
The Ability Theft In Naruto

In a world of Naruto, you have the ability to steal everyone's power. This man has no knowledge of Naruto, but he knew what he needs to do to survive in this World.

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26 Chs

Opportunity to Push Back

A few days later, Kakuzu and Hidan materialized near another shady structure, the air thick with an air of illegal transactions. Kakuzu's fingers deftly moved as he counted the ill-gotten gains, the pile of currency he received from killing the monk. With their newfound wealth securely stashed away, the duo once again ventured into the embrace of the forest's shadows.

Seated amidst the verdant foliage, their dark intentions took form in words that cut through the air like a sinister promise. Kakuzu's tone was calculated, a mere suggestion laced with lethal intent. "Hidan, what if we rid ourselves of these relentless pursuers once and for all?"

Hidan's laughter resonated with a macabre delight, the prospect of bloodshed a siren's call to his twisted convictions. "You read my mind, Kakuzu."

In the blink of an eye, Kakuzu's practiced precision launched an explosive kunai toward a waiting tree, its detonation a sharp crack that shattered the tranquility. The blast echoed through the woods, coaxing figures out from their shrouded concealment. Emerging from the shadows were Asuma, flanked by two resolute shinobi, and Shikamaru.


In the midst of the unfolding turmoil, Kai, a witness to the chaos, observed the battle with a mixture of intrigue and annoyance towards Konoha. As the clash raged on, it became apparent that the Akatsuki held the upper hand, their calculated tactics gradually overpowering their adversaries. Through some weird Ritual, one of the Akatsuki had managed to gravely injure Asuma, one of the Shinobis there. Yet, as the tides of the skirmish had just shifted, Konoha's reinforcement arrived, tipping the scales once more.

Kai's gaze settled on Asuma, a formidable shinobi whose strength was undeniable. The thought of acquiring his power flickered through Kai's mind like a fleeting shadow. Asuma's prowess had not gone unnoticed, and in Kai's eyes, it was an opportunity that beckoned.

In a calculated move, Kai summoned forth the drawing of a majestic eagle. He have been practicing this drawing alone, and just a while ago, he had managed to successfully bring this drawing to life.. With newfound mastery, he guided the creature beneath him, soaring above the battleground. The rush of wind greeted him as he maneuvered the drawing with determination.

Without hesitation, Kai directed the eagle's power, unleashing a slicing wind blade that cleaved through the air. The blade homed in on its target with lethal precision, finding its mark as it struck Asuma in his weakened state. The dying shinobi's defences faltered, the wind blade sealing his fate before he could mount a proper defence.

Eyes from the battlefield below turned skyward, witnessing the enigmatic eagle drawing as it swiftly departed from the scene. Shikamaru's voice cut through the air, laden with shock and accusation, "You... Ability Theft!"

To Kai, Konoha had transformed into an unyielding adversary. The ceaseless pursuit, the unrelenting opposition – they had stirred a fiery resolve within him. Killing several of the Anbus, he noticed himself written in the BINGO book, a hunting list for Konoha Shinobis. Weeks of being hounded had crystallized into a firm decision: It wasn't wrong for him to push back against Konoha.

An expected screen materialized before him. Bold letters proclaimed, "Enhanced Wind Manipulation (Unique)." Kai's gaze locked onto the words, knowing the application of this power as he had seen Asuma fight.

Seizing the opportunity, Kai channelled his wind-charged energy into his outstretched arms. The resulting surge of energy left his hands imbued with unparalleled sharpness, the very air around them humming with potential. It was a sensation of empowerment that coursed through his veins, validating his pursuit of strength.

Descending gracefully from the sky atop his manifested eagle, Kai's landing marked the end of the majestic creature's existence. Dissolving into nothingness, it left him standing amidst the forest's embrace. An ancient tree stood nearby, its presence a solid form for Kai to test his ability.

Unleashing his newfound might, Kai directed his focused energy towards the tree before him. His wind-infused hand made contact. The result was astonishing – the tree, once strong and firm, yielded to Kai's prowess. With ease, the formidable trunk was cleaved in twain, its fibres parting under the force of Kai's enhanced wind manipulation.

Kai's mind raced with a now larger hope towards this ability. In his previous existence, arms and armaments held no allure for him; his method of battle lay in creating a battle aura that enveloped him in cutting precision. His new ability can serve very similarly to this style, a formidable extension of his being – a dynamic wind energy aura that can help him in combat.

This revelation reverberated profoundly as he cast his thoughts back to his planning against Asuma. There had been an inexplicable affinity, an instinct yelling him to take the chance. He recognised that Asuma's technique bore undeniable semblances to Kai's old battle ability, and to gain this strength back was far more beneficial than the risk.

Guided by this inner understanding, Kai ventured into uncharted waters, intent on melding his newfound power with his existing arsenal. As the wind's invisible currents responded to Kai's command, he channelled his essence with unshakable focus. Energy, infused with the very essence of wind, surged forth to enshroud his form in a turbulent vortex of power. The wind itself seemed to acknowledge his mastery, coiling around him like a guardian's embrace.

This newfound aura burgeoned with potential – it was both a shield and a blade, an armour that could deflect any assault and a sword that could cut through any resistance. Kai's very being crackled with the energy of his realization, his limbs shimmering with the promise of both invulnerability and offense.