is evident in his expression. The sudden interplay between the two Pains left him bewildered and seeking understanding.

Pain's voice, steady and reassuring, cut through the confusion. "Rest assured, Kai. It is merely one of my techniques."

With the words spoken, the Pain who had bestowed life upon Kai's fading form vanished into thin air, leaving behind only a fading sense of his presence.

Pain's voice cut through the aftermath of their battle. "Quickly, Kai. Seize Roshi and let us depart."

The commotion raised by the tailed beast's clash hadn't escaped the notice of Iwagakure's vigilant ANBU operatives. As if summoned by the turmoil, they descended upon the scene, their determination etched into their stern expressions.

Kai's response was immediate. The familiar shroud of his wind armour enveloped him once more, a protective barrier against the oncoming threat, he did not even need to go towards phase 2 to deal with the Anbus. With a swift efficiency born of combat experience, he engaged the ANBU assailants. His mastery over the wind allowed him to dispatch them with precision, neutralizing each adversary while minimizing collateral damage.

As the last of the opponents fell, a newfound strength surged within Kai, a power harnessed from the fallen foes. This energy enabled him to craft an earth wall, allowing him to once more be more versatile.




In a secure haven, Pain promptly gathered the entirety of the Akatsuki to channel the extracted chakra of the four-tailed beast.

"Kudos for a job well done," Tobi chimed in, his tone light-hearted as ever.

Deidara's voice joined in, accompanied by a hint of artistic pride. "Hmm, my explosive artistry might have concluded it more expediently."

The surrounding members of the Akatsuki exchanged glances, each bearing a unique aura of individuality. The air was thick with their diverse abilities and personas, converging under a shared purpose.

Hidan's irreverent laughter broke out. "Well, if he can take on a tailed beast, I suppose he's earned his place here."

Without hesitation, as the last bit of chakra disappeared from Roshi, Kai's system prompt presented him with an intriguing choice once again. He was offered the chance to assimilate the rare lava element or infuse himself with a portion of the beast's chakra. In it, it notes that the chakra possesses a strong potential to enhance his other abilities.

After a moment of hesitation, he went ahead and opted for the latter decision. Kai's decision was grounded in his desire to amplify his body's inherent prowess, prioritizing honing his current abilities over venturing into uncharted elemental territories.

As he made his selection, a noticeable transformation surged within him. It was a profound change, like the very core of his being had undergone an enhancement. An energy, robust and unfamiliar, coursed through his veins, resonating with newfound vigour.

Pain's discerning gaze settled upon Kai, his observation shrouded in silent acknowledgment. "Your body that had no charka now carries the essence of chakra, akin to the four-tails itself," Pain remarked, his tone displaying levels of intrigue.

Kai nodded in agreement, a contemplative expression settling on his features. This marked his very first experience with genuine chakra – a force far different from his former energy reserves. The quality was elevated, suffused with an unfamiliar potency that hinted at an untapped potential.

Pain harbored a depth of thought, yet he opted to withhold his musings for the moment. While at the same time, Tobi, was looking ominously, and for a brief moment, one could see the deep sharingan within his mask.

Author here, So from now on, the Wind Chakra Armor will have Phase 1 and Phase 2.

Phase 1 is swirls of wind surrounding him and enveloping him like an armor.

Phase 2 will be a full-on Chakra armour with wind elements (similar to the Raikage). Hopefully it's clear!

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