
A Conversation

Night lurked in the surroundings as two blobs of flesh pulled each other further away from a flashing bar. Their legs jiggled as they wobbled through an unlit street.

"Jameson, do you remember that day?" One of the blobs, Leo, spoke with a hoarse voice, somewhat out of breath. The pair of light blue's on his face were masked by the red webbing within the eyes.

"What day." The other blob, Jameson replied, though the sparkle in his pale grey eyes spoke otherwise.

Air bursted out from their lungs as their bodies impacted the ground suddenly. Dust lifted into the air, filling it with dirt. Their backs touched against a hard, prickly wall as their eyes swirled up to lock onto the night sky. Unlike the previous dark blue night skies, now it was purply. The colour glimmered like a river of stars, resembling the Northern Lights, yet it was in different shades of purple and all over.

"I think you and me were in a similar state back then. Drunk, sitting on the ground, laughing like maniacs… it's still so vivid." Leo's neck vibrated as a laugh escaped from his throat, yet it seemed awkward and forced. Jameson ears twitched, his eyes glued to the mesmerizing night sky. "The world suddenly shook and it felt like we were being lifted into the sky. The sky went from dark to this current beautiful one. Screams, howls, and so many more things deafened the rumbling, yet it never stopped."

"The world changed Leo, including our partners." Jameson's lips parted as his eyebrows knitted. "We couldn't compare to the sect members, whether it was in terms of looks, wealth, strength, and even personality. They had everything we lacked and more. So, we were abandoned." A fat palm pressed against the ground, as Jameson's body lifted up slowly. Putting his hands on his lower back, he twisted his body backwards all while looking back towards his friend. "The world was only changing when they arrived, but in reality, it truly changed when we were tossed aside like strays. Abandoned like dogs. That was the true change, everything else was just icing on the cake."

The cold cut words forced a gush of air to rush out of Leo's plump lips. The red in his eyes darkening. "So, what do we do?"

"Something." Jameson's head crooked towards Leo with his glimmering eyes staring directly into pair of blues. "Remember how a gate was opened for us?"

"Don't tell me." Leo's eyes spasmed as all the alcohol in his body evaporated. His feet stomped with his body shooting up. "Are you trying to cross?"

"We will cross." With his hands clenched into a fist, his lips lifted upwards.

"But how?" Leo's body trembled uncontrollably, his muscles tensed as he fixed his gaze upon Jameson's eyes. His breathing was shallow and rapid, his fists clenched at his sides. Despite the shaking, Leo's eyes never left Jameson's. "To cross, you need a soul coin each. In current day, a single soul coin is worth almost a million."

"That's no issue." Digging his hand into a tight pocket, his wrists reddened as he went deeper. Soon, a lit device was revealed. Jameson's chubby fingers tapped the screen chaotically. "Are you willing now?"

"T-TEN MILLION?!" Yanking the phone out of Jameson's fat hands, Leo's eyes widened into saucers. "Where the hell did you get this much?"

"I sold my house." A pair of slits formed on Jameson's face. "Remember, because of my ex-wife, my house is next to a large sect. So, the value is very high."

Leo's eyes continued to widen. His mouth hung low as his. Suddenly, his mouth slapped shut and his eyes sparkled like the stars. He dug his own hand into his pocket, pulling out his phone, tapping away. "My house is worth three million right now…"

These words caused Jameson's smirk to spread even further. "So, you are interested as well?" Placing his hands, with difficulty, behind his back, causing his shirt to stretch beyond it's limits, with only the ungodly buttons holding the front line, Jameson's mouth moved slowly. "By crossing, we will be given a second chance. They left us. You and me—"

"You and I." Leo interrupted.

With pupils rolling, Jameson continued. "When 'you and I' were abandoned, what did we gain? Nothing! What did they gain? Everything! We gave them everything we had and they left us in the end! So, we must go to the other side. We need to learn more about how to gain the power of a sect. Why must we cry recalling the days where we watched the sky through the eyes of our wives? Why cry about the distance between our children and us? We must make it! We need to make it! Everything was stolen from us! Everything!"

Spit flew about as Jameson cried his last cry. Leo's nose twitched as the words echoed in his ears. "I understand your emotions. I want to do this as much as you do, but we get to the other side, what then? What then can we do? We have no information, no experience, hell - we don't even know if we can cultivate!"

"That's where you are wrong my friend." Jameson tapped a few more times on his phone before presenting an image. "This is something I had to pay lots of money to obtain. This is the information you were seeking, right?"

Leo's eyes glued onto the screen as they moved left and right. "'Earth is a fetus planet with each of it's inhabitant having a fetal seed in their bodies. If used right, this seed can allow the inhabitants to cultivate any form of power. The sect, Qua, also consisting primarily of fetal seed members, has discovered the planet and claimed it. No power can come to it without authorization from sect Qua or from the collect authority of the power chamber.'" His lips smacked at the end, his eyes narrowing. "So, this is why? We are taught nothing, forced to live with no information."

"Exactly! They tell us the outside world is dangerous, but then offer generous rewards here. Its a carrot on the stick. If we go out, even if it is dangerous, we have a chance to fight. A chance to reclaim, if not what we lost, atleast the dignity stolen from us." Jameson shoved his phone back into his tight body, scratching his hand with the sudden action.

Leo scratched his chin, before air escaped his mouth and his eyes shut. "Fine, you win. You were never an active man, look at you."

"Your one to talk!" Jameson giggled with his stomach, Leo following along. "Don't worry, this isn't something I thought of suddenly. It's been planned for a while now. I know the exact step we should take once we get to the other side. I have gathered much information, especially about the other side. All that's left is to put it into action."

"Got it. Just let me know what and when. I'm putting my faith into you. I have a few other things I can sell, so money hopefully shouldn't be a problem." Slamming his fist onto his chest, it swayed like the water in an ocean.

Tilting his head up and down, Jameson's lips formed into a large smile. "My friend, this will be worth it, I promise you."