
The 6 Eyes In The Cultivation World

Who said being the strongest is cool? Who said being at the top is fun? It's lonely up here, and a bit depressing standing at the peak...

itachi1010 · Komik
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81 Chs

A Gust From A Far

Although planets were called the lower realms, the lower realm as a whole was the whole universe. Every galaxy out there, down to every star, were just small dots that created the full image which was the ever-growing, infinite universe. 

With a finite number of galaxies, out of all of the galaxies, 1 Galaxy stood out as the strongest and biggest galaxy. The Great Leone Galaxy, hole to the Leone solar system, Loene planet, and the Leone planet... this universe was called the Leone lower realm by the way.

At the moment, Xia Qingyue, Xia Yaunba, and I were on a ship, traveling through the galaxy at speeds far beyond that of light. How was I going against the universe's speed limit without causing any damage to this lower realm? Simple, the ship was using Infinity.

You know how Infinity works right? All of that bringing infinity into reality part? Focus on that part for a moment... why can I not take infinity out of reality? This would mean things that would be far away would always be an arm's reach away from you, or shorter depending on what you want.

Do you want to travel billions of light years with a simple step? I say why not? With this, you can take one step and cross infinity... Oh, this was my movement technique by the way. It was of course far more complex than what I just explained as I have to be able to use this technique in mid-battle,

To us, the ship looked like it was just flying through space at extreme speed, but in truth, we might as well be teleporting. The best way to picture this was... well, let's say the distances between point A and point B had shrunk. we were crossing that distance, so we could see everything passing us. Also, this meant that those fast enough could catch the ship.

of course, this ship was something I created, if I was using this movement technique, then I would have reached Point B instantly since I could fuse it with my teleportation capability. 

"You're combat style is all around heavy strikes and heavy hits. I'm not saying thats a bad thing or anything, if you can perfect it, then I have no problems with it." I said calmly while looking at Xia Yaunba who was on the ground, holding his fist in pain. He had just punched me, just for me to tap his fist... well, this is what happened.

"Get up, for now, we will look away from your heavy strikes and mainly focus on you refining your skills," I said calmly, Xia Yaunba gritted his teeth. the fact he was so weak and helpless before me was something which frustrated him to no limit.

"That rage makes you easy to read. the least you can do is not show it, showing that you are angry when you are angry might as well be you telling your enemy everything they want." I said to which Xia Yaunba tried his best to hide his rage, just for a fist to land on his face, breaking his nose while sending him falling to his butt.

"There is no such thing as a sneak attack on the battlefield, if it lands, thats because you're weak. Letting your guard down before an enemy just because you think they would not play dirty is an act of fools." I said calmly while ignoring Xia Qingyue who was throwing daggers at me.

Xia Yaunba shot up, angrily throwing a fist towards me, just to run into my fist. He fell to the ground once more, crying in pain.

"Keep a close eye on every action your opponent makes. Don't let them use your blind spots... well, that is all of the training I will give you now. this is a puppet you can train with. come face me when you defeat it." I said lightly while looking towards the galaxy outside.

"Are you alright?" Xia Qingyue asked while healing his broken nose, Xia Yaunba got up while throwing me a hateful glare.

"Being unable to accept a loss isn't proof of a strong will or anything like that. It's the act of a kid who can't accept things not going their way. You lost because you're weaker than me, accept it, and fight the puppet, and change the hard fact before you." I said leaving Xia Yuanba to grit his teeth harder... but I was speaking facts.


attacks from outside suddenly hit the barrier around the ship, and this madly rocketed the ship, causing Xia Yuanba to nearly fall over until he recalled his cultivation. 

"Oh, Xia Qingyue, we caught the attention of someone. It looks like they sensed how trash we were." I said with a smile, making Xia Qingyue annoyed as I had not put up any barriers to block unwanted gazes on us. She flashed, leaving the ship. She remained in contact with the ship, or else it would have left her far behind.

"I told you guys, there was a beauty inside!" Xia Qingyue looked at the many small mini ships where young men were riding them, looking at her with lust. the best way to describe this sight was a bike gang on earth. 

These ships were not normal, as they were fast enough to not only keep up with the ship but go faster. To say the least, these young men were either a space gang or were from some powerful clan... and she was sure they were following a young master from a powerful clan.

"Beauty, you're lucky. I'm Fang Languang, the young master of the Languang royal family of the Blue Lightning Galaxy. Today is your lucky day as your beauty has caught my attention, come. we shall go home and get married as soon as possible." The leader of the group said with bright eyes, lust and desire filling his eyes. Xia Qingyue looked at the man, before just waving her hand... after the group of young men found themselves unable to think for themselves, she spoke

"Come." Xia Qingyue said calmly while entering the ship. the group of young men did as told, as the ability for them to think for themselves had paused. But Xia Qingyue paused before entering the ship, her eyes narrowed, and the space behind her just paused, just in time to block a hand from the void that had reached towards her. but it couldn't get passed the unbreakable barrier she just created.

She locked eyes with the person in the void, and instantly, that person also found himself being unable to think for himself. She went on to look into the void, doing the same to every other expert out there.

What was the void? the void was a name given to a unique parallel dimension in which nothing exist... it wasn't the real void, it was like how outer space was called the void by some people. But this void was just a special parallel space that High Saints could enter, hiding from the outside world. The main reason for its name was because this place couldn't hold life, it had nothing. Only High Saints could enter without dying.

This void could also be used for fast travel, and to bypass simple barriers along with many other things. it was hard to sense this void, even Xia Qingyue couldn't sense the void until her instincts told her something was off. From there, she quickly found out how to sense the void, after all, she had sharp senses. She just needed to know how to use it.

"5/10." I said with a smile, making Xia Qingyue frown as she was sure she did a good job. I reached into the void, where a group of knocked-out High Saints came falling out. All of these experts were skilled experts which Xia Qingyue had missed, mainly due to the fact they were far.

Xia Qingyue sighed while taking the bodies, she knew me well enough to know I might just throw them aside fully aware they would be alive... but that was old me. I was not looking for trouble that much anymore, I guess I was more about searching for something to interest me.

Xia Qingyue went on to hold out her palm, and from her palm an ice chain shot out, wrapping around all of them, pausing their free will and allowing her to take over their minds. And so, she took over their minds, she even got past the barriers in their minds that were set up to protect them. She just paused them.

"I have been thinking of creating a sect." Xia Qingyue said softly, to which I shrugged. Xia Qingyue didn't say anything else, this was something she had been planning to create. if one day she found her mother was in some power locked away and being punished. Then if she had some powerful sect or organization, she could set her mother free by using the power behind her. Sure she could use her strength, but how long could that take? It might even make things worse for her mother.

the Illusory Demon Realm was a powerful world. but there were many families, among them being the Yun clan. The Yun Family is the most powerful of the Twelve Guardian Families in the Illusory Demon Realm. They have always been loyal and dedicated to their task of protecting the imperial Huan Family.

This clan had an innate ability called the Profound Handle. This Innate Ability is only possessed by people with the bloodline of the Yun Family and can be passed down to the next generation of male and female members of the family but only the male can pass the ability to the next generation.

Of course, this is the family belonging to Yun Che. Back then, Yun Che's parents had found themselves on Blue Star planet. Yun Che's parents met Yun Che's current step-parents who had helped them out greatly and even helped his wife give birth.

That night, people from the Mighty Heavenly Sword region were nearing, so they had to move. Yun Che's step-parents thinking they would not survive, switched Yun Che out with their child, wanting to ensure that the Yun clan's blood would not die out. but Yun Che's real parents managed to survive and made it to the demon realm, where they went on to raise Yun Che's step-parents child as their own.

Yun Che had arrived here long ago and had met with his parents and stepbrother for a loving reunion, but peace wouldn't last long as someone strong enough to make even the likes of The Little Demon Empress shake had arrived on the planet.

At the moment, on a throne, sat a young man with looks that were unparalleled under the heavens. he had this cold arrogance about him, like an immortal from the heavens who had come to the mortal realm... well, he wasn't an immortal, but he did have an immortal at his side.

Jasmine had been oddly quiet ever since this person appeared on the planet, not daring to even speak with Yun Che. This had Yun Che worried, but he couldn't pay that too much attention as from time to time, he felt this young man eyeing him.

'I seem to have transmigrated...' The young man thought while looking at the screen in front of him which showed Yun Che's Fortune Value... it was high, and from his system words, other favored sons of the heavens should have around 500 to a few thousand, meanwhile, Yun Che fortune value was in the millions.