
The 6 Eyes In The Cultivation World

Who said being the strongest is cool? Who said being at the top is fun? It's lonely up here, and a bit depressing standing at the peak...

itachi1010 · Komik
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81 Chs

The Perverts

Currently, returning to the sect, Yun Che could be seen. Although Yun Che had joined the sect, he wasn't the type to rely on other resources, so he left the sect to go find his opportunity. Joining the sect for him was mainly to get information about the outside world and have backing.

He had just left for 2 months, at first, he thought that the sect resources would be useful, but seeing as the elders were making things harder for him, he just left. But his gains were great as he returned.

In the short 2 months, his cultivation has exploded, reaching level 11 Houtian. As for his combat strength? He could currently fight someone at level 2 Qi Condensation. That was 11 levels he could skip, and it would only grow crazier over time as he tapped into his full potential. He was sure that one day he would be able to also skip 2 realms,

As he stepped into the sect, he went on to head to the outer sect disciple region. He sighed seeing as he was almost late for the sect tournament. It was still a week time away, but he still needed to sign up for it. So, he went to do just that.

At first, he was going to hide his cultivation, but remembering just how no one dared to bully them too hard, he realized that he did have a shield. So, he marked that he was at level 10 Houtian, which would of course shock everyone.

He was also sure no one would try and use underhanded moves to make sure he couldn't enter the tournament. the elders were shameless, but at the end of the day, they knew not to go too far. 

The tournament was known as the Outer Sect disciple tournament. Every sect held such a thing 3 months after they took in sect disciples. The winner from these tournaments would go on to have huge rewards, and best of all take part in the Blue Wind Ranking tournament which was 6 months after this tournament.

The Blue Wind ranking tournament was a tournament where all of the sects would take part, each sect would send their best genius over there to take part in one of 4 parts.

The younger genius tournament which would be for the younger generation, those below the age of 20 were the only ones who could take part in this tournament. 

The Inner Disciple tournament would be for those disciples of powers who were not core members just yet but were above the new generation. they at most can have cultivation at Xiantian.

The core disciple tournament was for the core members of each power. they at most can be at the Qi Condensation.

Lastly, the Elder tournament would be amongst the sect masters and other powerhouses. They would normally be in the core formation realm. the peak of the power of the Blue Wind Continent. 

To say the least, Yun Che planned to make full use of his backing, that being me. He was aiming to take part in the Core disciple tournament not just for the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament, but also for the White Cloud sect. He aimed to take all of its resources.

"Did you hear, that this year there would be guests from other sects coming to visit?" While Yun Che was walking to the place belonging to outer sect disciples, he couldn't help but hear a few people who were talking about something.

"Yes, it seems like Wu Xian did something as many are coming to see him." A young man said softly, making the group's face drop.

"What with that look? Are you still upset your girlfriend called you Wu Xian while you were having sex?" The young man asked with a smile, making the other young man turn to glare at him.

"I don't blame her... here me out, if Wu Xian ask... I mean I'm not gay... but you know." Another said, causing everyone to turn around to give him weird looks. but the first young man who spoke gave it some thought before nodding in understanding.

"Yeah, I don't think it's gay if it is him. The guy is hot, even with half of his face covered. but I wonder what's under that mask?" the first young man said, causing everyone to fall into deep thought.

"You guys think too much, he just likes hiding his eyes. I heard someone say that his eyes are too beautiful. but this is how he looked with sunglasses on." the 3rd young man said while pulling out a memory crystal that held the image of a handsome young man sitting back at the beach, half-naked and asleep. He had on sunglasses, just bathing in the sun...

"... why do you have that? it's kind of gay, give it to me." The first young man said seeing a business opportunity before his eyes. if he could sell these things to the females and males around the sect... he would be rich.

"how is it gay? it's just a picture. It's gay now to have pictures of handsome guys who are half naked... now that I say it, this is gay." the 3rd young man said with a frown.

"See. At this rate, you would be bending over for guys. Do you want this?" the first guy asked with a worried look, to which the 3rd guy shook his head.

"then give it to me," He said with a serious look, to which the 3rd guy nodded while giving him the memory crystal.

'I... I didn't need to hear all that.' Yun Che thought with a sigh while walking away. He didn't need to stand there and listen to such nonsense. His ears felt dirtied now...

and so, a week passed.

"Oh my god, it's Wu Xian," the day of the tournament arrived and as I arrived to watch it, it all always landed on me. I didn't get far as many females surrounded me,

"Can I get a picture?" they asked, and I wasn't so rude to not give them something so simple. So, I began posing with them to take pictures... but it didn't take long for things to go out of control.

"Hey? Who touched my butt?" I cried, just to feel someone feeling up my dragon. I jumped lightly while looking at a woman who was licking her hand with a perverted look. Everyone threw glares at that woman before they came up to me to try and cheer me up... just for them to try and feel me up as well.

"You perverts." I cried while quickly getting away from these perverts. Just why were they all so perverted all of a sudden? my innocence, my purity, they were all in danger right now.

"It's so big even when it's not hard." the first woman to touch me said, making those who didn't touch look at her in envy. they had all looked at the picture of me at the beach... well, they bought it. After seeing the outline of something in my pants, many had bought it to see and zoom in for themselves.

"5 inches while soft, and upwards of 7 inches while hard... then again, even when it's soft, he seems to have cultivated his body, so it's no different from other states of being hard. It is also thick... but best of all, it is his outstanding life force. The amount he should be able to unleash shall overflood anyone. thats not adding how long he should last, forget him not being able to last 5 minutes. you would be lucky to keep up with him." A woman with glasses said while fixing her glasses. everyone swallowed a mouthful of saliva at this.

One might think their actions were weird, but everyone had a crush on me. why? I had strength, I had a high position, yet I didn't go around acting like any young master. Hell, thanks to my outstanding memory, I knew many of their names. adding the fact when I'm bored and need to clear my mind, I will come to join them in what they do for fun... well, I was both popular and loved by many. This is all not adding to just how handsome I am. I wasn't joking when I said i'm handsome, If I could marry my reflection... I mean I'm not gay... but hear me out...

"best of all, he is a virgin." The woman with glasses said, causing everyone's eyes to widen...

"The hell is wrong with them." Returning to my safe and quiet home, I sighed while sitting back, wondering what happened to cause so many females to act out of pocket like that. Shaking my head, I went on to return after a few hours.

As I returned to the arena, I noticed many guests from other sects had come to visit. All eyes landed on me, and I just smirked seeing the many people I had defeated looking at me. But I ignored them and went to find a place to sit. As all of the seats were filled, it was a bit troublesome to find a spot.

"Wu Xian, I saved you a seat." A girl who had just thrown her boyfriend off the spot where he was sitting cried out. I was stunned that someone was so nice to think of me, but as I was about to walk over, I froze seeing the hunger hidden deep in that girls eyes.

"Cough, no... I will be alright." I said calmly, which disappointed the girl. other girls called out, also showing that they had saved me a spot, and seeing as I was rejecting them, they instead came over, wanting to stand by me. I slowly began walking away, feeling like a little boy facing hungry lions.

Watching all of this happen, an ice-blue-haired woman sneered at me. to think this was the brat that defeated her. She had replayed the battle hundreds of times over in her head. She is a level 9 Core Formation realm expert who had the upper hand, at that time I only had strength at the level 8 Core Formation realm, but she was still unable to one-shot me.

the gap between level 9 and level 8 core formation realm experts was huge. the average level 9 core formation realm expert should be easily able to one-shot the average level 8 core formation realm expert. Even if the level 8 core formation realm expert is given time, they can't wait, yet with strength so high above mine, she couldn't do such a thing? She was of course stronger than the average level 9 Core formation realm expert

"Mother. Someone seemed to have started selling these images of him a few days ago." A cold beauty said while giving her mother a memory crystal. her mother took the crystal, just to see my half-naked image. Her eyebrow twitched, with her cultivation plus sharp senses, she could easily see why so many females were going crazy about this matter.

the memory crystal also recorded the findings of the females, the size along with many other personal information. Sure it was impressive, and yes she was shocked that a young master could remain a virgin, which was rare nowadays... but she hated me to the bone.


"Just how is a Xiantian realm cultivator so powerful!" in a world of nonstop snow, an Ice blue-haired woman screamed, her emotions unable to be suppressed at the sight before her. There, I stood, but naked. but not one spot of my body was free of injuries as I was covered in head-to-toe blood and frostbite.

"I'm not powerful... you're just weak," I said with a cold smile, causing her to explode in rage before shooting towards me. I smiled while I went on to turn on Infinity, 

"Sorry... but you're not strong enough for me to bother fighting you without it," I said while she stopped in front of me, unable to reach me. She looked at me in shock, not understanding how she couldn't reach me. to make things awkward, her head was aimed towards my poor baby brother. 

"You pervert." I cried, causing her eyes to turn bloodshot. she already had red pupils, but this only pushed it. As someone who had a strong dislike towards males, how dare I mock her? She attacked doing everything in her power to try to reach me, she almost did to my shock, as one of her techniques created a Domain around me. but I quickly understood the workings of the Domain of cold and snow and improved the infinity to keep me out of reach of harm.

"Oh no, her lust is turning her into a hungry beast. My innocents." I cried causing her to cough up a mouthful of blood, she pointed towards me, she wanted to say something, but her eyes rolled backward as she fainted.

'she pushed herself just to reach me... but I can't be reached' I thought while grabbing her before she could fall. I flew to her sect, which she was the sect master of. I sensed the ancestor of the sect, who was an old monster at level 10 Core formation, but I ignored her and dropped the sect master to her eldest daughter before I flew off. To say the least, her daughter was enraged,

"Don't worry, I didn't kill her... I call that bullying the weak." I said with a smirk, causing her face to turn dark. She wanted to jump at me and fight me herself, but I teleported away after winking at her.

Flash Back end

While I was dealing with the hungry females, I suddenly turned towards her with a mocking smile. this caused her to pull out her sword, but just as she was about to jump towards me, she was held back.

"Mother, please. this is the same guy little sister met." her daughter said with a sigh, making the sect master of Frozen Cloud Asgard angrily sit down. She had two daughters. Chu Yueli, and Chu Yuechan. 

So, remembering that one of her daughters suffered a beating at that brat's hands, she couldn't hold it anymore and shot towards me, leaving Chu Yuechan helpless.

Seeing this, I smirked while I was on to face her. this caused me to suddenly disappear from everyone's sight, all but the truly powerful ones. I appeared under Chu Yuechan, my leg slamming into her stomach and sending her rocketing into the clouds. With a flash, I shot up with her.

"Hey," I said with a smile. At the moment, she had no strength to speak or do anything as all the airs in her system were nowhere to be seen. To make it worse, I was flying up with my back facing the ground, and as If I was on the bed, with her on top of me... this only enraged her. She struggled to take in a breath, and as soon as she did, she exploded, just to be kicked once more in the stomach, only this time I spun, sending her rocketing down towards a forest.

Everyone looked towards the sky as a shooting star was falling, with a heaven-shaking boom, she hit the ground, and those experts who came of course came over to see.

"Why suppress your emotions when you can't control them when they act up like this?" I asked with a smile, while appearing, sitting on top of her. seeing this, her world turned red out of rage.

"Oh my, that heated gaze in your eyes. It hasn't changed." I said shyly with my hands on my cheek. this caused her to cough up a mouthful of blood, her eyes rolling backward as she fainted on the spot.

"Please forgive my disciple. as you said, since our emotions are suppressed we lack control over them when they pop up." An old woman said while appearing in front of me. Since I was sitting with my legs on both sides of the sect master's head, she was displeased.

I looked at her with a smile, before waking up the sect master, who was stunned seeing her master had appeared.

"It's alright, her love for me is overwhelming. This is the second time she fainted because of that, and the second time she coughed up blood from blushing too much." I said with a sigh, causing the sect master's body to shake in rage hearing those words.

"You pervert. you're not being turned on by me sitting on you." I said in shock while covering my body. this caused her to point at me hatefully, she wanted to say something, but nothing came out. But in the end, her hand turned into a fist as she swung forward, landing cleanly in a place where no fist should ever go.

I let out a cry while jumping into the air and holding my little brother. She was stunned that she managed to land a blow, causing her to laugh madly in joy.

'I have to make physical contact to bypass that strange technique.' She thought with bloodshot eyes, only to realize I was no longer touching her. She hatefully looked at me as I rolled around,

"You pervert, to think you were eying this the whole time. how would I marry?" I cried, causing her to almost faint again in rage. she walked over and tried her best to kick me, just to hit infinity each time. I was of course not in pain, after 3 months of cultivating my body... well, even a low blow like this couldn't hurt me. although it did catch me off guard since she used no Qi to catch me off guard.

"I hate you with every bone in my body!" She screamed angrily.

"So, you're saying every bone in your body is aimed towards me? In other words. you're bone hard towards me?" I laughed, causing her eyes to just roll backward as she fainted. 

"This is number 3... what a shy girl," I said with a shake of my head. I of course had to wake her up to beat her up for attempting to hit something she had no business aiming for. So, I woke her up ahead, and as soon as she saw me, she was enraged.

"What, angry I didn't wake you up with a kiss?" I asked, causing her rage to slowly be washed away with tears. When was the last time anyone bullied her like this? She got up and got on her flying sword, before shooting off, not wanting to stay there for a second longer.

"You don't have to cry about me not kissing you... how about I do it next time?" I called out, causing her tears to fall with greater weight.

"Well, since I don't feel like beating her up... how about I beat you up?" I asked while looking towards the old woman, causing her lips to twitch.

"These fists are rated E for everyone, blame yourself for passing on the way to freeze your emotions or whatever. I never understood it. What's the point of living without emotions to enjoy living?" I said with a shake of my head, the old woman instantly turned to flee, just to find me in her way. she was shocked at my speed,

"I'm far above the core formation realm," I said with a smile, her face turned pale as my fist shot over. Everyone watched the beating that followed, the poor old woman couldn't even resist and could only stand there taking every blow that came her way... and this shook them as she was one of the strongest experts on the continent...

After having fun, I returned to watch the tournament, although this time it was from afar. I wasn't the one to search for love, if it didn't find me, then It wasn't meant. My ego wouldn't allow me to lose my first time to anyone I didn't see as worthy... and so far, no one has proven themselves worthy.